#114039795Thursday, September 26, 2013 11:56 PM GMT

(Hm...... Didn't know...Anyways, I'm half expecting a bear of some kind to go to Lukiv's camp..... I mean, he is cooking delicious cronit meat.)
#114039865Thursday, September 26, 2013 11:57 PM GMT

Step on his head, and twist it until the neck makes a cracking sound. Just to make sure. Afterwards, set up my hard earned resting place.
#114054728Friday, September 27, 2013 2:12 AM GMT

Filmar ''Sigh, Those elfs are quite serious about their damm war'' I say as I patrol alone around the road. ''Well at least they pay more than enough''
#114056238Friday, September 27, 2013 2:29 AM GMT

(Sure! I don't really mind. And I've made a mistake with CP'ing the wrong bio. Is the new one "sufficient"? :p ) Name: Dooly Enluck Age: 21 Race: (Part 3) Human Chosen Deity: (You CAN, I suppose, be a cultist that worships the Stone King. Part 2) Herilok and Cirolin (Guess what? I root for Capitalism. Anarchy and government is just blegh.) Appearance: Having black-brown hair, skin darkened by the dirt and sun, lean and tall- Puck may seem a bit odd at times. Wears whatever clothes that fits properly- comfortable or not. Clothes: Currently wearing dwarven miner's clothing, sewed into human-size. From: (Part 1) Grolir Starting place: (Part 1) Desyrile Bio: Born and raised from the recently-created Enluck family in a village of Grolir, Dooly had lived through destitution during childhood. He'd done odd jobs ranging in variety; from trashing strange large human-shaped sacks that smelled like rotten flesh, to serving company for the local elderly. But that didn't mean his parents weren't helpful and attentive. They were the ones who taught Dooly his morals and took care of him when he had one of his "little moments". Until one day, in Dooly's late teens, coming home from another of his "odd jobs", an attack on Grolir- by a group of bandits, had left Dooly's home ravaged and parents dead. Mourning, but wondering what to do; he'd considered his options. First, he could go to the local wizard* and ask. But that would take money. And he lived in poverty. Then an idea occurred to him; he could dig up the Strongbox containing his family's savings! Assuming, y'know, that it was still there. His second option was to dig up the strongbox and become an adventurer. That one was a lot simpler. Third, he could combine the two ideas above. And finally, he could commit boo-boos to himself (I didn't know that was a bad word in the filter!). That was a definite option. So coming on a conclusion, Dooly's decision was the third option. He might as well make an everlasting legacy of the Enluck family. And he could come out from poverty if he ever got lucky and survived. And that's it. After digging up the strongbox- full, asking the local wizard and recieving a righteous quest, defeating a classic villain from the wizard's quest- and got the girl, that too, he finally ended out of poverty, into the middle-class and is currently drinking cordial from a dwarven pub in Desyrile, wondering what to do next. * The one who lived in a tower nearby the village. How did he know this? Because magic. The wizard did it.
#114062585Friday, September 27, 2013 4:02 AM GMT

Name: Echo Ven Azren Age: 16 Race: Elven Chosen Deity: Krolor Appearance: Long black hair, hazel eyes, slightly pointed ears. Clothes: Leather garments. From: Jurig. Starting place: Gehilor. Bio: Was abandoned when she was young. Strangely she found a wolf pup, in whom she named Spirit and raised. Other: Stone.
#114068609Friday, September 27, 2013 8:34 AM GMT

@Mokit: You've been in the adventuring business long enough to know that's not a good idea. Yeti's travel in packs. @Filmar: The battle is coming closer to where you are. @Hex: (Accepted.) @Waffles: (So rarely do I see a CS so terse and yet so fulfilling of the requirements! Accepted.)
#114072357Friday, September 27, 2013 12:34 PM GMT

Lukiv: "Still....Kinda dizzy.... At Least I made it into Trekopor... Wait...." Lukiv thinks for a moment, and realizes something." WHERE DO I GO NOW?!?!"
#114075025Friday, September 27, 2013 2:16 PM GMT

