#119983946Wednesday, December 11, 2013 12:55 AM GMT

I realize that. But leather was used in the medieval time. However, you are right about the sneakers and jeans, i will change that to the medieval/fantasy equivalent of sneakers and jeans. Meaning britches and boots.
#119984494Wednesday, December 11, 2013 1:00 AM GMT

"Your eyes? How so?
#119984856Wednesday, December 11, 2013 1:04 AM GMT

(Yes, there's plenty you missed. Please kindly write it down on the char sheet and then repost the new char sheet, not simply type in small changes. As well, this is medieval, not modern, so yes the outfit should be changed. However, there were no leather jackets in medieval times, leather was usually in reserve for armor, and even then, it was worn in Rome mostly, rarely in Europe. Most can argue that the brigandine was leather, but is was made out of cloth more of the time than leather, as well it was also 40% mail, so it wasn't just leather or cloth. In other words, a leather jacket is out of the question. I apologize, but it doesn't fit the setting.)
#119985339Wednesday, December 11, 2013 1:09 AM GMT

Vrak waited for Carith's reply, the Slyph [that correct?] having spoke the question before he did.
#119985950Wednesday, December 11, 2013 1:15 AM GMT

Carith lowers his paw as he speaks. "These aren't normal eyes. They just so happen to be magical constructs. A gift from the Elves that raised Lorelei."
#119986165Wednesday, December 11, 2013 1:17 AM GMT

"As in you were blind? Or as in they do something that normal eyes do not?"
#119988048Wednesday, December 11, 2013 1:38 AM GMT

Carith looks over to the horizon. "Years ago, I was a simple farmer, tilling the fields along with the rest of my village. We lived near the Tower of Sorcery, and were forced to pay tribute to the Archmage every season. Including winter. One day, we were incapable of paying the tribute, so he was thinking of punishing the village elder. I was the only one who stepped out of the formed line, and spoke out against him. I told him that crops could not grow properly in the winter, and that we needed time to grow them properly, and that if he waited until spring, we could have double the usual amount." Carith speaks through gritted teeth as he continues. "He simply smiled, and set the entire village on fire; burning the others to ash. He then proceeded to torture me until I nearly passed out from blood loss, and then he tore out my eyes and threw me into a burning homestead. Leaving me where I was, and taking what little crops were left." His paw is clenched so tightly, that blood begins to run down it as he speaks. "Lorelei found me after my body had been severely burned and I had nearly bled out. By all rights, I should have been dead. She took me back to her village, and the Elves there cared for me. Years later, when I swore I would kill every last Magic-User I could find, they crafted these eyes for me; these eyes that changed how I see the world, and gave me the ability to read anyone, and see what they are going to do before they do it." Carith looks at Vrak. "I have recieved little to no training with a sword. I have only come this far because of Lorelei, and these eyes. The only real skill I have, is in farming. Nothing more, nothing less."
#119994415Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:33 AM GMT

Vrak nodded, "Twus' why I choose the life of solitude.. Magic-users bring only hate and spite. I believe you should attempt to train with a weapon, as what happens when you fight someone who does not think their attacks through, merely hack and slash? Will your eyes help you just the same?"
#120000205Wednesday, December 11, 2013 3:24 AM GMT

"A man with blue eyes once punched me," I say, barging into the conversation, "should I vow to punch everybody who has blue eyes? No, of course not, because that's extremely stupid, just like what you plan on doing, with your murder of everybody who can use magic, no matter whether or not they're evil or had anything to do with what happened to you."
#120005244Wednesday, December 11, 2013 4:29 AM GMT

Issac smiles knowingly, and turns to Carith. "I wondered how a simple brock could make even the Archmage himself get involved with the affairs of normal beings. Now I know why. Interesting that you've got those eyes. Didn't think that was possible." -Common Sense: Use it.
#120012339Wednesday, December 11, 2013 7:36 AM GMT

I practically tackle Carith's face, and examine those eyes a little more. "Interesting. They don't look all that special." I back off.
#120019724Wednesday, December 11, 2013 3:30 PM GMT

Character Name: Jason Smith Character Age: 18 Character Gender: Male Race: Human Weapon Class: Sword Role: Loveable Rogue Appearance: Short messy black hair, tan skin, green eyes, slight roundness to his face features. Hands are creased from carrying heavy objects such as gold, He is slightly skinny, but muscular. He stands at 6 feet 2 inches, and is 1 foot wide.(Including his arm lengths) He wears a black wool coat with a small amount of red embroidery, a red shirt and black britches and black boots. Personality: Friendly, but determined to get his work done, and will push aside anything to do it. He is also serious, but only in private. Bio: He lived alone in the poor part of the planet for most of his life until five years ago he decided he wanted to live better. Eat better food, have better seating and bedding, Etc. So he went into the rick district and stole. Everything. He had a lot of fun, so he decided (After stashing several times the number most people in the city had) to just break in for fun. Other 1: Known for sneaking into building with the highest level security, breaking open the safes, then leaving without taking anything. Other 2: Known for being able to best almost anyone to challenge him, due to his exceeding skill in swordplay. (Does this work?)
#120020187Wednesday, December 11, 2013 3:48 PM GMT

