#141232218Wednesday, July 23, 2014 2:53 AM GMT

"Wow..she's pretty..."Colette smiled."Hey let's go explore!" (Well I dont know how strong exactly it is! And I thought giant vs giant was a epic idea..) "Crap..didn't really think this through.."Rita said as she raised tried to pin the monster down with her two hands. (Ooooh...never heard of it.) "Well now.Im.extremely disappointed. No doughnuts or shrimp!"Ika sighed. "Yeah!"Amy said."Alright let me concentrate and I.can find her location!"Amy.meditated,trying to find Iron's 'aura'.
#141234151Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:12 AM GMT

Shi smiled and turned around. "Where did you want to go explore, sweetie?"
#141234854Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:19 AM GMT

Amy got a lock on fairly quickly. Her aura happened to remind Amy of iron and those stupid sugar hearts you get for Valentine's Day that no one really likes but eats anyways. Ivan sighed as they continued down the path they were forging. "Out of all the disappointments in my life, that was a close 168th." (It's a like a saltwater crocodile, only staring at its eyes for too long will hypnotize you.) The croc bit down on Rita's arms in an awkward manner.
#141235364Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:25 AM GMT

"Anywhere not extremely dangerous."Colette said. "Found's just...teleport!"Poof!Amy and Walter teleported. "What a long list.."Ika said surprised. "Ouch! Little runt!"Rita stomped on it to pin it's head into the dirt!
#141235604Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:27 AM GMT

As Rita stomped the croc's head, it yanked her arms down, causing her to sink into the mud more...oh, and her arms were being lacerated. Who thought this was a good game? Walter and Amy teleport directly above Iron Valentine...who was in a tree. You can guess what happened. "Yeah, I've had my fair share of disappointments in life."
#141237565Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:46 AM GMT

"Im not losing here!"Rita growled,swinging her massive tail to slam it down harshly! "That's...depressing...alright let's not let that ignorant shop keep our spirits down! Ivan! Why did the chicken cross the road?!"Ika said telling a joke! Well Amy knew how to levitate. Walter did not. "Ah sorry about that Ms Iron but I was bored..."Amy said.
#141239554Wednesday, July 23, 2014 4:05 AM GMT

Ivan raised a figurative eyebrow. "Because you undercooked it?" ZING! Walter hit the forest floor rather painfully. " internal organs..." Iron sighed. "Amy, didn't I tell you this was an important job in my note?" Rita could not actually move her tail, as it was trapped against the mudpit. The crocolisk couldn't move much either, but it still had her arms in its grip.
#141241063Wednesday, July 23, 2014 4:21 AM GMT

"Like a volcano?!" Shi exclaimed.
#141241723Wednesday, July 23, 2014 4:28 AM GMT

Luffy was able to roll back again as Deviljho's jaws grabbed a mouthful of stone (along with a few strands of Luffy's hair). Luffy's steaming red arms bounced back as he jumped further away, and with both palms open, he teleported in front of Deviljho's snout, who still had his teeth chomping on the ground. With heavy palms and black steel, he slammed both hands into his nose. "JET BAZOOKA!"
#141242260Wednesday, July 23, 2014 4:34 AM GMT

"N-no! That's super extremely dangerous!"Colette said."Someplace where beginners can go.." Ika giggled! "No but that's actually pretty funny!" "But I was.boooooooorrrred!"Amy said. Rita struggled to get her arms free and tail too! She rose to her hind legs and tried kicking the creature off! Deviljho's face smacked into the.ground! It roared in pain as several teeth fell off! Past Kagura moved to it's head,and aimed her.umbrella at it's Right Eye! She fired exploded in blood! In massive pain.and rage it slammed Past Kagura into a building,finally getting.her off! It eyed Luffy as if to say 'You're next!"
#141242634Wednesday, July 23, 2014 4:38 AM GMT

"Death mountain!" Shi suggested again.
#141242786Wednesday, July 23, 2014 4:39 AM GMT

Ray was still journeying home with the loot. (Grounded till every night. Sorry, might be inactive...)
#141303854Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:20 PM GMT

The crocolisk let go of Rita. Her arms were lacerated, sure, but she wasn't delimbed. Ivan creased out the collar on his tuxedo. "Yeah, I guess I am funny." Ika began to hear a loud rumbling noise, but it was extremely faint. "I understand you're bored, but I'm WORKING!" Iron began to scold Amy. "I have a contract I have to fulfill, and you're just getting in my way right now!"
#141304751Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:29 PM GMT

"No! That's certain death! Ms Shi please be serious here! How about a small cave or something ?"Colette asked. "You're going down now!"Rita tried a body slam to finally pin this thing and end it for good! "Ivan I here something approaching!"Ika warned him. "Contract? Are you a band member or something?"Amy asked floating upside down for the heck of it.
#141304922Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:31 PM GMT

(Just today figured out that H.P Lovecraft was racist... e.e) (Also, the wedges being placed around the planet, they're only truly noticeable when the portals are activated with them. They'll be REALLY noticeable when they are each turned on at the same time, to unleash the nether and tear Cartoonia apart) Dreadpool went down to Toonavia, preferably the marketplace. The golden underpants were rather comfy as it happened... Someone fired a sniper at Symphony... Amarth was working as fast as he could. So far, the only wedges in place were located in the Icecap Zone and the Marketplace, meaning he still needed 7 more wedges placed. Right now, he was looking for a good spot to place a wedge in the anime peaks! Meanwhile, Deltron had plans of his own. He was somewhere in Mechtropolis. After the failed plan to fire the giant drill into the planet, Deltron had decided that he would attempt to take over Mechtropolis before launching any larger scale plans upon the earth... And what better way to take over Mechtropolis than to begin insert metallic tendrils into the zone?
#141305402Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:36 PM GMT