Echo was staying in the shadows of the trees, watching carefully. She wasn't quite sure what was out there, but there was something following her. She stood alert, her eyes darting back and forth.
#114101700Friday, September 27, 2013 10:19 PM GMT

Hmm... exhaustion might be taking over my mind. I remember the yeti situation and I put out the fire, and head further south, to find a safe location.
#114102188Friday, September 27, 2013 10:24 PM GMT

The 'creature' left, and Echo stepped out carefully. She then let out the call of an eagle, one Spirit was summoned to. Spirit came within a matter of minutes. Her tongue was lolling out of her mouth, and she had this foolish grin on her face. Echo was relieved when she saw Spirit, knowing Spirit would protect her.
#114107120Friday, September 27, 2013 11:20 PM GMT

@Waffles: (I CONTROL ALL THE NPCS! WHAT IS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND ABOUT THAT, EVERYONE?) @Mokit: After an hour, you find an inn. @Lukiv: Where you go is your choice.
#114107428Friday, September 27, 2013 11:23 PM GMT

(Sowwy ;c Ignore dat post.) Echo wandered around, Spirit by her side. (Nothin to doooooooooooooooooooooooo)
#114110582Friday, September 27, 2013 11:59 PM GMT

(Omg, I also posted that on the wrong forum. o.o LOL)
#114111983Saturday, September 28, 2013 12:14 AM GMT

Lukiv, after a hour or so of mindless wandering, finally finds a old map next to a skeleton( A dead skeleton. No NPC, no nothing... Just a dead skeleton.). After reading( And/or misreading, because it's written in scribbles), Lukiv decides to head out to Jurig." Find a map, which I can barely read.... Fairness to me...." Lukiv shrugs as he heads (By mistake) to Gehilor.
#114113698Saturday, September 28, 2013 12:31 AM GMT

@Jona: (The skeleton was alive at some point, meaning that it was an NPC, meaning that I control where it is, what it has with it, etc., etc., etc.)
#114116023Saturday, September 28, 2013 12:56 AM GMT

( So you control dead things[Actual dead things].... That actually seems unfair... I mean, its normal to control NPC's and such, but your going too far.... Actually going out of your way to say[What you meant] 'I control everything thing that once lived'.... So no, Lukiv DID find the skeleton, DID find the map and DID misread the freaking map.)
#114117268Saturday, September 28, 2013 1:09 AM GMT

(Honestly, I am waiting for something to happen.)
#114118356Saturday, September 28, 2013 1:20 AM GMT

@Jona: (Allow me to rephrase what I have stated several times earlier - I control everyone and everything aside from the PC's.)
#114118608Saturday, September 28, 2013 1:23 AM GMT

(Waiting for somethiiiiiing. Jona, meet up?)
#114119282Saturday, September 28, 2013 1:30 AM GMT

(Oh that makes Sense.... You Control Everything but the Characters.... I See the Sense in that.....) (On another note, I 'HATE' sarcasm.) [You won't even let me advance my own plot along.... If my guy is lost, what am I supposed to do... Suddenly figure out which direction? You said its my choice.... You said nothing else, so sorry if I don't take 'Not advancing my plot' as 'Advancing my plot'.]
#114119526Saturday, September 28, 2013 1:33 AM GMT

@Jona: (It's your character, your choice as to where you go and what you do. I just control absolutely everything else.)
#114119951Saturday, September 28, 2013 1:37 AM GMT

(Exactly: EVERYTHING ELSE.) (Waffles: Sure... Lukiv is just going to Gehilor by accident after miss reading a map.)
#114120057Saturday, September 28, 2013 1:38 AM GMT

@Jona: (What map?)
#114120325Saturday, September 28, 2013 1:41 AM GMT

(....... Since you control EVERYTHING, you can figure it out...)
#114121858Saturday, September 28, 2013 1:56 AM GMT

Echo was in the shadows, when she saw someone. She walked out, trying to look casual, although thats hard to do with a bow, a quiver full of arrows, a knife, and a wolf. ''Hi.'' She said.