#129490014Monday, March 31, 2014 10:19 PM GMT

"And you survived a drop from the sky? And here I thought you humans were as fragile as glass."Kamui said amused. The Magic mark will take months to remove! Ika followed Ivan,letting him being the guide. Amy felt a bit odd. *That hotel...was that the one we were just in? Nahh..couldn't be.* "Is there anything else on TV Mr. Walter?"Amy asked nicely. "Heh..heh...All Im hearing is just pure..straight..crap."Symphony smiled as she tried to stay up. "So...any last words?"
#129490139Monday, March 31, 2014 10:20 PM GMT

(Dammit!) Ratatosk's scales soaked up most of the damage! He squashed the clones with his feet and bites at the real one!
#129490206Monday, March 31, 2014 10:21 PM GMT

Parker "Yeah, my back hurt a little, but that's about it" I raise an eyebrow "you're not human?" I ask. ~THE DEMON CODE PREVENTS ME FROM DECLINING A ROCK OFF CHALLENGE~
#129490333Monday, March 31, 2014 10:22 PM GMT

Shi moves out of the way, and her sword transform into a giant one! The giant blade crushed against Rat's scales and skull harshly!
#129491775Monday, March 31, 2014 10:36 PM GMT

Well, Joker could make a deal with The Lurker in the Threshold. He can do anything if you're willing to stomach the consequence. Ivan and Ika find themselves at the edge of the Jungle. It smelled of viridian greens and other exotic fruits like the Snozzberry. Ivan hated jungles. He hated most places you could live. Come to think of it, how did his kind manage to live anywhere? Walter shrugged. "Dunno. I didn't change the channel. It should be showing re-runs of the Good Ole Days." Walter was suddenly alarmed when he saw someone sitting in his couch! "How'd you get in here without me noticing!" It was of course, Iron Valentine! "I've been here for about 15 minutes."
#129494364Monday, March 31, 2014 11:04 PM GMT

Is the Threshhold somewhere in the marketplace, and would Joker know of The Lurker? ? Hopefully he would, because this magician sucked! The Joker exited the store, but he did however, manage to stab the Magician in the chest via kicking him with his bladed shoes. You don't need your hands to activate the bladed shoes! Bruce amused himself by taking photos of statues and other structures within the marketplace, for about eight minutes anyway. Exploring the areas of the marketplace was not the only thing on Bruce's mind. He could perhaps find areas that would be suitable for one of his rudimentary batcaves that could be stationed throughout the marketplace. "Alright... alright... this is strange, but surprisingly amusing," Dawn mused. He was back on his massive cruiser, which merely hovered around in space. With the credits he had gotten from The Brain, Dawn updated his armor a bit by adding in and taking out certain materials. On an unrelated subject, he had put on his white hooded robe once again, having taken it off when he fought Sesshomaru. Speaking of Sesshomaru... Sesshomaru was gliding across the mountains on a cloud of demonic shoki. He had caught the scent of Nakumaro. He had amused himself once by giving Nakumaro knowledge of sword combat, before taking it away, the knowledge transferal being only temporary. Kylena, now in her armor once again, had entered a corporate building somewhere in the Black Market. She had an idea of something valuable that could be located here, locked in one of the higher floors of the building. There appeared to be a meeting going on in one of the main offices... "Adamant... Ada--" Inuyasha was exhausted, and sheathed Tessaiga in his exhaustion. He needed to rest, but something was driving him to stay awake.
#129495500Monday, March 31, 2014 11:16 PM GMT

Well, 'The Threshold' is the limits to both time and space and our universe that all the nasty things are locked out of. 'The Lurker' lives in it. Of course, Joker had made a blood sacrifice of a magic user, which inadvertently summoned him. The doors to the magic shop closed tightly before he could leave as the room turned a distinct shade of purplish evil. The shadowy form of the Lurker welled up from the dead man's body, resembling nothing but a large black bubbling, tentacly form, with glowing eyes. "Who calls upon the Lurker's Power..."
#129496204Monday, March 31, 2014 11:23 PM GMT

For a moment, The Joker's eyes lingered upon this person, goggling up at him. He hadn't expected someone to just pop out of nowhere, but then again, the world was full of surprises! The Joker remained silenced for a moment after The Lurker spoke, but finally opened his mouth to say "Er... there must be some mistake, because I didn't call you! But perhaps you could help me out of a tight spot..." The Joker mused. The Joker stretched out his marked hand to The Lurker. "I need this annoying mark removed from my hand, perhaps you can assist the removal?" The Joker said, smirking at The Lurker.
#129496669Monday, March 31, 2014 11:27 PM GMT

