#116678837Monday, October 28, 2013 10:22 PM GMT

@WiFi (Accepted) ~Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors!~
#116679407Monday, October 28, 2013 10:28 PM GMT

(There was a post I tried to post but I didn't have time to yesterday about the history of Promethium Beach. If you can see there's a post that says "beach" and here's why: It was really like a large abandoned car lot the size of a lake called Promethium & Beech Car Lot. A company bought it, cleared it out and flattened it, and laid a slab of blue stone for the foundation. It was abandoned so some people put sand in front of it and called it a beach. Just a little post of humor and irony.) Lucas I felt the box open up as President Hawne took off the bag. "Hawne, what are you doing?" As I got out, a TV the size of the wall was turned on with a live feed of a burning car and the title KEYES AND HAWNE CO-PRESIDENT HAWNE DEAD. With confusion, I asked, "What is this?" Hawne smiled and said, "The beginning of my new life. You see, that whole Archon Research stuff was just a way out. I was making this company do so many criminal things. Too criminal for you to do, and you're the guy I give my criminal jobs to do. Archon was the company I got in the least amount of deep water in, but they are the most prone to attack, so I let you finish the deal. I sold a guy my nice car for $50 as long as he wore a HIGHLY detailed mask of me to where he was going. Poor guy, but the job had to be done." He grabbed a bottle of some type of drink from the van and drank it.
#116679512Monday, October 28, 2013 10:29 PM GMT

(Ah, ok, now I understand. Carry on.) ~Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors!~
#116680072Monday, October 28, 2013 10:34 PM GMT

(Right now, there appears to be 3-4 major groups in this rp, with their type... The Dawnisk Church of Revival[ Religious] The Epsilon Police[Everett, Authority] The Known Brotherhood[Criminal] CIPHER[ Secretive])
#116681914Monday, October 28, 2013 10:50 PM GMT

Lucas Hawne gets out a stack of papers and hands them to me. "My will and all other documents necessary. Give them to who they all belong." He shakes my hand and says, "This is it Lucas. I'm going to be gone from here on out. No contact. No mention of this from the cops. If I find out you've talked..." he points to the TV screen. "Sorry for acting this way. I don't know what happened. Me and Keyes started good, now 10 years later and the #3 company, it's changed. I'll be figuring it out during this exile. Goodbye." He gets in the van and drives off.
#116682015Monday, October 28, 2013 10:51 PM GMT

(So, what's happening right now? I'm waiting for the right moment to join in)
#116685515Monday, October 28, 2013 11:26 PM GMT

-Hawkfield- Cameron looked down at his PDA. >DECOY HAS BEEN CONFIRMED, SATNET IS TRACKING THE REAL SUBJECT He put it back in his pocket and watched a VTOL land with "UNITED STATES AIR FORCE" painted on the side lands outside of the building. -Kirov Tower Construction Site- Kirov Tower is near completion, since most of the helipads and hangars are completed, there are only 50 floors and the Starlight Observation deck remaining. The building was estimated to be over 5 kilometers tall upon completion.
#116690906Tuesday, October 29, 2013 12:14 AM GMT

@WiFi (Everett just received an insane call from Alfons, Lucas is doing a bunch of illegal business deals, Alfons is starting a new cult, a new apartment complex is being build that is being overseen by CIPHER) ~Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors!~
#116692356Tuesday, October 29, 2013 12:27 AM GMT

Terra is a hellhole. My mother dead, my father gone, and my sister living off of stolen money. My family's a mess. In Terra, we MUST fend for ourselves. No one should be trusted because sooner or later you'll find a knife in your back. And it's all because Elysium was created. I was told that the world was once a giant Polaris. Everyone had, at least, a certain form of protection against criminals. Apparently our ancestor's quest for perfection led to ditching all those imperfect. Of course, with my occupation, I can never make it to Polaris. Well, at least not both of us. I've been trying to get other jobs, but all businesses must have their workers pay, which I can't afford to do. I've almost gathered enough to send my sister, where she can hopefully forget about the life here. But even with that, the world is still corrupt and twisted in it's own ways. I doubt even Elysium is perfect.
#116694042Tuesday, October 29, 2013 12:41 AM GMT

(It's not a residential complex, Kirov Tower is a full-fledged military base posing as an office building)
#116695428Tuesday, October 29, 2013 12:54 AM GMT

