#127788900Tuesday, March 11, 2014 3:23 AM GMT

Parker I take a seat on a bench in the marketplace, looking over my sling. Combat wouldn't be as easy now. ~Me: 0, Big Bad World: 1~
#127788985Tuesday, March 11, 2014 3:24 AM GMT

Amy looked away."Gross..." Ika gulped...then grabbed a bible and threw it at his gun hand! Symphony reverted to normal."Eh?! How..but..we...How did you get the real one?!"Symphony said taking it and examining it. "Yuck...Oi! Old timer! Wake up!"Rita said.
#127789514Tuesday, March 11, 2014 3:30 AM GMT

The man snored and opened his eyes. "Why… Why do I have… OH, VISTORS! VISITORS TO THE HOUSE OF BLÖDSINNIG!" The man clapped his hands and speedwalked to a kitchen. "HAVE A SEAT, WEARY ONES." Shi smiled and sat.
#127791479Tuesday, March 11, 2014 3:54 AM GMT

Kagura happily sits while Rita inspected the chair for traps then sat down. Parker sees a sale for potions!
#127791673Tuesday, March 11, 2014 3:56 AM GMT

"Why have visitors visited Blod? Do visitors visiting Blod need to fulfill visiting needs of visiting?" Blod asked, slicing a ham.
#127792510Tuesday, March 11, 2014 4:07 AM GMT

"Uh..can you translate a book we have? We.cant read it."Rita asked.
#127792632Tuesday, March 11, 2014 4:09 AM GMT

"A book? A book? A book is a smook. Hand it ovaaaaa here. You obviously need a smart person to read something for ya!" Blod replied, his arms outstretched.
#127792860Tuesday, March 11, 2014 4:12 AM GMT

Rita was a little irritated but hands the ancient book over.
#127793013Tuesday, March 11, 2014 4:14 AM GMT

Blod flips it over a few times and opens the pages. "Oooooohhhh, dragon diseases and things? Why? You people aren't dragons!"
#127794445Tuesday, March 11, 2014 4:37 AM GMT

Parker I walk over to the potion merchant and ask the price of the potions, and their effects. ~Me: 0, Big Bad World: 1~
#127804016Tuesday, March 11, 2014 11:42 AM GMT

As the bible hit the gun hand, the man dropped it. It hit the ground and slid towards middle ground between Ika and the captain. He quickly lunged towards it, trying to reclaim it! Pretty soon, Iron had a couple of segments of the locust's carapace carved up. She began to attach it over her leather, trying to ignore how disgusting it was. Silence smiled, explaining. "While he was teleporting all over the place and mocking you, I grabbed the stone from him when he wasn't looking. I suggest you get out of here quickly before he realizes he's been duped."
#127809773Tuesday, March 11, 2014 3:20 PM GMT

"Ah, so this is the... prison you have me in," The Joker said, grimacing at the absolutely terrible music. For some reason, The Joker STILL didn't use his conduit powers. What was he planning... Ron Don Khan fell from the sky, and landed on the tip of an iceberg! Ouch! Lord Sesshomaru had his hand on the hilt of Bakusaiga, ready to fire one of its disintegration/decaying blast at someone. The Tessaiga eventually stopped pulsing. That's when Inuyasha realized what this meant. "The dragon scaled Tessaiga, its been enhanced! It'll take in more then just demon yoki now!" Inuyasha yelled, impressed. "It must of come from that demon I slayed days ago," Inuyasha said. Dawn received no word from his contractor, so he drove his tank-vehicle as he pleased (123 to be the contractor, xD).
#127813492Tuesday, March 11, 2014 4:46 PM GMT

Potions were cheap and they healed broken limbs! "Its for a a somewhat friend of mine. He'll destroy much of the earth if we dont do anything. He's Lord Nexus by the way. Any info on diseases resulting in hearing crazy voices in his head?"Rita said. Ika ran and kicked it away from his grasp then dived at it! Symphony flew away with Silence following."But..aren't you a figment of my imagination? You know what? Forget it. Never look a gift horse in the mouth." The music amplified! Amy tried not to cry."Are you..done yet?"
#127818203Tuesday, March 11, 2014 6:19 PM GMT

"Pfft. Thats easy. You don't even have to read a old book full of old ways to cure medicine that hasn't been proven!" Blod replied. "What year is it? 2000 something? There are medicine everywhere for that type of symptom."
#127826452Tuesday, March 11, 2014 8:21 PM GMT

Silence shrugged as she flew gracefully after Symphony. "Perhaps I am, perhaps I'm not." Ika managed to grab the revolver. It was loaded, and slightly sweaty from the man's grip! Iron nodded. Her armor made it look like she was one of the locust guards if you were 20 feet away and you squinted your eyes until they were closed. "Yep. Let's do this then, shall we?"
#127834491Tuesday, March 11, 2014 9:46 PM GMT