Issac motions for the Sylph to come over, and shows him his eyes. they're silver, with the same misty look, as if running water was flowing through them. -Common Sense: Use it.
#120033170Wednesday, December 11, 2013 9:13 PM GMT

(@anyseven: Accepted.) Carith motions for Vrak to hold that thought, and he turns to Adam. "You're such a simple minded boy. You believe that a single assault from a Non-Magical man is the same as the situation I was put in. Just because one man punched you, you believe that that puts you in the same place as me, and that "unlike you", I'm stupid for choosing this path. But you're wrong." Here, he narrows his eyes. "You got away with a possible bruise. What did I get away with? All my friends and family burned alive, including my wife and children; A body full of scars that frighten almost everyone that looks at me; seared flesh that kept me in agony for ten years; a wound on my chest that is impossible to close due to being inflicted by the highest grade of magic; my eyes ripped from my head, and forced to now carry the burden of these things in their place, these "eyes" that changed the world I loved!" Carith's voice reaches to a near shout as he continues. "At least your family died of natural causes, of a sickness! Do you have any idea what it's like to see everyone you know and love, be burned to ashes in front of you? To hear them scream for help, while these "Rulers of Garrindel" just stand by smiling, as they gladly force you to watch your own family burn to death? And then just to spit on you even more, torture you until near death, before tearing your eyes out and leaving you in a burning building? Do you have any idea what that feels like? Or what it's like to see and hear the men, women and children, burning alive?!" Carith grabs Adam by the arm. "I doubt you know ANYTHING of what that's like, and until you do, don't you dare judge me!! Until you look through these cursed purple orbs, don't. You. DARE. Judge me!!"
#120034955Wednesday, December 11, 2013 9:35 PM GMT

I'm still and silent for a moment, mainly out of the sudden shouting. After a moment I look Carith directly in the artificial eyes. "Murdering people with special traits won't fix anything. Forget the past, it's already happened. Ending lives and possible families doesn't bring back what you lost, all it does is remind you what you lost. Learn to let go."
#120035384Wednesday, December 11, 2013 9:40 PM GMT

Carith let's Adam's arm go. "You don't know how hard it is to let go." He lowers his eyes and huffs at the ground before setting off in the direction of the rising sun. "There's a town up ahead that has a library...We can go there to get information."
#120051245Thursday, December 12, 2013 12:23 AM GMT

"Well most Magic-user's are like the ones Carith is against. Seems like a just cause thus far.. Unless he let's his passion for his cause to cloud his mind, as harming a peaceful Magic-user would be just as bad as a peaceful farmer." Vrak put in his opinion, as he followed along with the group.
#120081210Thursday, December 12, 2013 7:24 AM GMT

"Guys, we've had a rough time, we have been attacked, we have been fighting, we are being hunted by the Arch-Mage, and we lost Lorelei. Can't you all just shut up for a moment? No more opinions. Lets just take the walk to this town in silence, to process what just happened."
#120088826Thursday, December 12, 2013 3:06 PM GMT

"Here's my opinion: You all talk too much." Issac quips from the back. -Common Sense: Use it.
#120161831Friday, December 13, 2013 1:13 PM GMT

(Time skip.) By time the group reaches the town Carith had indicated, it's close to noon. Carith had kept walking without a word, leaving little to no room for rest. The town is large, but not too large; it's streets all paved this way and that. It's overcrowded and hard to navigate, but they manage to break through into a small shopping district. Carith turns to the others. "You should all look for the library. Keep your heads down, and don't do anything stupid. If you have any questions, ask them now."
#120251457Saturday, December 14, 2013 4:45 PM GMT

"I have one. Are you sure you're gonna be okay with your wound? Should someone stay with you?"
#120283079Saturday, December 14, 2013 11:05 PM GMT

Issac immediately migrates towards the nearest tavern, disappearing behind the doors before the rest of the part can so much as blink. -Common Sense: Use it.
#120315542Sunday, December 15, 2013 5:15 AM GMT

Carith nods. "I should be fine. But right now, I shouldn't be much of a concern. I can take care of myself; but you all only have two days to uncover some sort of information on the Two-Tailed Comet before it arrives. Lorelei gave her life for us, so the least we could do is try to find out something."
#120343739Sunday, December 15, 2013 4:31 PM GMT

"Alright, you all look for information, I'll go do something completely different, considering the fact that I can't read," I say, heading off in a random direction.
#120407441Monday, December 16, 2013 4:47 AM GMT

Carith reaches out and catches Adam by the back of his tunic. "Actually, you will be going along with them. For three reasons. One, I don't trust you by yourself. Two, not being able to read isn't an excuse, as they have magic images that can tell stories. And three, even if they don't have such things in the library, you can at least keep a lookout, as the information you're looking for will obviously be in the restricted section." Carith turns his head to Adam and adopts a look of mock concern. "Are there any arguments, young man?"