#114804568Sunday, October 06, 2013 4:40 AM GMT

(The currency system has always been in here, I just tell players about it when the matter I feel has become relevant. The reason it isn't on the original is because I forgot to develop it at the time. Now, as bread isn't made of raw materials, it would cost 1 copper coin (You can get more out of basic flour or dough than bread, therefore bread is cheaper. Merchants tend to find, however, that people will buy bread more often than dough, as it was made by professionals who can purify the toxins in unique fungi that give it some more flavor and exists only in Crestrise, and most houses don't have an oven). Now to your house, it depends on the size. A standard one-room house would be 1 or 2 silver (Commoners have trouble getting that much), a much larger, say 3-room, house would be in the 250 silver range (Usually soldiers, as military is the highest paid job in Crestrise, tend to rack up some manner of silver, though find platinum difficult). A mansion, manor, or estate could be anywhere from 15 to 50 platinum.) Tyra leads you down the mountain path, where an airship suddenly docks. The ship has a rather fancy steel outlining, enough for some armor and to prevent weight from making it sink, with dark wood, possibly from Horrorhold, a troll kingdom whose borders are just west of Crestrise's and is in good relations to the Empire. The ship itself isn't very long, but it has some manner of depth to it, around 9 decks, 5 being used as cannon decks. On it's sides, inlaid into the steel, says The Aerial Glory. Also, it features a long row of archers, bows pointed at you. These must be Tyra's extra eyes. They wear black clothes, with an white outlining, black scarf and hood, and a tabard like Tyra's. The Aerial Glory shoot's it's right hand place holder's (Contraptions that fire into walls and mountain sides to hold a ship in place when picking someone up not by docks) into the slopes of the mountains, and then it brings a board to your path. Tyra leads you on board the Glory. The Guild-master said that he would walk back to Magson, even if the threat of this soul decay remain imminent. As you get on the ship, a man with gray hair with clothes similar to the archers, but without the hood and scarf, approaches you, rage seeming to burst from him. "Tyra! You darned elf! Do you know how easy it is to fly in a storm like this, let alone do a pick up!?!" "Herex, if we didn't do this, this poor man's soul would've decayed into oblivion. That wouldn't be good, as Seer does want to meet him."
#114805811Sunday, October 06, 2013 4:58 AM GMT

(Meant to say 6 copper coins.)
#114855629Sunday, October 06, 2013 7:24 PM GMT

I decide not to get involved in their bickering and I start looking around for a nice place to sit down.
#114892291Monday, October 07, 2013 1:14 AM GMT

"Gah, very well! I'll just ride along the Magic Line. Break away from it when we're a good hour to two hours away from the Rend," says Herex. "Sit tightly! This could take a few days!" If you have a question about anything, now would be a good time to ask Herex or Tyra.
#114956388Monday, October 07, 2013 11:32 PM GMT

I sigh. Being here for days isn't such a great past time. "Where are my knives?" I ask nobody in particular.
#114974774Tuesday, October 08, 2013 2:35 AM GMT

Quest Complete! Rewards - Soul Decay, Starting of Story The city of Beholder comes before you. The city itself looks nice, even though Madsmile is within Minutestrike territory. It's big, it's populated, doesn't have a wall, sadly, and it has a huge, marble temple built on a river the runs through the town. The Aerial Glory stops at a docks outside of the city. "Well, here we are. Took us long enough," says Tyra. "Time doesn't move faster because we want it to, Tyra. You are just as susceptible to time as him or me," replied Herex. Tyra turns to you, "That temple. It's called Treant's Hearth. That's where we're going. Get your stuff, we leave now. Look on a bright side, also. Your weapons are in there, a precaution, to make sure you don't slit our throats.
#114978307Tuesday, October 08, 2013 3:23 AM GMT

I smile behind my mask and get up. "Don't have anything to take with me. Let's get moving."
#114982720Tuesday, October 08, 2013 4:49 AM GMT

New Quest! Seer of Beholder! Tyra is taking you to a thing called Seer for sheer purpose of discussion, and a possible business deal. You might want to check it out. Getting off of the ship and wandering the road, you begin to realize something. This is a city, with the main populace being abominations. Neigh, not a city. An academy-city hybrid. Not only do they live here in peace, but they also train here, letting their bodies adapt, and their minds focus on how better to use the magic. Upon arriving at Treant's Hearth, you can't help but notice not the large amount of people in the same armor as Tyra, or in the outfits the archers were using, nor the sheer beauty of the inner temple's old age, but the giant tree in it's center. The river runs through the center of the temple, with a small, dome shaped island in it's center. There are marble stairs leading to the top, where a majestic, large, and obviously old tree sits. Following Tyra, you also learn the tree is your destination. Upon reaching the front of the tree, a wooden body appears from it's trunk. Only the torso, head, and arms are visible, as the hands and waist-down are hidden within the tree. With it's arm letting the torso lean forward, you realize this is a treant. "So, Tyra, my dear daughter, I see you have brought the lost child whom I have saved. I am sorry for my daughter's mistreatment, she can often times be very strict. But that is no matter, compared to what is going on right now."
#115005247Tuesday, October 08, 2013 8:20 PM GMT

"I'm assuming you want my help with whatever is going on right now. Probably would've been a better idea to find someone slightly more kind and caring. Just give me my knives and bow, then I can be on my way," I say, ready to leave as soon as I have my equipment.
#115018705Tuesday, October 08, 2013 10:56 PM GMT

