#1506398Wednesday, June 25, 2008 7:12 PM GMT

there arre so many possibilaties for that...
#1508258Wednesday, June 25, 2008 8:22 PM GMT

Me:so aaron.... me and and my squad (Arbiter,MattJeff,Me) are gunna check out the area on some mongooses *grabs control*Presses button*two mongooses come off the pelican*ok jeff your driving for me,matt your Arby"s (short for Arbiter) driver Matt:ok Jeff:ok
#1508354Wednesday, June 25, 2008 8:25 PM GMT

aaron: ok i'll stay on this plateau here and wait for you guys to return....
#1508425Wednesday, June 25, 2008 8:28 PM GMT

My Squad:*Drives off*20 mins later*Returns* Me:aaron I've picked up lots of covenant actvity in this area and everywhere else we need to leave,NOW
#1508557Wednesday, June 25, 2008 8:33 PM GMT

aaron: okay... lets go.. *drives back to the crash site of the escape pods*
#1508640Wednesday, June 25, 2008 8:38 PM GMT

Me:where will we go sir?*Matt,Jeff get our pelican ready *sees covenant quickly we havent much time.everyone else return fire, NOW!
#1508763Wednesday, June 25, 2008 8:43 PM GMT

aaron: fall back to the pod crash site. it's safer there.
#1508841Wednesday, June 25, 2008 8:48 PM GMT

Side:USNC Weapon:plasma pistol, laser sniper Vehicle:pellican Bio:UNSC pilot whos in way over his head Name:R.J.(more of a nick name, real name not known)
#1508946Wednesday, June 25, 2008 8:54 PM GMT

Me:no it isnt look over the hill!
#1509017Wednesday, June 25, 2008 8:57 PM GMT

aaron: what is it?
#1509096Wednesday, June 25, 2008 9:00 PM GMT

#1509137Wednesday, June 25, 2008 9:03 PM GMT

aaron: great.....
#1509238Wednesday, June 25, 2008 9:07 PM GMT

WHats a lazer pistol? _________________________________________ Me:ALL MARINES TO THE PELICANS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *To jeff and matt*get our mongooses up onto the pelican.
#1511698Wednesday, June 25, 2008 11:32 PM GMT

Me: Great! Scarabs! Guys! Don't destroy it yet! *gets inside pellican,pulls marine out of driver seat,closes the door and takes off twoards the scarabs* This Pellican can come out of my pay.
#1511763Wednesday, June 25, 2008 11:36 PM GMT

aaron: *on com to gmndas: uhhhh we don't get paid..... -_- chal: we're here! *chal and terra walk up to aaron* how's it going?
#1512004Wednesday, June 25, 2008 11:47 PM GMT

it's been a few weeks since Colon was sent back to earth and he is trying to cover up his once used identity as a spartan so far it been working ok Colon:*walking down a street in new york when he sees a bunch of police cars around a jewerly store* Colon:Whats goin on here? Cop:None of ur buisness civilian Colon:Do u know who ur talking to Cop:A normal civilian Colon:Far from it Cop:Then who are you Colon:Names colon but i am sometimes known as Spartan 184 Cop:A SPARTAN! Colon:I was injured in a battleand sent back to earth Cop:Oh so thats y ur here Colon:Now mind telling me whats going on Cop:There are people robbing that jewelry store theve taking some hastages so we cant get in there Colon:I'll be right back Colon:*walks down to his apartment a block down from the store and puts on his Spartan Mark VI armor* Colon:*activates a cloaking device that lasts for several minutes and sneaks into the jewelry store* Robber1:Hey did u hear something? Robber2:Not a thing Robber3:Theres something here that shouldnt be here Colon:*sneaks up behind the robbers and knocks them out* Colon:*walk out front door*its ok 4 u 3 go in Cops:*go into the store and arrest the robbers* Colon:*runs back to apartmant* Colon:Man i needto go back into combat Colon:*walks to a military facility thats about to send troops to the battle aaron is fighting in* Marine:Excuse me civilian ur not allowed in this complex Colon:I've been sent by the marine hq to go with u Marine:I will hace to ask ur name Colon:Names colon Marine:Ok Colon get on 1 of the ships but do u got any armor? Colon:Yeah it Marine:Ok go ahead Colon:*walks onto one of the hips about to take off and finds a seat* END POST p.s. sorry bout the time advance i had to use 1 to go with my idea
#1512191Wednesday, June 25, 2008 11:56 PM GMT

