#1393082Tuesday, June 17, 2008 7:52 PM GMT

Xenxe *looks through sniper seeing another spartn run away from remains of a ghost that he seemed to have just blown up......*
#1393161Tuesday, June 17, 2008 7:59 PM GMT

aaron: now what to do?
#1393958Tuesday, June 17, 2008 9:00 PM GMT

Xenxe: runs over to the other spartan Xenxe: "whats going on!?!?"
#1394567Tuesday, June 17, 2008 9:38 PM GMT

aaron: *turns to xenxe* oh another spartan, good. uhhh well we have about eight covenant capital ships incoming to our posistion and this part of the planet.
#1395452Tuesday, June 17, 2008 10:49 PM GMT

Travis-118: Our pelican is on the way, we just need to make sure the landing point is secured, Over. SM DON: Team? Finally a good connection, You need to get back to the Shadow of intent, the pelican will pick you up and drop you guys there..
#1395483Tuesday, June 17, 2008 10:53 PM GMT

aaron: make sure we get him too. *points towrds xenxe*
#1395888Tuesday, June 17, 2008 11:27 PM GMT

*to marine*Thanks for pick me up.*jumps on mongoose*on com*Where are you guys?*drives off pelican*
#1395961Tuesday, June 17, 2008 11:33 PM GMT

aaron: *hops onto the pelican and makes sure everyone got on* ok ready for take off. *on com channel to peacethruhell: we are on our way to the S.O.I., over.
#1396295Tuesday, June 17, 2008 11:57 PM GMT

*on com*aww come on* drives back onto pelican*says to pilot*drive to S.O.I
#1396339Tuesday, June 17, 2008 11:59 PM GMT

pilot: eta is five minutes. aaron: ok everyone, get ready for a landing.
#1396486Wednesday, June 18, 2008 12:08 AM GMT

Me:*lands at S.O.I*thanks again marine:no problem
#1396968Wednesday, June 18, 2008 12:38 AM GMT

*on com*Oh you guys can call me spatan-115 if you want.Pilot:eta 2 minutes. *two minutes later*jumps off pelican* thanks. Pilot:no prob.
#1396986Wednesday, June 18, 2008 12:39 AM GMT

i mean spartan-115
#1397397Wednesday, June 18, 2008 1:07 AM GMT

pilot:ok we're down. aaron: ok every one, gather your things and go to what you need to do. *grabs his stuff and walks with ??? to the bridge*
#1397767Wednesday, June 18, 2008 1:33 AM GMT

Original:*wakes up lying on the floor,face glass cracked open*aghh...what did Blade DO to me?Oh well...*hunter sees him* Hunter:YOU!STOP RIGHT THERE! Original:I really don't have time for you..... Hunter:DIE!!! Original:*dodges lazer blast by jumping on a passing ghost*MINE!*kicks off grunt*TAKE THIS!!!*turns the ghost around,manages to pull it upwards 2 feet,and jumps off in a single swift move*heh...still got it. Hunter:*looks down and sees half its body cleaned out**fell in agony*(Over com)Master Blade....He's....too....str-*dies*
#1398325Wednesday, June 18, 2008 2:16 AM GMT

Travis-118: *Gets off pelican* I thought i saw another spartan taking a ghost and killing a hunter, maybe its all in my head. Travis-118: Where is the SOI going? SM DON: Back to earth.
#1398888Wednesday, June 18, 2008 3:27 AM GMT

Original:Whew,I don't know if that guy saw me or not...good thing I dove in the tall grass,that thing would've took me out... Hunter:YOU ST- Original:Didn't you see what I did to that other hunter? *hunter runs off in a mad rush,gets hit by a chopper* Original:Ouch,that looked like it hurt. Brute w/ gravhammer:YOU WILL DIE! Original:Okay,go for it. Brute w/ gravhammer:AAAHHH!!!*swings hammer at The Original with all his might,finding it useless as The Original caught it in his mighty palm.* Original:Heh,My turn.*kicks brute in the face,knocking it down,jumping up with a frag in his hand,The Original puts his arm IN the Brute,planting the grenade.* The explosion blew The original's helmet and shoulder pads clean off,atleast not his head or shoulders though. Original:awww...wait!Is that...?Hayabusa?Sweet!*runs and grabs Hayabusa armor*hey a pelican.Wait,that must mean people!*Sprints to the pelican* Travis-115:Weren't you the one wh- Original:Went through a hunter with a ghost?yeah. Xenxen:whats your name,soldier? Original:001,Original if you must.My real name is Kennith.Pleased to meet you.
#1399931Wednesday, June 18, 2008 7:16 AM GMT