Alfons- Alfons, stepping away from the ledge and getting the phone, calls someone he is actually afraid of... His Half-brother, Leon. "Whats do you have to say, 'brother'..." Leon answers, almost as if he was expecting the call. Alfons tries to muster some courage, knowing what Leon can do. "I've.... Come to ask a... a favor..." Alfons mumbles, and Leon only chuckles. That alone is almost enough to make Alfons hangup. "I will shed light on the Reaper... The reaper is Janc-" "Janice... Janice you mean, 'brother'..." The almost entirely disinterested sound in the voice would fit more for cutting potatoes. Alfons looks at the phone, and for one moment a feeling he has never felt before crawls into his skull.... The feeling of defeat. Alfons does the only thing his body will let him do- Throws the phone straight off the apartment. Leon Hytiosv- "Such a shame... I would have dwelled deeper into his illusions..." Leon sighs, and he turns back to the Known Brotherhood prisoner, who is cowering in a corner. " Now..." Leon pulls out the blade part from his knife and grins. "Prefer it quick, or civilized?..." (Yep... Everett's going to get the report that clears up what Alfons said...)
#116713768Tuesday, October 29, 2013 5:26 AM GMT

Regina Song "Janice, Kenji. There's some pretty peculiar activity going on in Terra right now that I want you guys to check out. About a block away from my safehouse, I could hear gunshots. A bit of quick observation revealed these guys in weird looking uniforms removing bodies from an otherwise-dilapidated building. If either one of you could go check it out, that'd be much appreciated. It's definitely not something normal for Terra." Janice Li [Mask for this mission:] For a brief moment, I stayed in Regina's safe house. It's been a little while since I've seen her in person, but as soon as we see each other, we connect instantly. "The building is just down this street." Regina began to brief me. "Do you have the silenced weapons I told you to bring?" "Oh, of course. I brought along some of my best friends for this mission." From my unmarked black duffel bag, I remove a silenced handgun, combat knife, and submachine gun. I also show Regina my mask -- a design I made myself based on a mannequin I saw in a department store in Polaris. (Janice carries a, Eickhorn Advanced Combat Knife, suppressed P226 S4, and a, unsuppressed MP5K)
#116719333Tuesday, October 29, 2013 12:10 PM GMT

(If your talking about Alfons's apartment complex, no one is in uniform...)
#116736984Tuesday, October 29, 2013 9:07 PM GMT

(Everett) "Wait... Alfons was trying to help me find the Epsilon Reaper... So, part of her name is Janc? Interesting..." ~Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors!~
#116738273Tuesday, October 29, 2013 9:25 PM GMT

Lucas Before getting in my car, I saw Hawne drive through an empty field until I couldn't see him. Checking my phone, his contact suddenly vanished from my phone, a dot tracking him on a computer screen on the table disappeared. Now any companies thinking Hawne's decoy was a decoy won't find anything related to him, or be able to trace him. Sighing, I started driving off in the other direction, towards Polaris.
#116740563Tuesday, October 29, 2013 9:52 PM GMT

Leon- Leon, having finished with the prisoner, walks out of the room. Behind him, the prisoner is crying for god, any god or even satan, to end his life now. The police officer on duty who goes to get the prisoner dares to glance back at Leon, and shivers to the bone at the sight of his grin. ------Phone call----- "Everett, this is Police Psychologist Leon. I'd like to complete some info a Mr. Alfons Steilagio. Threats and Questions on how I know of this info will result in immediate... 'Problems'... To arise for you."
#116740966Tuesday, October 29, 2013 9:57 PM GMT

(Everett) "I'm listening..." I say into the phone. ~Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors!~
#116741488Tuesday, October 29, 2013 10:03 PM GMT

Leon- "The name is Janice Li, a female. Skilled robber, assassin and most likely 2nd in command of the Known Brotherhood. Now, I t-" A sudden gunshot ends the call, and Leon just grasps what happened before he face plants... 'I've been shot' is all he thinks before blacking out.
#116744525Tuesday, October 29, 2013 10:43 PM GMT

