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#115524664Monday, October 14, 2013 11:19 PM GMT

In this thread, it will just be stuff for my fictional world of Greywulf, I will post stuff like Greywulf Family Bios from different eras. you may also ask questions, post ideas, etc. about Greywulf stuff. -Galdion Greywulf
#115525346Monday, October 14, 2013 11:25 PM GMT

Name: Galdion Greywulf Age: 12 Siblings: Thinnarun Greywulf, Galicor Greywulf, Annabelle Greywulf Motto: Think outside the box, for that is where you belong. with all the good ideas in life (sorry it isn't that much, not much happens in this era)
#115526264Monday, October 14, 2013 11:33 PM GMT

name: Thinnarun, Greywulf Age: 17 Home: Koff-Enge Desc; *Terminal* Welcome to the Oc-MANTILA TERMINAL. This is thinnarun, Never trust those dang Greywulf's.. THEY ALMOST KILLED ME, I PULLED MANTILAS AGINST EM BECUASE THEY ARE HE BOSSY ONE'S, AND NOW LOOK AT THIS LAND FOR CHRIST SAKE! I cant take it. *I end the audio log*
#194291017Friday, July 22, 2016 6:14 PM GMT

Wooooow. Last post was back in 2009. Anyways, I just wanted to let anyone who actually knew any Greywullfe lore know that everything you know is now completely invalid. All of the lore has been shifted into fantasy, as that is the only way to go ;) It has also gotten way more complicated, and I have actually started writing a book! Anyways, just thought I would put up an update that has been 7 years coming.

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