#118414474Friday, November 22, 2013 2:20 AM GMT

"Says the insane lunatic who was knocked out with a hot dog." The back of White Skull's mask cracks. "Dang it, I just bought that mask you know!" White Skull tosses a sticky Bottle 0 Fun Bomb at Deadpool.
#118415303Friday, November 22, 2013 2:30 AM GMT

(Hmm...I dont wanna but Im gonna replace Diglett...) Sadly Diglett had to leave...but two new pokemon arrived!Crogunk the poison frog pokemon! And Fletchling the tiny Robin pokemon! Fletchling and Crogunk enter via back door! "Ah here is my other two friends...they are late."Amy said. Symphony smiled. "Alright..."Rita had a list of the ingredients..."Uh..clues for the ingredients?"
#118415659Friday, November 22, 2013 2:33 AM GMT

"Seek the dying stars." Zel had a knack for being cryptic. All was right in the world for Symphony...except, you know, imminent doom. Honedge unsheathed himself. "Very well then. Let us begin when you're ready."
#118416832Friday, November 22, 2013 2:48 AM GMT

Symphony had more garlands at the ready...heading home with her two swords she felt better. "English...please.."Rita facepalmed. "Amy you're too young to fight!" "But mamma I need to learn...Pleasssse?"She asked with 'Bambi' eyes. Poor Ika..she surrendered under the power of adorableness! Amy smiled and sends out Munchlax first!"Defense curl!"Munchlax raises it's defense up!
#118418820Friday, November 22, 2013 3:13 AM GMT

Honedge didn't bother attacking as he used Swords Dance, sharply raising his attack! Munchlax's defense curl was effectively negated. Zel sighed. "GO TO A CHURCH, DAMNIT!" Logic. Symphony sees the shadow creatures 'swimming' around in walls, waiting....
#118419531Friday, November 22, 2013 3:22 AM GMT

"What kind of church dammit!"Rita said. Symphony had her new swords ready."Bring it...' "Munchlax! Li ck!"Munchlax did it and it paralyzed Honedge!
#118421025Friday, November 22, 2013 3:42 AM GMT

"That's why you are all going out to find him." Shi replied. Duskull and his gang sneak into Mechopolis, sneaking behind a SWATbot during a episode of SWATS, you know.... That show that filmed the SWATS doing their police work.... And arrested one of Grave's characters.... They sneak into a tv shop and steal antennas..... Deadpool sighs. "Sticky bombs? A grenade can't kill me, why do you think a sti-" deadpool's left side explodes as he falls to the ground.
#118421069Friday, November 22, 2013 3:43 AM GMT

Honedge disregarded the lick and sword's danced more! 3x attack, son! "I warn you, madame Amy, you cannot defeat me!" Honedge's ability, no guard, prevented moves from missing. Zel sighed. "I DON'T KNOW! I HAVEN'T BEEN TO ONE IN THOUSANDS OF YEARS!" The shadow monsters most definitely did not want to 'bring it.'
#118421389Friday, November 22, 2013 3:47 AM GMT

"WOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA AHHAHAHAHAA! My Bottle 0 Fun are much more deadly then you think..." Skull takes out a metal wand gun pistol and points it at Deadpool. "See you in the ninth realm." Skull fires 4 bullets in Deadpool's chest.
#118421615Friday, November 22, 2013 3:50 AM GMT

Amy smirked."We'll see..that paralysis will slo"w you down though...Odor Sleuth!"Now any attack can hit the ghost pokemon! Lucky for them paralysis prevents Honedge from moving...for now.. Symphony tosses away the garland after being a safe distance from the house,she had her void blade in one hand,the shadow blade in the other! "BLOODY USELESS!"Rita yelled. "Crap..okay.."Inverse sighed. "Im going with Nerith..'Doll K said.
#118421645Friday, November 22, 2013 3:51 AM GMT

(Btw, my Beacklon CS was a couple pages ago)
#118422227Friday, November 22, 2013 3:59 AM GMT

Honedge patiently waited. Sure, Munchlax could hit him, but Honedge had a high defense and resisted Munchlax's STABS*. "Whatever you say, Amy, but once Munchlax is out of the way, you're done for." Honedge had his ultimate win move. Symphony saw a crow land on a tree near her house, cawing. Its red eyes honed in on her. Zel didn't say anything back as he focused on containing Kagura in an energy field. *Munchlax is level five, according to what you said earlier. Munchlax already knows defense curl, odor sleuth, and lick. I can assume it knows tackle or another normal move for stab, otherwise carrying odor sleuth is useless. Steel resists normal, so tackle won't be doing much, and lick is unSTABed, so it will be pitiful damage even if super effective. Check mate. (Why should I accept Beacklon again if he was already accepted?)
#118423906Friday, November 22, 2013 4:27 AM GMT

