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#115403548Sunday, October 13, 2013 7:12 PM GMT

Since the dawn of time, there was magic and science. Magic was the energy of humans, allowing them to control and do things by manipulating this energy. Science explained the creation of things, and the destruction, as well as even explaining magic itself. However, from unknown origins, a third force finally came into play: Darkness. This powerful force was like magic, but different. It corrupted and manipulated people. It could even manipulate science. However, magic was something it could not manipulate. And that is because it fed on it. A great Sorcerer, Merlin, used his magic to determine something. Darkness normally devoured magic. And if it was to devour certain sources of magic, and certain people, it would become powerful enough to corrupt all of humanity using the combined magic of special people. And it did get them all. All but one. Roanoke Colony, Late 1500s: A cloud of darkness rushed towards the colony, consuming all those in its path. A woman ran with a boy, covered head to toe with enchantments. Eleven Coven's of witchs stood inbetween the Darkness and The Boy. But they had no magic to fight it with, for they realized there was only one way to stop the darkness and regain their strength. The woman ran to a wishing well. "I don't want to go!" the boy was just short of 13. "Listen, Astral. Your magic is the last it needs. We have no choice..." She put him down on the edge of the well. This was their last hope. She pushed the boy down the well, and cast her magic, placing a stone with a symbol on it. Eleven covens had given this one woman her magic, so she could cast the most powerful spell ever created by magic. The darkness was closing in, so she made the well, and the boy, vanish into thin air. For centuries, the well will be hidden from The Darkness, ending up in the future town of Brookevale. 9 dark Agents aprocahed the woman. "What have you done?" "I took away your food source. You better conserve your energy if you want to survive what we just did". "We can outlast your magic". "But you will be weak when it is done. Weak enough to be defeatable". "We shall see..." Brookevale, 2013: The boy had observed the world around him grow. He could not go far from the well, but he heard conversations, read newspapers, watched people work on cars and then computers. And then, one day, two people walked up to the well, and put a stone down. A stone with a symbol. "This case is just so annoying. Who kidnaps a child and then releases them once some Private Detectives arrive instead of the police? And why kill a sheriff? And what is with this stone?" "Hey, this is a wishing well. Maybe we should wish for an answer?" "Except, wishing wells don't work really, except to give you more room in your wallet". "Oh come on, it can't hurt. Wish with me?" "Fine". One of the private detectives took out a coin. "A lady gave me this coin anyways, apparently made just for this well". They both spoke together now. "I wish we got some help on this case". And they tossed it out of the well. They had no idea what they were about to do. As the coin fell down the well, it began to glow bright blue. Just then, a pulse emanated from the Well, knocking both detectives back as this blue burst shot into the air. An invisible pulse was also sent outward, to reach every corner of the earth. This pulse would be the return of magic. The well had not only sealed away the boy, but all magic as well, giving The Darkness nothing to feed on. It was the most powerful spell ever cast. But the Darkness would come now...with all its minions and tricks. "Hello? Can someone get me out?" The boy said at the bottom of the well. -------------------------------- The Detectives have been best friends since childhood, and their families friends for longer then they can remember. Both detectives have some magic because they are decedents of Witches, but not too much since their families have been out of practice for ages. They would be unable to cast offensive spells, only some minor ones like the ability to move objects or detect magic, and only with practice. The return of magic will attract creatures to the town, like Werewolves, who do not need magic to transform, as well as other creatures that were significantly weakened by magic's disappearance. Some may wish to help, but others may be a bit more hostile, or goal oriented. All in all, the world just got a lot more interesting. But with the Darkness returning weakened, will it be defeated? For the Darkness has many strategies it uses, and because it has been weakened it will have to be a lot more stealthy and careful to achieve its victory. If it gets the boy, then it will enslave the world. No Pressure! The Roleplay will start in a Diner, with the boy and the two detectives who got him out of the well. Roles: (You can have more then one, but you can't have two of the already listed characters) The Boy: (Taken by me) Detective number 1 (P.S.: the Detectives own guns): Taken Detective 2: Open The Deputy: The Witch (She kept in touch with Witch rituals. However, even she has her limits, and is not skilled in physical combat or shooting): Taken The Second Witch (Dem Witches, lol): Taken Other Characters: Cecilia Bren: Taken, Surviving Tree Nymph Descendant Alex Reed: Taken, Werewolf Alpha. Character Sheet: I don't really care what you put on your character sheets so long as you have a long history, some way to show or describe your appearance, and a list of equipment. However, for those who would like some organization: Name: Age: Nicknames: Appearance: History: Equipment: Other: Rules: 1: No OOC fighting. Keep it civil, or I will summon an ogre on top of you. 2: No God mod. People only control their own characters and NPCs. 3: No Perfect Characters. To quote someone, "No one is perfect". I expect to see evidence of such. 4: No auto hits on other characters, unless you have a REALLY good reason why. 5: No submitting a character unless you put "You got what you wished for" into your history somewhere. :) 6: No racist comments. 7: No Politics. 8: Have fun! 9: Post every 2 days at least, and tell us when you cant for awhile. If there is an emergency or if I feel we have been waiting too long, I WILL control your character to the best of my ability. 11: No rule 10. Rule 10 is for luzerz. 12: No Text Speak. Rule 11 was the only exception. Keep to standard English please!

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