#113227180Tuesday, September 17, 2013 1:55 AM GMT

You're good to go to merely and no you are not to late :)
#113269533Tuesday, September 17, 2013 8:30 PM GMT

I sigh and stuff some knives in my pocket. "Might need them one day." I think. I pack a sleeping bag, a laptop, phone, Ak-47, some food and water, and some firewood in my backpack. I find a liter and put it where the knives are in my pocket. I put a for sale sign in my yard, and I start walking across town.
#113286436Tuesday, September 17, 2013 11:35 PM GMT

Sorina was crouched infront of a deep pond, practicing her water bending. Her cat, Snowflake, was lieing next to her. All was indeed calm. When the water had splahed at a fail attempt to preform a special spell, her head dropped. Snowflake studied her owners facial expressions to try and find out what emotion she was feeling, but so many shadows darkened her that it made it impossible. Whatever the case though, Snowflake still knew she was sad. The feline rose to her paws and let out a deep purr, attemping to raise Sorina's emotion. A cold tear splahed of Snowflakes pelt, and she knew that she had to break the silence if she was going to find out what was wrong with Sorina. "What is it?" She calmly asked. "Sorina turned her head toward the late dawn sky. The moon was rising and the sun was setting, but even this beatiful sight could't make Sorina fully comfortable. Her hair flowsed beatifully as she responded to Snowflake. "Just the fact alone that I'm a murderer." Snowflake sighed as she finished her sentance. "You did the right thing. You'll realize it sooner or later." Sorina pushed Snowflake off her lap. "No, I didn't. If anything it was far from the thing I should've done." Sorina stood up and wiped the dirt off her legs. Snowflake stared at her owner and her wings as she spread them out. She was then off of the ground, and Snowflake kmew she couldn't loose her. Quietly, she stalked Sorina. She kept hearing the words "I'm so sorry, please forgive me for being so blind! I never should've dome this... Never."
#113287120Tuesday, September 17, 2013 11:42 PM GMT

How exactly did these people get powers? Not to mention there 'pets' If you ask me, this is another dumb idea, that SOMEHOW managed to start floating.
#113287323Tuesday, September 17, 2013 11:45 PM GMT

Oh, Merely, your dog, since you control all elements, also controls all elements.
#113288333Tuesday, September 17, 2013 11:55 PM GMT

I wake back up, and I crawl back out. I bring my cat out of my backpack, and I pet her. I get up, and I zip up my backpack. I carry Penguin in my arms, and I start walking through town.
#113288650Tuesday, September 17, 2013 11:58 PM GMT

(Um, Mary, I have a question. You say that there are other animals like winged gorillas, fire breathing dogs, etc. Would there be any bad creatures, like zombies or something like that?)
#113295588Wednesday, September 18, 2013 1:04 AM GMT

If you mean like havng a zombie as a pet, no. But I suppose you could have an evil character that summons zombies, but dont have then as a main pet.
#113296805Wednesday, September 18, 2013 1:15 AM GMT

Sorina had flew over the border of the forest and came upon a town. As Snowflake followed, all she could think of were negative images. Sorina looked down as she heard footsteps, of a person. They overcame the other natural sounds. She realized they had a cat with them. "I bet there happy..." She whispered. "You can be too, Sorina. Come on, you need another person to socialize with. " But I have you." She grinned and nuzzled Snowflake in her arms, and Snowflaked folded in her wings as she looked up at Sorina. She rubbdd her small furry head against her shoulders, marking her with love. "I mean a person, not another animal like me." Sorina blushed and started to fly downwind. Shebnoticed the stranger had a backpack on, and a dagger was sticking
#113297076Wednesday, September 18, 2013 1:18 AM GMT

Sorina had flew over the border of the forest and came upon a town. As Snowflake followed, all she could think of were negative images. Sorina looked down as she heard footsteps, of a person. They overcame the other natural sounds. She realized they had a cat with them. "I bet there happy..." She whispered. "You can be too, Sorina. Come on, you need another person to socialize with. " But I have you." She grinned and nuzzled Snowflake in her arms, and Snowflaked folded in her wings as she looked up at Sorina. She rubbdd her small furry head against her shoulders, marking her with love. "I mean a person, not another animal like me." Sorina blushed and started to fly downwind. Shebnoticed the stranger had a backpack on, and a dagger was sticking out of his pocket. She gave a nervous looked at Snowflake and she nodded. Soon her feet touched the ground. "H-Hello.." She said quietly but loud enough for the walls to echo.
#113336954Wednesday, September 18, 2013 8:20 PM GMT

