#141022169Monday, July 21, 2014 4:02 AM GMT

Shi was suddenly tackled by Mary! As they struggled Shi and Mary fell through the child-like painting! Shi hits her head on the landing and blacks out..she wakes up in a poorly drawn house. As she exits the house..she realizes she's in that 5-year old drawn " least I got a goldfish."Rita sighed. "Oh let me try!"Kagura takes the hammer and hits it with her Yato strength! She pretty much broke the machine... Ika followed....*She really is my ancestor..holy crap.* "Wait...What?! You were summoned?! By who?!"Symphony asked.
#141022443Monday, July 21, 2014 4:05 AM GMT

Shi grumbled. "I have seriously spent the last straw in this stupid place! " Shi picked up green sticks lines that were suppose to be pieces of grass. Shi was going even crazier. "Mary... Where are you?"
#141022833Monday, July 21, 2014 4:10 AM GMT

Actually, Kagura got Goldfish to. She received a free goldfish. What!? This definitely was rigged! 'I don't have any eyes, girl of metal. How am I supposed to know?' Ika's vision began to blur and become foggier and foggier as her ancestor swam away. She couldn't keep up!
#141025977Monday, July 21, 2014 4:47 AM GMT

Shi explored the area but didn't find much in the poorly drawn houses...however she did discover a huge toybox. *Darn...Well I guess she met somebody to have a baby with..*Ika thought. "Of course you.can't see. Making things easy would be asking for too much."Symphony sighed. "Next game.."Rita sighed. Test.of Wit!
#141026060Monday, July 21, 2014 4:48 AM GMT

Shi went to it....
#141051654Monday, July 21, 2014 1:09 PM GMT

'Because one totally needs eyes when burrowing in the depths of the earth.' Ancient Ones were often brutally sarcastic. Ika heard the voice of Cthulhu as she returned back to the present. "Not quite. Luhey was a star spawn, the only female one to be exact. She was already with child before R'lyeh sunk. Over time, her form began to adapt and adjust to the environment in which she lived. As her traits began to shed as her lineage expanded, it eventually wound up to being what you are today..." In other words, technically, Cthulhu was Ika's great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grand father. The test of wits was a huge dial, with various symbols and 5 rings. The carney explained. "If you can align the symbols and decode them, you get a prize!"
#141058365Monday, July 21, 2014 2:59 PM GMT

Aldert now rests in the sky. "Huh, I wonder why nothing happens around here." He said, checking his watch.
#141092776Monday, July 21, 2014 9:06 PM GMT

Dreadpool sighed, grabbing hold of something as he attempted to get back up. "Hey, Bobobo, look at all the cash on this ship!" Dreadpool said, staring at all the briefcases of credits. Ah, The Joker would get out sooner or later.
#141093807Monday, July 21, 2014 9:15 PM GMT

Rita tried her best to decode this puzzle! If.only Professor Layton was here.... "Ugh I feel a bit sick."Ika said disgusted. "How you atleast 'sense' the summoners location?"Symphony asked. "WHHHHOA MOOOOONEY! I.CAN BUY ALL THE JUMP I WANT!"Gin yelled! "I CAN GET A.NEW AFRO!"Bobobo said. "DAH BUH!"Baby Beel said as he 'pilots' the ship. As Shi looked in...She was pushed was bigger on the inside as Shi fell to the floor! ouch...
#141095347Monday, July 21, 2014 9:31 PM GMT

Shi rose up, angry. "MARY. DOLLS. SHOW YOURSELF."
#141098250Monday, July 21, 2014 9:58 PM GMT

Hooray for Ika. She's technically a demigod or something. Ika returned back to the throne room, as if nothing had happened. The earthshaker's teeth clicked together like a droning sensation as it replied. It shattered a few glass panes. "Yes...Due east, atop a sky scraper..." Try as Rita might, the puzzle made absolutely no sense. Maybe it was because she didn't have a decoder...
#141099993Monday, July 21, 2014 10:12 PM GMT

"Im..right here...Shi..."Mary said behind her. "Thank you.."Symphony flew towards the location! "So we're related? What a shock..."Ika said still not believing what she just saw. "Freaking A! How do this?!"Rita yelled.
#141100307Monday, July 21, 2014 10:15 PM GMT

Symphony was not surprised in the slightest when she saw that it was Hemorrhage who had summoned the giant worm. How lovely. He failed to notice her, since he was reading out of a book bigger than he was. "If by related, you mean the fact that I created the creature that led to your birth over countless years, then yes, we're related just as Ivan is related to Balkior, Vision of Fear." The carney wasn't allowed to give hints.
#141103731Monday, July 21, 2014 10:46 PM GMT

(In a fight between Symphony and Hemorrhage, I see Hemorrhage 'bleeding'. Hehe, get it?) "Bobobo, you don't need to buy another afro..." Dreadpool said, skeptically. He stared at Dawn's weapon's collection for a moment, before taking them for himself. Amarth jumped from the building, landing on a pillar of ice that he had just created. His eyes gleamed with excitement as he leapt off the pillar, landing casually on the ground. "Now this... THIS is true power, beyond that of what I believed before..."
#141103804Monday, July 21, 2014 10:47 PM GMT

(Except Hemorrhage has defeated Symphony in a direct one on one fight. ._.)
#141104176Monday, July 21, 2014 10:51 PM GMT