aaron: hey there's the reenfrcement pelicans. *runs up to it as it lands* ok all of you fall out. *line up! ok those who have been in combat line up single file to the right if you have had no experience go to the left. the new soldiers: *go to the left* colon: *walks to the right with some others* aaron: ok let's see who has experienced war. stae your name and then go to the back of the line. hurry up! sevral minutes later.... colon: colon, spartan 184. aaron: colon! colon: huh? aaron: it' aaron. how's it going? colon oay i guess... aaron: i gotta get to these greens, i will talk with you later. ok you grrens, go to the training barraks and train for the next few days wit hyour trainers.
#1514833Thursday, June 26, 2008 2:22 AM GMT

Cyrus: Let's get our new prototype cyclop mech on that scarab. --------------- Off topic: guys i got famous, and earned a hammer badge XD. i have 2000 tix now..
#1515093Thursday, June 26, 2008 2:43 AM GMT

R.J.:*in cockpit of nearby pelican, looks to his left out the canopy. notices the scarabs, to co-pilot* that cant be good.... Copilot:nope, not good at all.....
#1518740Thursday, June 26, 2008 12:33 PM GMT

aaron: lets check up on those greens. (aaron is in a training camp near the pod crash site) *walk to the trianing baraks and sees them donig okay but they would be ready in another day* ok, good. *walks back to colon and the other vetrans* okay you guys can go in baraks one over there. *points at barracks one*
#1519989Thursday, June 26, 2008 2:35 PM GMT

Me: *lands ontop of Scarab* Hmm. Strange,it's empty. Oh well. *proceeds to power core* Me: Now,how am I going to get this out? *pulls out grappling beam,fires at core,and yanks it out* *scarab shuts down* Me: Not,for some armor. *pulls out plasma knife and cuts out part of the armor,then puts core and armor chunk inside pellican* Me: And I'm off! *flys back to UNSC base*
#1520005Thursday, June 26, 2008 2:37 PM GMT

aaron: now, colon, what's going on? i see your back to the war.
#1522709Thursday, June 26, 2008 5:04 PM GMT

Colon:I guess i missed fighting in the war i had to come back Aaron:Im sure u did Colon:Heh i also missed shooting brutes in the head Aaron:Who wouldnt, by the way hows ur arm doin Colon:Great actually Aaron:Happy to hear Colon:O_O aaron:Wat Colon:look behind you Aaron:*turns around and see about 1000 hunter over a ridge* Colon:Get the unexpirenced soldiers back to some where safe Marine:SIR YES SIR Colon:Every 1 else get ready this will be a difficult battle Aaron:U ready Colon:Always am*picks up a rocket launcher* Aaron:Lets go*charges at hunters* Colon:*Blows up alot of hunters and charges and kills some more with energy sword* Colon:CALL FOR SOME HORNETS Marine:we need some hornets now 5 minutes later there are about 200 hunters remaining Hornet pilot:Fire at those hunters after all the hunters are dead Colon:Whew that was 1 heck of a fight Aaron:Yeah it was Colon:So how the war going Aaron:Most of the elites have allied with us Colon:It'll make the war alot easier Aaron:I hope it does END POST p.s. aaron and colon killed around the same number of hunters
#1522776Thursday, June 26, 2008 5:08 PM GMT

chal and terra: *come up next to aaron8 chal: who's this? terra: hmmm. aaron: colon, this is chal... *points at chal, the hunter* and this is terra... *points at terra*
#1522868Thursday, June 26, 2008 5:14 PM GMT

Side: USNC Weapon: plasma sword,spartan laser, needler,fuel rod gun(heavy duty guy with only a few rounds except for the needler which has 40 bullets) Vehicle: Banshee(stole it) Bio: a partly insane person bent on killing convenant for killing family Name: Killsin Killsin:must kill must kill *blows up 5 convenant banshees without even using anything good) that felt good *proceeds to kill 100,000,000 hunters with only a plasma sword*