Rita successfully won, as the crocolisk couldn't cheating and turning into a dragon, but nonetheless she won! Ivan drew his sword, prepared. "Alright, what could it be this time?" The answer: bees! Well, actually, a race of some-what sentient hivemindian wasp-men, dubbed Man-Wasps, led by their king: Mecha-Man-Wasp! There were 100s of them swarming towards Ika and Ivan! "No, I'm a..." Iron thought. She couldn't say she was an assassin, now could she? "I'm a treasure hunter! Yeah!"
#141313777Wednesday, July 23, 2014 10:02 PM GMT

Shi sighed."fiiiiiine..."
#141319887Wednesday, July 23, 2014 11:08 PM GMT

(Sure the world needs 2 villains trying to destroy the world at the same time....Actually..This gives the Bench Patrol something to do! Baby Beel crashed the ship into one of the wedges,destroying the wedge! It was deflected by her glowing wing!"What the?!"Symphony scanned the area with her radar! "Holy crap! What the heck?!"Ika yelled. "Treasure hunter? Cooooool that means we get to go exploring!"Amy said happily! Rita turned to.normal!"Ha! I won! Now what's my prize?"
#141320736Wednesday, July 23, 2014 11:17 PM GMT

"No kid, that means I get to find artifacts that are rare. Mostly boring shuffling through dusty tombs." Iron was lying to try and deter Amy. Rita received for her valiant efforts: 32 copper coins, a used paperclip, and a bag containing something. The Man-wasps chittered, surging forward gripping their wooden spears. Mecha-Man-Wasp had a stone sword, being slightly more intelligent.
#141321248Wednesday, July 23, 2014 11:22 PM GMT

(Meh, Amarth is the one with the truly chaotic world destroying plan. If the nether is unleashed, it'll be far to chaotic for mere mortals to handle. In the process, it'll make Amarth stronger, seeing as he is the Nether Lord, and a world of nether gives him full reign) (Deltron on the other hand, wishes to exterminate all biological creatures on the planet, and repopulate the world with Deltronians, Robots, A.I's, and such. Actually... that plan could count as a world destroying plan, since he intends to spread his tech throughout Cartoonia, to mold it into a metallic world) "Aaaannddd... there just goes to show... Hehehehhe..." The Joker immediately picked up the sniper, darting back into the building. With luck, The Joker would escape before Symphony realized that he was the one who had fired the sniper. The tendrils were still spreading throughout Mechtropolis... "NO! The wedge!" Amarth said, propelling himself away from the ship that had crashed into the wedge. That mean't only 2 of his wedges were still active, and already people were trying to prevent this plan. Leaping into the air, Amarth was carried way by a water vortex!
#141322066Wednesday, July 23, 2014 11:31 PM GMT

A shy guy walked through the marketplace with posters and nails. He continuously posted up the posters. The posters read, as follows. ATTENTION! The honourable king wart requests that all people, big and small, retrieve all vegetables, and burn them. It is of greatest honour that you do so. Anybody caught with vegetables at the arrival of king wart will be apprehended. When the shy guy finished in the marketplace, he started to head towards other cities.
#141324207Wednesday, July 23, 2014 11:55 PM GMT

(Well my heroes are preoccupied at the.moment. Croc got deal with dem tendrils?) (Also Mada you didn't make a CS...although I assume you're being a dam troll at this point so.Im.asking stop before we report you.) "Whoa...what'd we.hit?"Oga said climbing out of the wreckage. "Who puts a building here?"Gin muttered angrily. "Hope he.doesn't expect us to pay.."Bobobo said. No human can escape Symphony's scanner! Symphony flew towards Joker!"You're mine!" Amy smiled!"Ancient ruins?! They must have alot of ancient knowledge! I love to learn!" "Here they come!"Ika said getting a lightning spell ready! "So let's go find a normal cave to explore!"Colette smiled happily and walked out! "'re...kidding me right?"Rita opened the bag!
#141329712Thursday, July 24, 2014 12:48 AM GMT

Rita received a mysterious egg. It seemed to be clear as glass, and red energy pulsed around in it. The man-wasps flew right by Ivan and Ika, as if they were running from something much more dangerous... "Yeah, you'd think that, but they don't. Mostly spike traps." (I don't have anyone, no. Of course, that's never stopped anyone...)
#141339065Thursday, July 24, 2014 2:20 AM GMT

Shi slightly smiled. "I want you to find us a cave Colette!... Say.... Where's Gaz?" "IM.... HERE!" Gaz hovered in, drinking a bottle. "Just admiring.... The drinks..."
#141339181Thursday, July 24, 2014 2:21 AM GMT

(My plan goes well... All are preoccupied with other schemes, unable to stop the horrors of Deltron's villainous scheme! MUAHAAHAHHAHA! Also, Grave, if Baby Beel's ship crashed into the anime peaks, that's a freaking huge crash ya know, because that ship was a cruiser. Hooray for accidental destruction) "Well well, if it isn't my good friend Symphony! And you've arrived just in time!" The Joker said, making awkward gestures with his arms as he spoke. Amarth had set out to find another location to place a wedge.