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#116283937Thursday, October 24, 2013 12:06 AM GMT

ROBLOX forums lack a lot of tools that make posting easier and less dull. Here is what I think should be added. PART I: FONT -We should be able to select the font type we want to use. However, the current font would remain standard. -We should be able to make our text bold, and add italics. Perhaps even change the colour. -Perhaps we should be able to increase our font size, slightly. It would be optional and it would have a limit. PART II: EDITING -We should be able to edit our posts. However, if they ARE edited, it will say "Edited" near the bottom of the post. Whether or not thread titles should be edited as well is up to you guys to debate, but I would say yes, but edited titles would be fitted with a similar "Edited" icon as well. -We should be able to delete posts. However, moderators should be able to see all deleted posts. You can only be banned for a deleted post if it is assumed that you posted an inappropriate message, waited for people to see it, and then deleted it. If, however, someone posted about something controversial [such as religion or politics] and then deleted it before anything got out of hand or before a flamewar started, nothing would happen. However, direct bashing would result in a ban. PART III: MISC -I believe we should have a standardized forum signature box that we can edit ourselves. [w/o use of siggy automator] -There could also be a "forum title" that could be added to display directly under our username. It would have a character limit. Possible titles could be "Kaiser of OT", "Roleplay Veteran", "RTer", "The Czar", etc. They can be used to inform other users about their forum status, or just be for fun. Inappropriate ones would be banned. The user makes their own title.
#116284346Thursday, October 24, 2013 12:11 AM GMT

Si. jajajajajaja
#116285075Thursday, October 24, 2013 12:18 AM GMT

They have to update the forum! But when someone asked for forums in the iOS devices, ROBLOX said only small percentage of the users even use the forum so they can't focus on it. So they might not update the forums. :( -Lorax
#116337762Thursday, October 24, 2013 9:40 PM GMT

blearh bump
#116358467Friday, October 25, 2013 1:25 AM GMT

#196397508Wednesday, August 17, 2016 6:58 PM GMT


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