I lived alone quietly in a cave high in the mountains. There were many crystals that sparkled when the light from the pond reflected off of them. My name is Merely. My long, golden hair reaches the ground when I sit by the side of the pond. My hair shines as brilliantly as the crystals. I spread my wings and stroke Flare, my little dog, who enjoys to sit on my lap. The cave is my home, where I can practice my magic. I rarely leave, only to get food and water, supplies needed for survival. Luckily, I was gifted with extraordinary wings, so I am never bothered up high in the mountains. "What element should we practice today, Flare?" He replied with a high-pitched "Bark!" "Heh, heh. I was thinking water." I moved my finger around in a tiny circle, and concentrated on the pond. Flare also concentrated deeply on the water, and created a second, tinier whirlpool. I was pretty far into my training, so the whirlpool was a strong, long-lasting one. I practiced very day, hoping to become a master. (sorry I am so late into this, I just wanted Merely to have a story behind her.)
#113337354Wednesday, September 18, 2013 8:25 PM GMT

I thought her name was Melery, sounding like Celery.
#113337668Wednesday, September 18, 2013 8:29 PM GMT

Sorry, it was I typo. I am Melery. :)
#113342789Wednesday, September 18, 2013 9:29 PM GMT

I jump, and I turn around. I take my knife out of my pocket. "Who are you?" I demand. Penguin hisses and growls. Her ears are back.
#113344206Wednesday, September 18, 2013 9:45 PM GMT

(Not as a pet, I mean to fight.)
#113344943Wednesday, September 18, 2013 9:54 PM GMT

Sorina grabbed her dagger aswell, and Snowflake shot up into the cold wind, her wings casting long shadows on the ground. "I don't mean to be a threat. We come in peace!" Sorina scolded. Her dried tears reflected sharply in the bright moonlight, and Snowflakes fur was bristling, with fear and with territorial reasons with the strange black cat.
#113345161Wednesday, September 18, 2013 9:56 PM GMT

Nice Merely :-)
#113346015Wednesday, September 18, 2013 10:05 PM GMT

"Alright." I say. Even though I do not trust this lady, I put away my knife. Penguin stops growling, but her ears are still back.
#113348584Wednesday, September 18, 2013 10:37 PM GMT

Sorina put the dagger in her pocke. Snowflake was still insecure, her wings still flapped strongly up and down, and she hadn't lowered then at all. Her ears stood tall, listening for any alerting sounds. Sorina took the risk of stepping forwarf, reaching out her hand. "My name is Sorina Winger." She unfolded her wings and bowed politely as she inreoduced herself, then took a step back and folded her wings. "Yours?" She asked as she stared into his solid eyes.
#113348790Wednesday, September 18, 2013 10:39 PM GMT

Hmmm... Maybe I shouldn't have turned off Auto-correct......
#113351620Wednesday, September 18, 2013 11:14 PM GMT

"Davis Butler." I say. Maybe it's not safe to give this lady named Sorina my name, but I'm saying it anyway. I still don't trust her. Penguin hisses. I pet Penguin. "My cat does not trust you, that's why it's hissing and growling." I say.
#113352166Wednesday, September 18, 2013 11:21 PM GMT

(Melery alone in her cave) After some sleep, I realizes that we were out of food. "Oh, Flare! We have to go out of the cave today." I sighed and spread my wings. Flare jumped into my arms and I flew out of the cave.
#113352543Wednesday, September 18, 2013 11:25 PM GMT

"Y'know, as a child, I loved climbin mountains. I'm going to go up there." I say. I start running toward the mountains where Melery was.
#113352547Wednesday, September 18, 2013 11:25 PM GMT

Snowflake pelted through the air and softly lands on the ground next to Penguin. "Speaking my mind, I can't find trust easily either." Sorina was suprised how slow this conversation was. She was unsure if she should grab her dagger again.
#113352802Wednesday, September 18, 2013 11:28 PM GMT

Penguin starts following me, and I stop. "I see something up there, flying towards us." I say.