One of the Lurker's eyes stretched forward like an eyestalk, examining the mark. He tried to remember the rules of his Herald Card... "You call upon my vast magick powers to rid of you a measly mark of flesh?" The formless being surged with power, creating cracks in space. It was distorting to look at. "Very well..." Joker's arm was engulfed in the shadowy form, burning pain engulfing him. "Flesh and fragile..."
#129497071Monday, March 31, 2014 11:31 PM GMT

"Very... fragile.. indeed," The Joker managed to say, grimacing slightly as his arm was enveloped in The Lurker's mystical darkness. He found the Lurker's distortion of spacial energy quite amusing, in his mind anyway.
#129497447Monday, March 31, 2014 11:35 PM GMT

"Ms. Iron!"Amy hugged her."Yay you're back!" "Wah...its so big.."Ika gulped a bit."We have bug spray with us right?" "So..any last words..before you die?"Symphony said smiling,struggling to stay up. Yep that worked. Marks gone. Ratatosk roared in anger as it shakes its head a bit. It flew into the air and blasted meteors at her!
#129497637Monday, March 31, 2014 11:37 PM GMT

Joker's arm was released from the Lurker's grasp, his hand smoothing the mark over like magic! Well, it was magic. However, Joker found that he was holding a card. It read 'Blood Pact: The Lurker at the Threshold's Power flows through you. This card may not be discarded except through Reckoning, which you probably do not want to happen. You may not gain another Blood Pact until this card is discarded. You may call upon the Lurker to gain a Soul Pact or a Bound Ally card.' Long and confusing. "And so it is. The veils have been pierced, and the foul ichor of the universe flowed through, but as with all wounds, they are stitched together with the threads of time..." The cracks in reality smoothed over, and The Lurker vanished without a trace, except for the bloody body on the floor, which the Joker's mark was embedded on his hand instead.
#129497946Monday, March 31, 2014 11:40 PM GMT

Shi flew up, flying through the meteors, exploding on her! She slashed her sword upwards on Rat, sending him to the ceiling.
#129498606Monday, March 31, 2014 11:47 PM GMT

The Joker was thoroughly confused with this card that had been given to him by The Lurker at the Threshold. He truly didn't know what Blood Pacts, Soul Pacts, or Bound Ally cards were, though they sounded quite intriguing, perhaps he would look into them a bit more. Till next time however... The Joker pulled out pistol just to see if the mark was truly removed. When nothing happened, The Joker let out one of his signature laughs, before heading out of the shop.
#129499395Monday, March 31, 2014 11:54 PM GMT

Symphony felt like her soul was imploding. The pain was real. "You are overconfident. It seems like there is saying to Pride before Fall..." Symphony struggled to stand. Azmodan's influence was too great. He was lord of freaking Sin. He would not be cast away as some petty side villain! Ivan sliced through the undergrowth with one of his swords. "I have a feeling that we'll have to worry about much more dangerous things then insects." Ika could feel like something was watching them from the darkness. Iron shrugged, trying to downplay being Amy's personal role model. In truth, she was glad someone respected her instead of hated her. "Yeah, I've been here the whole time!" The Lurker at the Threshold laughed malevolently from beyond Time and Space. His dark influence would spread like fire, soon cracking the walls of his prison so that he could enter reality. "Watch now, Father, as I outplay you..."
#129503280Tuesday, April 01, 2014 12:33 AM GMT

Through the use of X-Ray-Infrared Vision equipment, Eva was able to quickly pinpoint the location of this item of value. At the same time, she avoided being seen by people going about their business, choosing to get to the location of this item through stealth. The Joker already had plans of what he would do, though he needed to start with lighter crimes first. And by lighter, he meant things like gaining more members for the organization, and impersonating crime bosses already in the Black Market.
#129508765Tuesday, April 01, 2014 1:22 AM GMT

"You're so cool and stealthy like a ninja! I didn't even sense you!"Amy said happily. "Good point."Ika said following Ivan. "True..but...Im not.gonna give up!"Despite the pain Symphony kicked him far away with a Upwards Kick!"Eternal Sonata....Mirror...strike!"She disappears,then two of her appear on his shoulders and rapidly slash all over his body! Ratatosk pulled his head out of the ceiling and smashes her into the ground with his tail!
#129508868Tuesday, April 01, 2014 1:23 AM GMT

