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#113113248Sunday, September 15, 2013 8:27 PM GMT

Here are some dynamic lighting suggestions for roblox. I'm not demanding that they be implemented now, I'd just like to throw them out there. With the current roblox engine and the quality of some computers, these wouldn't be easy at the moment. But in the future, they would be a nice addition to roblox. Note that some of these are other people's ideas, I just changed them to my preferences and made them easy to read. 1. Make lights unable to pass through opaque parts Most robloxians already realize it, but lights currently can easily pass through walls, as if they aren't there. It would be nice if, when a light hit an opaque wall (unless it's semi-transparent, see number 2) that it wouldn't pass through. Enough said. 2. Make semi-transparent parts affect lights Another nice addition would be for lights to be affected by semi-transparent parts. For example, let's say that you have a blue light pass through a semi-transparent yellow window. Using some fancy computer coding, it would determine the new color after passing through (which, in this case, would be green). It could also determine the brightness after passing through. 3. Make refracting/reflecting parts For those who don't know, refraction is the bending of light. Reflection is the bouncing back of light off another object. If parts had properties for refracting (probably a number for how many degrees it changes) and reflecting (just a number for how much it reflects, or just the reflectance property) then we could make more realistic water and mirrors. 4. Make it possible to change the shape of lights (I believe it's called mesh lighting) Currently, dynamically lit parts have a circle appear in the middle or a cone coming from the middle on the front face. It this were implemented, the we could change the shape of lights based on the shape of parts. On another thread, someone suggested making a glow option that makes every face glow on the part, not the middle point. We could then have long, thin futuristic lights and really change roblox. These are my ideas. I appreciate support, but if you don't support say why. Remember, these are for the future when roblox has a better engine, so don't be mad when you realize it wouldn't work at the moment. They are just ideas.
#113175963Monday, September 16, 2013 1:44 PM GMT

The solution to 1, is PixelShaders 2 or 3. Which, is already capable to run on ROBLOX, 'cus PixelShader's old... a little. The rest are possible. Support!
#113178458Monday, September 16, 2013 3:10 PM GMT

I like how you said they're not demands. Plus 1 for entirity of possibility!
#113212333Monday, September 16, 2013 11:45 PM GMT


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