aaron: *walks onto the bridge with ???* marine: spartan on deck! aaron: at ease marine. don this is who was captured. ???: hello, my name is terra. aaron:and to keep a secret between us three... *wipers into don's ear: she's my little sister, just barley little. terra: i went to training camp, just about everything with him to help except until blade caught me. aeon(an ai with julie): *activate the outer speakers on julies armor* and you wouldn't have unless you listened to me. terra: shut up aeon. aeon: make me. aaron: both of you stop arguing. *mutters: thank god the i have one of those 'smart' AI's and that no one knows about him.*
#1400114Wednesday, June 18, 2008 8:32 AM GMT

xenxe: has wondered where everyone ran off all of a sudden what was a covenant? xenxe is confused and slowly trudges on towards where aaron ran off
#1400119Wednesday, June 18, 2008 8:34 AM GMT

aaron: also, we found antoher spartan, but it seems he lost a lot of memory.
#1400346Wednesday, June 18, 2008 9:53 AM GMT

xenxe catches up with aaron xenxe:what is going on what are those things that are shooting at us and why am i hereQ!?!?!?!
#1401729Wednesday, June 18, 2008 2:58 PM GMT

Kennith:*looks around*Travis,STOP*Sprints to and tackles Travis-115* Travis-115:Are you out of your MI-*sees hole in kennith's helmet*OMIGOD!We have to get a medic.NOW! *Medic arrives* Medic:What happened? Travis-115:He got hit by a sniper! Medic:He isnt dead,good. Kennith:Give.....me...a...gun. Medic:Are you going to- Travis-115:Why? Kennith:Just..gimme...a...gun.I'll...do...this...planet..a....favor. *Travis hands him a magnum* Kennith takes careful aim for 5 minutes. Travis-115:what is he- Medic:aiming at something,apparently. Kennith shoots the magnum.He then slipped away from the world of the living. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *on Blade's ship* Grunt:Master Blade!The pilot is dead! Blade:what?How? Grunt:He was shot with a magnum! Blade:*yells across ship*CAN ANYONE DRIVE THIS THING? A chorus of no's is heard. Blade:aww crap,we didnt bring any parachutes either.Where are we? Grunt:In the middle...of..an..ocean. Blade:well we're all gonna die because obviusly none of us can swim. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Travis-115:*at a funeral*He was a brave soldier,and he took a bullet for me.For that,I thank Him.*Ceremonial rifles are heard*Goodbye,Kennith.
#1403369Wednesday, June 18, 2008 7:01 PM GMT

--Blade on the ship-- Blade: wait, dont we have any phantoms and banshees in the hanger..? **silence for 10 seconds** Grunt: EVERYONE TO THE HANGER!!!!!!!!!! *Blade,grunts,xeon,strelok,brutes,hunters all get in ships* Blade,xeon,strelok gets in Phantom prototype IV Blade: Lets get out of this ocean...and STRAIT TO THE SHADOW OF INTENT
#1403572Wednesday, June 18, 2008 7:15 PM GMT

aaron: im going to my quarters and setting up for a bit, and she will be with me. if you need either of us, just call us on a com channel. *walks to his quarters with terra*
#1405036Wednesday, June 18, 2008 8:56 PM GMT

*Phantom IV And the Whole covenant is orbiting the shadow of intent* Blade: BLAST THEM! *Phantom IV fires 7 Fuel rod cannon lasers at the S.O.I.* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SM DON: What was that!? Marine: 50 Covenant Battle cruisers and 900 Banshees,300 Phantoms Attacking us!!! SM DON: SEND SOME OF OUR PELICANS OUT THERE!