"My daughter was only chosen because she was nearby. I would've saved you from the whole being left behind incident, but Rends tend to block out my power of voice in that region. Yes, I would enjoy some help with this rather... unique situation. Honestly, when I came to this realm, I never thought it would've happen, but too late now... Of course, your weapons are to be conceal till discussion. I trust everyone, but some in particular precautions have to be set in order to gain trust..." says Seer.
#115018986Tuesday, October 08, 2013 10:58 PM GMT

"You're a fool to trust people. Why do you need my help anyway? Just hire someone else to do it and let me go about with my current occupation."
#115020171Tuesday, October 08, 2013 11:10 PM GMT

"You, my friend, are the only one to see Force and live. Gravity is quite powerful. And, when Force learns of your survival, you're his next target. Tell me, who wants to be the prey here, and who wants to be the predator?" explains Tyra.
#115020512Tuesday, October 08, 2013 11:13 PM GMT

"What's in it for me if I help you?"
#115020740Tuesday, October 08, 2013 11:15 PM GMT

"Fame... Riches... You can't be killed by Force... That kind of thing," says Seer, "But I trust you want to know what you're getting into here, now do you?"
#115020870Tuesday, October 08, 2013 11:16 PM GMT

"Riches? Who do I kill and where?"
#115022191Tuesday, October 08, 2013 11:28 PM GMT

"Oh... so straight to business are we? The contracts, please," says Seer. A normal human hands you 3 slips of paper, with names and formal writing, assassination contracts. "You are not part of our organization, but expect constant numbers of abomination contracts from us. These three are expected to be done now, as they are all in this city. These are simple contracts, and we will pay your guild a nice 5 silvers, and you get 1 silver, for each contract fulfilled. There is one in there, however, that has a requirement to the kill. For that, the guild gets 5, and you get 2. Now, we have some, but little room for error. Getting the money for this is going to prove very expensive for us, but for good reason, too. If you ever feel the need to help, just ask us and we can send an ally, you can specify them by name, should you ever want anyone like Tyra. Herex, as I'm sure you heard his name mentioned, isn't allowed on these, he has a tough enough job being captain of our personal ship as it is. I hope you understand the agreements to our proposal? Good, now your 5 silver for coming and listening will be given to you, and you will now prepare. Hop to it, child of blood," says Seer.
#115023361Tuesday, October 08, 2013 11:41 PM GMT

"..Do I get my equipment now?"
#115024287Tuesday, October 08, 2013 11:50 PM GMT

"Yes. It's in the chest of bronze at the back of the temple. Just be careful. These abominations... well they're like your normal spell, but they're a tricky subject. Intelligent, cunning, one mess up could alert them to our knowing of them. Took us weeks to fish them out, don't lose them," says Seer.
#115024874Tuesday, October 08, 2013 11:55 PM GMT

"Right. By the way. If somehow the world's logic implodes on itself and I need help during a contract, how do I call one of you? Do I just yell really loudly?"
#115025311Tuesday, October 08, 2013 11:59 PM GMT

"You will find my voice if there is a problem during your contracts. I will often guide you to a hiding spot to remain until I can get a nearby operative, should there be one, to help you out. I can see you, from any distance, and I can speak to you from that distance. It is the spell I am, and I'm not afraid to exercise my power to great lengths until the goal I have worked towards is complete," says Seer.
#115025539Wednesday, October 09, 2013 12:01 AM GMT

"Right," I say, making my way to the back of the temple.
#115044479Wednesday, October 09, 2013 3:15 AM GMT

Quest Complete! Rewards-3 contracts, directions to your weapons. New Quest! Magnariz Contract! Magnariz is a fire abomination. You are allowed to use any device at your disposal to kill him... New Quest! Remera Contract! Remera is a healing abomination. You are allowed to use any device at your disposal to kill her... New Quest! Mercury Contract! Mercury is close to the common types of spells, however he has sole control of mercury, officially making him a unique spell, but technically a common one, too, and you are to be payed the amount for a common specific contract. You are allowed either a stealthy or upfront approach, but it cannot be a public kill, and he must be a bloody mess that is left hanging on a tree in a plaza in the middle of Beholder and must also have a banner hanging around his neck. Seer will get an operative of his organization to you with the banner the instant the kill is done. He is to be the last of the three contracts, you can do the other two in whatever order you like. The bronze chest is opened, and your weapons are given to you. "Good luck..." says an anonymous man.
#115071001Wednesday, October 09, 2013 8:13 PM GMT

"Won't need it," I reply, sheathing my knives and putting on my quiver and slinging the bow over my shoulder. Well, at least these contracts give me something to do. I wonder if Hirtirin managed to survive. I search for the Seer's voice in my head like he said I could as I begin making my way out of the temple.
#115100602Thursday, October 10, 2013 1:26 AM GMT

Apparently you misunderstood, as you cannot search for his voice. However, a voice sounding like his appears out of thin air. "Magnariz is along the base of that cliff along that mountain to your left. Remera usually hangs out near the docks. Complete those, my wayward child of blood, and then I will guide you to Mercury. Need any tips on these contracts?
#115104663Thursday, October 10, 2013 2:06 AM GMT

"I can think things out myself," I say. Well, guess I'll get rid Magnariz first. I should probably work with this so-called guild. Maybe they'll know what happened to Hirtirin, and it couldn't hurt to know what happened to those guys on the ship. I begin heading to the mountain to my left.