#145079116Monday, September 01, 2014 4:10 PM GMT

The three lasers and the rest of the planets from the solar system slammed right in target,causing of course,a massive explosion! Laharl laughed as he watched!"Hahahahaha! That is a true power of an Overlord!"He had no idea that Mogul was a immortal. "Must be some sort of number code."Rita said and helped Dod write down the numbers too. Gin does so and poked it. "Whew...back to normal.."Ika said and kissed Ivan."We did it..." "Eep!"Symphony tried flying away!
#145084411Monday, September 01, 2014 5:08 PM GMT

The entire arena was reduced to a crater, everyone in it destroyed. However, Mogul poked out of the pile of rubble, dusting off his armor. "A reasonably impressive display, however, I would've added a star or two. The heat and gravity would've broken apart my shield and added 1.7x damage. In a not very impressive puff of smoke, Anti was separated from Gin. "Dear God almighty! I'm finally free!" He grabbed Gin by the neck, slapping him! "SCREW YOU, YOU LAZY PRICK!" Ridley wasn't extremely fast, so he tailed behind Symphony. He fired plasma flame, lasers, and missiles at her! Ivan was still silent, shivering slightly. "Yeah...yeah..."
#145086131Monday, September 01, 2014 5:25 PM GMT

"'re tougher than I thought Fatso."Laharl smirked "Come on...let's go home and get some need it."Ika said "Ow! Just go already!"Gin said to Anti Onwards for that quest Amy and the other two were on. Symphony did her best to dodge as she flew away from Ridley!"Whew...that was close ."
#145087798Monday, September 01, 2014 5:41 PM GMT

"Fine, nerd. I'll have to pester you later." Anti disappeared in the shadows, freeeeeeeeeeeee as a bird. Ivan nodded. "Yeah...yeah..." Ivan had a strange fascination at looking at his hands...or lack of them. Symphony escaped, but she learned that the skies? Maybe not safe... Mogul sneered in distaste. "Yes. That hurt, slightly." Mogul looked Lahral over. "Perhaps you aren't useless."
#145102170Monday, September 01, 2014 8:10 PM GMT

"Im not useless! Im the freaking overlord! I've earned this position dammit!"Laharl yelled. Ika and Ivan went to exit and go rest... Gin followed Symphony lands in a nearly city and retracts her wings."Great...since he's in the sky that presents a very bad hazard...well I'll just run...Im still fast on my feet."
#145103177Monday, September 01, 2014 8:20 PM GMT

Good for Symphony. Running is good for the soul, calves, and thighs, not that Symphony needs to be concerned with any of that. Ivan and Ika return to their hotel, where Ivan promptly face planted in a bed, asleep. Long day, eh? As Gin left, he could here the two girls arguing. " mean you DIDN'T grab the key!?" "No, Nyarko..." "GAH! NOW WE HAVE TO GO HUNT THEM AND GET IT BACK!" Mogul sneered. "Yes, yes. You 'earned' your position by signing all over a piece of paper."
#145103744Monday, September 01, 2014 8:27 PM GMT

"What paper?! You dont sign a piece of paper for Overlord!! Wait you mean that stupid club Fatso Egg guy formed? Huh..forgot about that...Ah who needs em?! I hate his little clubhouse now since he made me go on a wild goose chase for some non-existent animals!"Laharl yelled. Ika smiled and falls asleep too. Gin decided not to get involved and walk away..along the way he freed the other Bench Patrol members and they went to go!
#145104353Monday, September 01, 2014 8:34 PM GMT

"You mean a lava-seal? I think he meant a magical rune, not an animal..." Ika was woken up by Ivan, thrashing around in a nightmare.
#145104561Monday, September 01, 2014 8:36 PM GMT

Ika rushed to his side."Ivan wake up it's just a dream!" " .....i...Um..I knew that! I still didn't find anything in that stupid place!"Laharl said.
#145131362Tuesday, September 02, 2014 12:54 AM GMT

Ivan snapped awake, drawing the blanket around him. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." "Maybe because you associated it in an incorrect location. They don't occur naturally in nature, you know."
#145137222Tuesday, September 02, 2014 1:53 AM GMT

"Five peons should do it, then. Just know, if you use them to down me, Ironforge... you will pay, dearly," Tarkosh threatened. He beckoned five of the worker peons to step forward...
#145139168Tuesday, September 02, 2014 2:15 AM GMT

The Ironforged raised his goblet. "Come now, my champions! Gaze now upon your new life...and TAKE IT!" He handed the goblet to the first peon.
#145139570Tuesday, September 02, 2014 2:20 AM GMT