(I know I know..but he didn't say how many pokemon I could use..So I can switch out.) "Metronome!"Amy said! Munchlax moved it's fingers side to side which started to glow...suddenly Munchlax Karate Chopped Honedge! Rita stomped off towards a random church. "Bloody birds.."Symphony muttered.
#118427600Friday, November 22, 2013 5:55 AM GMT

(Is it too late to join this?)
#118432882Friday, November 22, 2013 12:26 PM GMT

Karate Chop does barely any damage as even with odor sleuth Honedge still had a high base defense, and steel/ghost was not weak to fighting, even with the rules of Odor Sleuth. "Sacred sword!" Honedge makes an arcing slash in the air, not touching Munchlax. However, a second later, a pale blue outline appears over Munclax and explodes in a bright orange flame, KOing him! More crows appeared, soon forming a thick ring around Symphony. Rita went down the mountain, snow whipping at her air and cold winds chilling her bone.
#118433007Friday, November 22, 2013 12:31 PM GMT

"Stupid...cold..."Rita muttered as she kept going. "That's bad..."Symphony gets ready for a fight! As a warning she blasts the crows away with a sound wave! "Hmmm...Totodile! You're up next! Focus on lowering his defense! Use leer!"Amy said as paralysis takes one turn away from Honedge again!
#118433041Friday, November 22, 2013 12:32 PM GMT

(its never too late to join!)
#118433385Friday, November 22, 2013 12:47 PM GMT

Paralysis was cured as Honedge ate his Lum berry! Surprise! Suddenly, a blade of shadow comes out of nowhere and stabs Totodile in the back, OHKO*ing him before he can leer! "I'm afraid you've lost." Honedge may have been a higher level than Amy's party, but it was fair as it was a 6v1. The crows explode, figuratively, meaning they fly away, from their bush. However, the crows left behind a rain of black feathers....Symphony started to get a really bad headache as the air seemed to warp itself around her. It was still cold 5 seconds later. *OneHitKnockOut. FYI, Honedge's movepool is Sacred Sword, Iron Head, Swords Dance, and Shadow Sneak. Shadow Sneak, the move he just used, has 40 bp and always goes first. Since Honedge is a ghost, Shadow Sneak is boosted 1.5, making it 60 power. Also, since Honedge tripled his attack, it's going to KO anything....
#118434407Friday, November 22, 2013 1:26 PM GMT

Well after that..poor Amy lost her second battle.(The first being the Kaiju battle..) "Ugh...so this is how losing feels.."She said after healing her pokemon back to full health. "I..hate..this!"Both Symphony and Rita said.
#118435968Friday, November 22, 2013 2:44 PM GMT

Of course they would, that's the idea. Snow kept stinging at Rita's limbs as she walked, freezing her. She'd die if not for her inner fire and determination! Symphony saw the saw outline of a sword in the rain of feathers. Honedge 1v6 sweeped her entire team. "Don't feel bad, Lady Amy. You put up a valiant fight." Honedge began glowing.
#118437101Friday, November 22, 2013 3:26 PM GMT

"Ah what's happening?!"Ika and Amy said. Symphony attacks immediately! *Damn straight determination!*Rita thought as she encouraged herself to go onwards!
#118440724Friday, November 22, 2013 5:27 PM GMT

Symphony's strike is easily parried and another blade is stabbed into her. "Try again." The glowing turned into a sphere of light as Honedge was encased. Eventful background music played. Rita saw a pair of eyes in the snow blind....
#118441404Friday, November 22, 2013 5:49 PM GMT

*Oh hell not this again!*Rita ran! The two stood in awe! "Who are you?!"Symphony demanded as she sliced rapidly with the Vorpal blade!
#118446741Friday, November 22, 2013 8:07 PM GMT

(I did a complete overhaul of Beacklon)
#118453862Friday, November 22, 2013 9:58 PM GMT

Deadpool takes the shots, pulling out his other gun with his good hand and firing back. Nerith begins walking to go search. Duskull counted up the antennas. "7… Now… we need something to give it a energy boost…." (if anyone wants to be in Duskull's group, ill take one.)