#113408555Thursday, September 19, 2013 9:19 PM GMT

What jona said
#113408764Thursday, September 19, 2013 9:21 PM GMT

I'm prepping them now.
#113409011Thursday, September 19, 2013 9:24 PM GMT

Ultra, If its possible... I can run my thread for quite a while using minor and unimportant events. I will still need you for major/random events, but I think it could give you a little breathing room.
#113409875Thursday, September 19, 2013 9:35 PM GMT

#113412567Thursday, September 19, 2013 10:07 PM GMT

[We need a Barbarian Horde.] Kingdoms Sheet Horde Name: Roxix Tribe [dont really know what to put after Roxix] Government: More or less monarchic, expect with the obvious differences. Culture: Barbarian Coat of Arms: Red background, with a large black Phoenix in the center. DOMINANT RELIGION: A nameless religion, basically Villages: 1, Fort Raxx, containing around 85 people. CASTLE NAME: Vorix, but less of a castle, more of a fortress built into a mountain. It is known for it's dark, intimidating appearance, and utterly massive walls. Being a war-built culture, Vorix is considered nearly as important as the king himself. The folk of the land are known to assist in maintaining the masterpiece, relatively unheard of in other lands. The only true entrance are the gates, the walls being so high, and close to the mountain it would be quite timeconsuming to try and scale it. MILITARY: 180-ish There are around 140 trained Militia men, and 40 Phoenix men [Think special forces] COUNTRY DESCRIPTION: Being a hardy tribe of tall, bulky individuals, it wasn't simply gained by living in a valley. Taking home in the mountainous terrain, towards the north, these fierce people often fight of mountain lions and even bears. The terrain is semi-barren, especially towards the northern most part of their boundaries, but the southern part has a fair number of trees and soil, where most of the farming is done. Brief History: Six years ago, Marin Jix, the former Roxix leader, was slain in battle after an assault from a large bandit group. Phoenix Captain Sarg Croxx rose up, and lead his troop of Phoenix men and massacred the 80 man camp, in the name of their fallen King. Sarg Croxx became the new leader after the rituals, where Marin's Jix body was cremated and Sarg consumed a handful, and the lines "From the ashes, rises a Phoenix." were said. Since then, the hardy Roxix people began to expand, and more men joined their army. Ruler: Warlord Sarg Croxx [Not referred to as Warlord, but Phoenix King.] Military Commander: Warlord Sarg Croxx, with Rann Wexix doing most of the actual commanding. [Basically Rann takes the role of a normal lands Military commander, but Sarg is much more invovled compared to other rulers] Starting Captains: Rann Wexix [Commander of the main force.] Bearr Darlx [Captain of the infamous Phoenix men.] [Real name changed to Bearr because of tribal traditions of power and size.] FOUNDED: The lands were founded late BC.
#113412715Thursday, September 19, 2013 10:09 PM GMT

[gavin mah boi]
#113412845Thursday, September 19, 2013 10:10 PM GMT

[came 2 spice this up with some large brutish tribe of killers and war-monglers]
#113413355Thursday, September 19, 2013 10:15 PM GMT

#113449729Friday, September 20, 2013 8:00 AM GMT

[I'd like this to be in a separate dimension from the other kingdoms, because, er, this one is fictional.] Barony Name: Quelta Kingdom Name: Quelta is part of the kingdom of Walds. Lord Quelta, however, is not the king. Government: Monarchy Culture: Central European-based Coat of Arms: A dark green and medium-gray checkered shield with a black auroch bull's head on front. DOMINANT RELIGION: Christian-esque folk superstition Villages: Talan, Fitzgan and Jackelshire. Fitzgan is situated closest to the castle. CASTLE NAME: The Queltan Keep MILITARY: 200 COUNTRY DESCRIPTION: A temperate zone with hills, forests and grassplains. Brief History: Lord Queltan I used to be an angry local bailiff who advocated to the local lord who used to control the area that is now known as Quelta for independence. He represented the three villages. The lord, highly drunk at the time, signed the form granting him his estates. To celebrate, Queltan and a few followers built a keep out of a ton of scrap wood and nails that they had to sell their wives to pay for. Ruler: Lord Queltan IV Military Commander: The Sheriff, Gram Paulers. Starting Captains: Karlin, Drame, Parcers and Hersh. Each control 50 men. FOUNDED: Unfortunately, the scribe keeping track of this was shanked while walking home from work and his logbook was lost. The next scribe they hired couldn't read so he didn't keep track of anything.
#113449799Friday, September 20, 2013 8:09 AM GMT

#113450032Friday, September 20, 2013 8:44 AM GMT

Bumps :D
#113450093Friday, September 20, 2013 8:53 AM GMT

#113450149Friday, September 20, 2013 9:00 AM GMT

wat? I'm just marking this thread, man. Don't judge me.
#113450154Friday, September 20, 2013 9:01 AM GMT

You didn't make mine :l
#113450214Friday, September 20, 2013 9:07 AM GMT

You were offline, nemanjak, I make it for when you're online so it doesn't die pointlessly.
#113450325Friday, September 20, 2013 9:22 AM GMT

#113527921Saturday, September 21, 2013 8:44 AM GMT

Sorry, had to join, k Kingdom Name:Kingdom of Venemos Government: Monarchy Culture: Dunno. Coat of Arms: White backround, Black shield with black griffins at each side, a crown on top of the shield. A banner underneath the shield in white saying: Quondam vir bellator est, semper pugnator [Once a warrior, always a warrior] DOMINANT RELIGION: Atheism - yall! Villages: 2 Villages. Akria, Primary Village consisting of 255 villagers, Niaran, Secondary Village consisting of 159 villagers. CASTLE NAME: Castle Venom MILITARY: 249 [Joking.] 232 troops. COUNTRY DESCRIPTION: A lush, quiet kingdom, Venemos is quiet and peaceful apart from the recent wars going on. There is one lake running through the kingdom, named Lake Vena. On one side of the lake is Akria, the other side is Niaran. There are many waterfalls producing clean water and law is not the strictest, but if you do things wrong, you will be severely punished by the Venemos Executors - who will either sentence you to death, give you one last chance or lock you up in a cell. Brief History: Founded in 120 BC, Venemos was once named Tribe Arkna, and obviously used to be a tribe. It has progressed slowly to a thriving kingdom full of Venemosians who live in peace and harmony. The ruler is Queen Altaria who is currently 37 years old and is a strong leader. Ruler: Queen Alteria of Venemos Military Commander: Toxiarus Nvural Starting Captains: Lady Venxic Lareas - Rules 116 troops and Sire Venemic Raskemax - Rules 116 troops also. FOUNDED: 120 BC
#113528056Saturday, September 21, 2013 8:50 AM GMT

Black shield + black griffins = black shield.
#113528069Saturday, September 21, 2013 8:51 AM GMT

Nevermind. White background.
#113528079Saturday, September 21, 2013 8:51 AM GMT

explain pls the griffins are spaced out, they aren't inside the damn shield k
#113528095Saturday, September 21, 2013 8:52 AM GMT

okay oky i furgive yer' apology wee lad
#113528097Saturday, September 21, 2013 8:52 AM GMT

you latepost i winnn!
#113528110Saturday, September 21, 2013 8:53 AM GMT

hahahh u l8post 2
#113528114Saturday, September 21, 2013 8:53 AM GMT

damn now i late posted *STORY TWIST*
#113528137Saturday, September 21, 2013 8:54 AM GMT