(Opps sorry. Forgot Parker.) "No. Im an alien.."Kamui said simply,as if aliens were normal..
#129509365Tuesday, April 01, 2014 1:28 AM GMT

Shi gets smashed to the ground! The tail lifts as Shi carried the tail and swung Rat into the walls! Rat realizes that only one other person has gone toe to toe with Rat, Exdeath! (Probably more people fought Rat, but I wasn't paying attention....)
#129509874Tuesday, April 01, 2014 1:33 AM GMT

Symphony was rendered void through plot armor. Azmodan was too large to be totally kicked away in Symphony's weakened condition. In addition, having your soul implode is not something that can be solved through motivational will power. Symphony was sent kneeling before him as he lurched closer, nearly driving his leg into her body. "The games are over, Symphony! You will feel the Eternal Wrath of Hell!" He raised his hands to cast his final spell to smite Symphony when his leg was sliced clean off by a metal form. Azmodan shuffled back, influence waning. Symphony's soul began to be restored! "WHAT! IMPOSSIBLE! MY POWER RENDS THE VERY SOUL!" Blade stood a few yards away, his blades coated in Azmodan's blood. "Miscalculation. I have no soul." Blade's left hook, his least favorite, turned into a small cannon that charged with energy. "Subject: Azmodan. Analysis: Terminated." He fired a massive cataclysmic buck shot with exploded into brilliant colors, rending Azmodan's body apart. All the remained was his horrible soul, glinting a foul evil color... As Ivan and Ika descended into the jungle, Ika swore she saw evil eyes glaring at her through the dark. Ivan failed to take notice as he was cutting greenery down. Iron smiled. "You know, ninjas wish they could be as stealthy as me!"
#129510730Tuesday, April 01, 2014 1:40 AM GMT

Parker "Huh" I reply "wasn't expecting that one, although you look pretty tame compared to the other inhabitants of this place or realm or world" I continue ~THE DEMON CODE PREVENTS ME FROM DECLINING A ROCK OFF CHALLENGE~
#129513104Tuesday, April 01, 2014 2:02 AM GMT

(I believe one was Nexus that Ratatosk faced.) Ratatosk glowed with rage and.fired a massive hyper beam at her! (Can't Symphony ever.get a.epic moment? Bah...Blades back atleast..) (Fuggin plot armor.) "Thanks Blade.."Symphony said as her nanobots healed her. Ika stayed on alert as she followed Ivan,spells at the ready. "Cooooool!"Amy said happily. Meanwhile....Oga was still wandering around...I believe I requested action...or something?!
#129513829Tuesday, April 01, 2014 2:08 AM GMT

Ship pulls up her arms, the laser hits Shi, pushing her back!
#129514135Tuesday, April 01, 2014 2:11 AM GMT

Yeah, I got my action catalog found. Oga's gonna love fighting something that probably doesn't exist. He sees a meteorite crash in the distance, punching a hole in the earth. (Symphony can have an epic moment versus Belial. However, she was fighting Azmodan in his own turf, at his peak power. Not ideal circumstance.) Blade didn't respond immediately. "Expected response: You're welcome." Symphony saw that Hemorrhage was trapped under one of the corpses that rained from the ceiling earlier. How ironic. Iron continued to brag about her exploits and adventures, of dashing dinosaurs hunts and infiltrating fancy uptown parties to retrieve valuable items. She left out the parts with assassinations and other bad stuff for kids. Ivan and Ika stepped into a robe trap, which enclosed them in a thick net, tied to a jungle tree. Ivan tried to cut through it with his sword, but no dice. "Seems enchanted..." (Correction: Ratatosk got his ass kicked by Nexus. :Kappa:)
#129518396Tuesday, April 01, 2014 2:52 AM GMT

It explodes,doing major damage and sending her flying! Kagura and Nerd Shi were watching from a safe distance! (Wait. Doesn't exist as, not existent in monster media or do you mean not being able to punch?) (Ah Anime heroes do that all the time and still have an epic moment.) Symphony helped Hemor up!"Im curious..why are you here?"She asked. Amy was amazed at her new role model...Isn't that Yellow Guy gonna strike again? I really wanna show off Amy's weapon... "We should have seen this coming. I hope the locals are allergic to fish."Ika said. (Yeah..he did. :P)