-CIPHER ONE- >SUBJECT_HAWNE ATTEMPTED TO DITCH SATNET SURVEILLANCE, THAT WILL DEFINITELY NOT WORK. -Hawkfield- Two United States Military Officers jumped off the VTOL, one of them was carrying a briefcase while the other held a clipboard. Cameron signed his name on the clipboard, and the second officer gave him the briefcase. The USAF VTOL took off and flew out of sight, while Cameron took the briefcase inside the main lobby. He opened the briefcase to find a framed photograph of the Kremlin and a letter recovered from a bombing that had happened years ago. He closed the briefcase and proceeded to the elevator to deposit the items in his quarters with the letter in his hand. --- Dossier: Name: Josef Sevchenko Age: 23 Gen: Male Appearance: Josef is a young man of Slavic heritage and stands at a fairly tall height. He has a medium build and somewhat tanned skin from desert operations. He has brown eyes and short black hair arranged in a buzz-cut style. Josef wears a white shirt with a pair of navy blue work pants, and he often wears a black coat to conceal a ballistic vest or just for casual wear. He has a police badge and a handgun holstered on a utility belt that is concealed by his black coat. He wears a grey military pre-Epsilon era diver’s watch originating from the Russian Federation. Josef has a black military uniform cap with a silver eagle sewn into the front face of the cap. District: Polaris and Terra, goes to Elysium when he is called in for an investigation there. Occupation: Epsilon Police Department Investigator, Agency operative. Tools: Josef is adept in the use of firearms and deadly proficient in hand-to-hand combat, his concealed handgun is modified to fire rifle-caliber rounds without sacrificing magazine capacity or compact size. He also carries police gear such as a radio and flashlight when he is on duty, but will not equip his police gear when he is off-duty or working on an agency mission. Personality: Josef is a quick thinker and is capable of making quick- but excellent decisions. Even though Josef is a sincere and great friend, his loyalty lies with those he trusts the most; he is an excellent undercover operative because he compartmentalizes relationships between targets and his ‘real’ friends. Josef displays a fascination with the old world before the full desertification of the Earth. Bio: Josef Sevchenko was born in the Agency’s Moscow facility, and his parents were both veteran operatives of CIPHER. After eight years of growing up in and moving between agency facilities, Josef was transferred to Epsilon with his parents. He enlisted with the Epsilon Police Department and rose through the ranks with increasingly successful investigations into criminal organizations embedded within all three districts, even though he always erases any agency involvement. Josef is one of the volunteers for the Genesis project’s nanite program.
#116745374Tuesday, October 29, 2013 10:55 PM GMT

"Get the chink!" I hear the murderers shout. Yes, what I did was extermely dangerous, but my sister had to be in sure hands in Polaris. I run, life depending on it, with pocketfuls of hundred dollar bills. I pull out my gun, which I've never used before and fired it at the gathering mob. Some fell, dead or injured I don't care, so long as they are slower than me. "He's getting away!" The mob yells, almost in unison. I finally found my exit, a pole running up towards a roof. I quickly began to climb. As the mob reached, they attempt to make me fall. They throw rocks, shake the pole, and even attempt to climb it, but they were never used to using the roofs as an escape. In a moment, I was free, but I'm not finished yet. The drop ship is arriving, and I have to get my sister there quick. I return home and grab my sister. "Come on! We got to hurry." I run for the drop ship, giving the money to the guard and explaining my sister would be going. There was no time to argue, I kiss my sister and give her my final blessings and watch the drop ship fly off.
#116746923Tuesday, October 29, 2013 11:15 PM GMT

Lucas I get to Polaris and go to sleep in my apartment. Waking up, I go outside to the Pacifica Cafe. While drinking my coffee, my phone alarm goes off. MEETING WITH HAWNE. I turn it off and go to the headquarters. Keyes is sitting ON the reception table, staring at the door. He always was the innovative and odd, if not sometimes emotional, one of the duo. "Mr. Woods," he says with a shaky voice, "Can you come into m-my office?" He gets off of the desk and heads to the elevator.
#116754988Wednesday, October 30, 2013 12:46 AM GMT

Leon( In a comma due to the gunshot from the scarred prisoner)- Leon looks around, but all that appears is a small room with a table and a chair. Leon looks deeper, and a screen appears from the wall. It takes only a second, but its all figured out." I'm unconscious..." Alfons- With his two 'Selected' in close hand, Alfons sits on a chair in the center of the room they broke out of." Let Dawn rise... Let it rise and deplete the darkness till nothing remains... For the Dawn!" Alfons prays, and the selected follow his lead. The converts finish clearing the bodies, taking them inside the apartment to be cremated.
#116756430Wednesday, October 30, 2013 1:02 AM GMT

(Everett) "Send a squad to Leon's location IMMEDIATELY!" I shout. Then, I stride over to the poster maker and say "Put Janice Li, female on all the wanted posters."
#116757042Wednesday, October 30, 2013 1:09 AM GMT

(Leon was shot in a police station... The one where the prisoner Everett interrogated was at. The prisoner took the gun, BARELY missed killing Leon instantly, and was beaten to death due to his earlier injuries making him weak.)
#116771108Wednesday, October 30, 2013 5:46 AM GMT

(Regina just meant one person wearing something sketchy, even if it's unrelated to your religious organization) Janice Li "Alright Janice, the weird guys still seem to be moving bodies to various places. Some bodies are going in, some are leaving the building. You'll know what I mean when you see a guy with a weird insignia. I doubt the insignia has any relation to what's happening in the building, but when you see him, you'll know what I mean." From the roof of a three story building across the street, I could already see two men removing a pallid corpse from a building. I could see both of them brandishing pistols. As was the case with any heist or assassination, a frontal assault would not have been an optimal idea. One had a shirt on with a graphic of an old-world iconoclast and a symbol that was probably stolen from some obscure old-world religious following -- was that the person Regina was referring to?