#114190945Saturday, September 28, 2013 8:56 PM GMT

-Rachel- I watch the pairs communicate...and...well, we're just flying there, waiting. "Are we going to do something?" The voice on my back told me. "Maybe." I replied.
#114210657Sunday, September 29, 2013 12:27 AM GMT

Albert Ananke and I walked for a little while, before we stopped. "Are you afraid of heights?" she asked me. "To a degree..." I replied. "Then close your eyes." she ordered, and I did so. After a few moments, I felt a great wind, and was lifted onto something hard. When I opened my eyes, we were flying, and she had positioned me on her back so that I didn't fall.
#114250740Sunday, September 29, 2013 11:53 AM GMT

Janice- I grind my teeth. I need blood other than my own. Maybe a group of bandits? I don't care, I really need to kill something. I look around, looking for any livestock, but apparently, the livestock all want to kill you here. I don't mind, nor do I care. "Do you have anything to kill?" I ask.. I MUST KILL.
#114251700Sunday, September 29, 2013 12:21 PM GMT

-Ruby- My smile drops. Kill? I put a finger to my lips, chewing on the nail a little. That's a new habit. It's annoying. I try to think of things to kill. There was a creature, resembling a bull, grazing alone near the rock..Maybe it's part of a herd? Best guess. "I did see a cow thing near the rock," I reply. I'm not too sure if the herd has moved on. It's been..what, a few days ever since I seen it? "best chance going there if you want something to kill, it's probably part of a herd..But, I saw it a few days ago, so it could've moved.." optiic bla2t
#114251904Sunday, September 29, 2013 12:27 PM GMT

Janice- I twiddle my fingers more to get the blood continuing moving into words, and I begin to shake. "I need something to kill. We have to do that before anything else, or.. bad things will happen.." I don't want to scare Ruby, but I really do need something to kill, or I'm going to kill them by accident.. I walk over to the nearest large rock, and begin to look for tracks, when I hear a familiar voice in my mind. "Hello again, human. It is true; you must find something to slice open or else you will go berserk. However, I have captured a "bull-like creature", and I await you." I twiddle my fingers more, changing the message, before I soak the blood into the ground, as I can't take doing that anymore. "Beast has one of those animal things.. We must go to him, or find one now."
#114253323Sunday, September 29, 2013 12:58 PM GMT

-Ruby- I nod. It's the best thing to do. If she really knows if this 'Beast' has an animal waiting for her, it'd be alot easier to find him than finding a herd of bull demons that could possibly be miles ahead of us. "We should head over to your companion." Sindori answers for me. optiic bla2t
#114253743Sunday, September 29, 2013 1:05 PM GMT

Janice- I nod, and say a few words in Eldar tongue that I hope she would easily be able to understand. "Quas novis?" I asked, pointing towards his wings, and doing flying gestures..
#114257874Sunday, September 29, 2013 2:12 PM GMT

(What am I doing just flying there come on, someone do something to me so I can react because I'm lazy and I don't know what to do aaaaa)
#114308288Sunday, September 29, 2013 10:29 PM GMT

(Briar, Ananke is in the air too. Interact, perhaps?)
#114348722Monday, September 30, 2013 10:18 AM GMT

-Rachel- I notice another pair awfully far away. Resse does too-and she doesn't like it. Not like she likes anything here, anyways. She needs to quit complaining. I try to wave for some attention, since I'm awfully bored of just watching the other two talking about their personal problems caused by this damned world.
#114348780Monday, September 30, 2013 10:20 AM GMT

Janice- I then remember that guy I had a staring contest with, and wave to that guy. No hard feelings, right?
#114378207Monday, September 30, 2013 10:00 PM GMT

-Risaron- I wave back to Janice like a pretty cool guy-that staring contest was really serious business.
#114390832Tuesday, October 01, 2013 12:07 AM GMT

Albert Nervous about being up this high, I began to look around. I squinted at one point, and I thought I could see other beings. They were rather far away, so it was hard to tell what exactly they were. "Hey, Ananke, I think there's people over there." I pointed out. In turn, she squinted. "I see them too. Maybe we should go over there." She remarked.
#114396001Tuesday, October 01, 2013 12:58 AM GMT

-Rachel- Ignoring that I had a girl on my back and that Risaron was staring at someone else, I began to fly to the newcomers that I just saw a couple seconds ago. "Where are you going, Rachel?" Resse worryingly replied, wondering if I was having one of my...moments. "Where I want." I replied in a smirk. Resse rolled her eyes.
#114396797Tuesday, October 01, 2013 1:06 AM GMT

Albert "I think they're coming towards us." I remarked, a bit worried. Ananke nodded. "I realize that, it's another demon, hopefully a friendly one. If not, things might get hairy, but don't worry." She explained.
#114436211Tuesday, October 01, 2013 7:28 PM GMT

-Rachel- I'm still flying towards Albert and Ananke, wondering what they are up to.
#114457690Tuesday, October 01, 2013 11:16 PM GMT

Albert Pretty soon, we were only yards away from the other travelers. I remained silent, and even ducked down a bit, but Ananke wasn't afraid at all. "Hey," she began, "Are you friendly?"
#114566121Thursday, October 03, 2013 10:19 AM GMT

-Rachel- "Yeah, I suppose. I don't see the point in hurting you-" BUT THERE IS-no, there isn't.
#114609272Friday, October 04, 2013 12:05 AM GMT

Albert Ananke snorted. "Alright, neither do we. Mind stating your names?" she asked. I stopped ducking, and lifted up my head to look at the others.
#114723917Saturday, October 05, 2013 1:56 PM GMT

-Rachel- "Well..I'm Rachel." I then point to Resse on my back. "This is Resse, my sister." (Sorry for the delay.)
#114810332Sunday, October 06, 2013 6:20 AM GMT

Albert I looked towards them. Resse...seemed so familiar. Yet with all that had happened so far, it was hard to remember from where. Ananke shrugged her shoulders. "My name is Ananke, the kid on my back is Albert. He's a quiet one, in my opinion." (I can't remember for sure if Resse ever told him her name, I think so, but just in case I'll say he doesn't instantly remember. Bad memory on my part, sorry.)
#114927011Monday, October 07, 2013 5:14 PM GMT

(Me neither..I'm been kinda derp lately. By the way, I've been too lazy to write Resse a CS. I'll do it sooner or later. Also, I keep hearing Rachel as Bulma and Resse as Chi-Chi. I need to stop watching DBZ. Now.) -Resse- It didn't take me awhile to notice that the one boy from the what seemed to be a containment camp was on the demon's back. I leaned a bit to the side and waved to him, smiling.
#114933586Monday, October 07, 2013 7:30 PM GMT

(Blood has suddenly stopped roleplaying, so if she doesn't roleplay in.. lets say.. 2 weeks, Janice will kill her, to stop the freakin' blocking me of RPing.. D:<)
#114969255Tuesday, October 08, 2013 1:36 AM GMT

(And then everyone will flip out because they think Janice is ax-crazy and then everyone will start beating each other up)
#115012115Tuesday, October 08, 2013 9:48 PM GMT