Shi turned around, and immediatly punched Mary in the face!
#141105443Monday, July 21, 2014 11:03 PM GMT

Rita gives up."Lets....try another game...or something else I don't care." (Cause he cheated...) "HEMOR WHAT THE HELL?!..You know what? Im not really that surprised...."Symphony sighed."Stop the summon right now or else!" "Well....we're related....gosh this is awkward. I don't know what to say."Ika said. "I'LL HAVE TWO AFRO'S!...YEAH!" Baby Beel was piloting the ship into space! Mary ducked...and Shi felt something on her gut..when she looked..she saw a knife! She was stabbed by Mary! It wasn't painful but it hurt like hell! Mary knocked her down and.dragged her by the hair to...a empty painting?! Wait... "Sorry...friend...but I really want to see the outside world...being stuck her for a long time as a painting...made me desperate...don't worry..I'll take your painting along with me..."
#141107322Monday, July 21, 2014 11:23 PM GMT

Shi grabbed the green lines that she picked up earlier, and stabbed them through the back of Mary's calves, twisting them! "IM NOT GOING TO BE A PAINTING!" Shi ripped the lines upward, cutting up Mary's legs.
#141107361Monday, July 21, 2014 11:24 PM GMT

(Cause he cheated...) (In battle, there is no fair or unfair. There is only victory *Villain Logic*) Meanwhile, Dreadpool had taken each briefcase to a different area of the ship. He was intending to put the cash into a pod, have the pod sent down to earth, and then escape the ship, so that he could keep all of the money without sharing it with the bench patrol...
#141107830Monday, July 21, 2014 11:29 PM GMT

(Warlocks don't fight fair.) "Why should I? I'm evil, Symphony! I explained that!" Hemorrhage sighed as he grumbled. "Why shouldn't I bulldoze this city?" Cthulhu moved a piece on his board, never blinking. "Yes, luckily we among the eldritch are immune to awkward situations. You don't have to say anything. In fact, if you really wished, I could wipe your memory and return you to Ivan, but of course you wouldn't trust me with that..." Well, if you go by order of list, the next would be Crocolisk wrestling.
#141121322Tuesday, July 22, 2014 1:55 AM GMT

It was meant to be grass and in this paint it is happened when she tried to stab her."'re too loud..."She slammed Shi against the wall and began to choke the life out of her as she drags her along the wall towards the painting...Shi realized that if they're switching places then the empty painting must be Mary's! She still had that hell with the rules! "Because I'll kick your ass!"Symphony threatened. "Of course I you had ne kidnapped you could tell me.that?"Ika asked. "What the hell kinda creature is that?!"Rita muttered. Dreadpool realized the money was gone...where could it be?!
#141121854Tuesday, July 22, 2014 2:00 AM GMT

"No, I originally wanted to kidnap you so that you wouldn't get yourself killed, but that clown took so long to capture you that I already got past my convincing phase and decided to let you die if you were insane enough to do so, and then I find out he isn't dead and he somehow manages to get you pack to me with the help of some metal dragon. It's like getting the doll you wanted when you were 5 for your 15th birthday, if you understand that analogy. I had no idea what to do, so I decided to tell you something you might want to know." Rita found out exactly what a crocolisk was: a mix between a basilisk and a crocodile. It was about 20 feet long, with razor sharp teeth, 6 legs, fleshy whiskers from its chin, and fins extending from its tail. It was the color of the mud it was sleeping in. Guess no one was dumb enough to wrestle it. Hemorrhage laughed. "That would be enough to stop me, Symphony, if I didn't command the mighty Earthshaker! You are nothing to me now!"
#141122041Tuesday, July 22, 2014 2:02 AM GMT

Shi knee exactly what to do! Shi jab the lighter into Mary's eye! Shi punched it deeper!
#141123407Tuesday, July 22, 2014 2:15 AM GMT

(8 Ways Cthulhu Defies Reality, Psychics, and Universal Laws *Enjoy!* 1. Cthulhu can breath in space. Its space that can't breath in Cthulhu. 2. Cthulhu doesn't need air like mortals do. He holds the air hostage. 3. When a painter tried to paint Cthulhu, he immediately went insane. Cthulhu's powers extend to mere paintings. 4. There is no creation, just a long list of creatures Cthulhu has allowed to live. 5. CTHULHU can murder you 100 times before you realize you're dead, and then he can kill you again just for good measure 6. Death can't take Cthulhu. Cthulhu can kill death. 7. Cthulhu can create hellfire... by flicking sub zero ice. 8. Ghost sit around the campfire... and tell stories of Cthulhu) "Someone's taken it! INCONVENIENCE!!!" Dreadpool muttered, before walking down the corridor. His abilities absorbed from the deceased Toxin enabled him to track people around the ship better...
#141129263Tuesday, July 22, 2014 3:17 AM GMT

Symphony dashed and quickly kicked him in the face!"You cant use it if you're dead!" "Totally not.fighting it.."Rita sighed. "Oh can.we.tackle it as a team?"Kagura asked. know it's Shi but....I didn't expect that. i was expecting setting the empty painting on fire. "So..can you send me back to Ivan then?"Ika asked. He finds Bobobo,Gin and oga wearing golden clothing. It was bright it blinded him!