While driving his vehicle, Dawn gets a message from his contractor. 'Kill Thomas Walker, located in the marketplace. STAY IN DISGUISE, DO NOT GIVE YOURSELF AWAY'. Dawn nods, pressing a button on his gauntlet. His armor was suddenly morphed into a black trench coat, and he was warped to the marketplace.
#127837436Tuesday, March 11, 2014 10:19 PM GMT

"I doubt modern medicine cures old dragon diseases. Nexus is a legendary black dragon after all! Look does the book say anything about the disease or not?!"Rita yelled."It's very specific towards his race." Ika aimed and fired the gun at her assailant! "Well...now that i have it..now what?!"Symphony asked. Amy gulped."Okay....let's go save Mr.Walter!"
#127838650Tuesday, March 11, 2014 10:32 PM GMT

"Lady, just because its old, doesn't mean that something modern can accidentally cure him. You sound like you think that dragons are incapable of mortal cures. When I get a cough, I take cough medicine. If I gots a virus, I take medicine to cure that stuff. Im pretty sure if you find medicine that gets rid of voices, buy it, buy a few more, and give it to him. Or you know…. I can give you a long list of very hard things to find, which may or may not cure your friend." Blod gave the book back. "As much as some dragons hate to say it, dragons and humans are much alike. Every creature are alike in some way."
#127842463Tuesday, March 11, 2014 11:13 PM GMT

Ika was either very luck or extremely good with a gun, as when she fired, she nailed the man straight in the heart, instantly killing him. Faint smoked curled off the end of the barrel as Ika began to tremble violently. Silence thought, stopping in midair for a moment. "You could take it to the REAL Hemorrhage. Perhaps he knows what to do with it. Or maybe you could throw it into a bottomless ocean...only to have one of the two Evils find it eventually..." Iron pressed herself into a wall, and much to her own surprise, her theory worked. They slipped in like a rock through a bubble, phasing to the other side. "Alright, we're in. Now let's go find the dungeon."
#127849621Wednesday, March 12, 2014 12:30 AM GMT

"Ugh..give me the list.."Rita sighed,not wanting to talk with him any longer. "Can't I toss it in a Black hole?"Symphony said. Ika nearly fainted then held herself for a moment before vomiting. "Good...This place is definitely scary..."Amy said.
#127849958Wednesday, March 12, 2014 12:34 AM GMT

"Your going to take the list?" Blod face palmed. "Ok. Take the thousand year old list of rare items that probably won't cure your friend. Have a crack at it, I guess. Just ignore what I said." Blod dug through his trash and pulled out a wadded piece of paper and tossed it at Rita.
#127855999Wednesday, March 12, 2014 1:39 AM GMT

As Ika's vomit puddled at her feet, she dropped the revolver. She couldn't stay here. The other members of the guard would be after her soon. Perhaps there was a hidden passageway beneath the church or something. Silence laughed. "Oh, Symphony. Black holes are just an abstract idea to explain the absence of actual matter in space! Even if they do exist, I'm pretty sure breaking the stone would release all the other evils!" Iron looked around. The architecture was designed so abstract and horrible that it was hard to discern where the hell anything was. She began to walk in a general direction, adjusting her eyes.
#127859061Wednesday, March 12, 2014 2:12 AM GMT

Aldert was sitting at his castle, wondering how to stop Sine, as usual. He was going about his usual when he got an idea, a brilliant idea. "I could try to gather up a small motley crew to destroy all of the towers. Wait a second... I already have a motley crew! The terror trio!" He said to himself. "Hmm... I don't think that will work, especially with Sine's power. I think I could try and persuade a few into helping me... Granted the percentage of that working is like, what, I don't know... ten percent?" He thought. He then started to write a journal of ideas.
#127859520Wednesday, March 12, 2014 2:17 AM GMT

"Thank you for wasting my time.."Rita growled and stomped out the room. "Dont mind her. She's always a bit cranky..even more so with her Master involved."Kagura said trying to cheer him up. Ika searched up and down the church. She hoped she was Lucy just this once. "...Great...Might as well take it to the real Hemor."Symphony flies to Hemor's apartment. Amy stayed quiet,for fear that if she said anything she might unleash the horrors of whatever lived here.
#127859926Wednesday, March 12, 2014 2:21 AM GMT

"She doesn't realize that human medicine has evolved to the point that us dragons use them. We dragons don't fiddle faddle with medicine that my because we thought as long as we already have a way for curing it, that we don't need a faster and better way." Blood took out a straight piece of paper. "Go give this to her. She won't find a few things on that list, which is why it's in the trash. This list is a list of stores that sell the medicine. If Nexus is one those dragons that prefer everything handed to him like he was a dragon, then grind the medicine into a goblet or platter."