"Me not that kind of Orc..." One of the peons muttered. The peon in the front of the line, however, took the goblet, raising it to his lips. "Sug sug." Lazily, he drank from the strange liquid...
#145141475Tuesday, September 02, 2014 2:40 AM GMT

The Goblet never seemed to empty. It must be enchanted. The ichor flowed through the peon's veins, transforming him into an Iron Orc, like Jonthar before him. Such exhilarating power.
#145142971Tuesday, September 02, 2014 2:56 AM GMT

"Hey me and my vassals looked everywhere in that accursed lava land! I even had my lava demons swim around looking for it!"Laharl said angrily. Ika hugged Ivan."it's okay're here with me and that's all that matters..." Amy whistled a tune while they searched for that thing.
#145144365Tuesday, September 02, 2014 3:11 AM GMT

The numbers stopped. Dod began decoding. "Axem Rangers for deployment...." Dod was confused. "Who are the Axem Rangers?!"
#145165176Tuesday, September 02, 2014 11:52 AM GMT

"Maybe you were searching in the wrong place." Ivan nodded, shaking. "Yeah...Hey, Ika, can I ask you something?" Iron, Amy, and Walter reach a sea-side manor. 'Maybe it'll still be here...'
#145168087Tuesday, September 02, 2014 1:29 PM GMT

"Exicorating power, drink some!" The peon said, passing the goblet to the next peon in line. Of course, he drank as well, the promise of power convincing him. Wade 'Dreadpool' Wilson popped up next to Amarth, his face full of amusement. "How many times are you gonna be revived? You're becoming Nakumaro now!" He exclaimed. Amarth made a confused expression. "Listen, about your little 'liberation', I'll take it from here." Before Amarth realized what was happening, he found himself... frozen. Wade placed a single hand on his shoulder, his eyes locked on the man. Suddenly, Amarth had erupted in flames. "You see, we can't have boring reruns running interesting ideas, strong as they may be, Amarth," Wade said, right before Amarth's body disintegrated.
#145169905Tuesday, September 02, 2014 2:17 PM GMT

"Axem rangers?"Rita asked. "Oh oh I get it! It's like Axe 'em until their dead or something right? It's a pun!"Kagura said. "Uh...i dont think so.."Rita said. "Well where else am I supposed to look in a volcanic area?! How about a lake? Oh and some nice flammable trees?!"Laharl said sarcastically. "Sure. Shoot."Ika said. "Ohhh a manor?"Amy said.
#145169988Tuesday, September 02, 2014 2:19 PM GMT

(Dangit, Grave, that penguin suit... Now I can't confuse you by copying your usual attire)
#145170688Tuesday, September 02, 2014 2:38 PM GMT

(Bumrush for that 10,000 post mark.) Ваш поток это плохо, и вы должны чувствовать себя плохо.
#145171317Tuesday, September 02, 2014 2:58 PM GMT

"Attention all members of this faction, your leader has been destroyed, and replaced by... me. Come down to the meeting room immediately, or suffer the same random fate that your boss did," Wade said. There was a scrambling of movement as the henchman went to enter the meeting room.
#145175014Tuesday, September 02, 2014 4:48 PM GMT

Iron Valentine nodded. "Yeah. 5 years from now, a gorgeous mercenary thief will break into this place to find the artifact she was sent to get was stolen 5 years previously..." Iron stared, in memories. Ivan stuttered, before getting his message. " you think I'm a monster?" Mogul sighed. "Fire-seals can be found everywhere where there are men to make it..." The rest of the orcs, becoming the mighty Iron Orcs.
#145179291Tuesday, September 02, 2014 6:25 PM GMT

(Where would Amy be right now, Croc/grave?) "You have my five weakest Orcs, and now they are... metal Orcs. Now, fulfill your half of the bargain. Make me unstoppable!" Tarkosh growled, clutching his axe quite tightly. "So... we're basically moving forward with those supposed plan to 'liberate' people--" One of the henchman cut Wade off. "Why the heck should we serve you? You're not the guy who hired us, just some maniac!" The henchman yelled. Wade sighed. "Because if you don't," He began, walking towards the henchman at a methodical pace. He put his hand on the man's shoulder, giving a 'cold' smile. Suddenly, the man clutched his throat. He was beginning to choke. Falling out of his chair, his hands remained around his throat. "You'll die." The man stopped, taking a very deep breath. He had stopped choking, apparently.
#145186215Tuesday, September 02, 2014 8:20 PM GMT

(At a beach side manor.) The Ironforged tossed the goblet into Tarkosh's hand. "Pour it on your weapon. Be extremely careful not to get any on yourself."