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#116323284Thursday, October 24, 2013 5:56 PM GMT

So I finally got around watching it. For starters I'd like to point out I'm not a superman fan, but know enough about Superman from reading a few comics and watching a few episodes. When I came into the movie I expected: effects, a fly scene and Lois Lane. Thats pretty much what I got. The first quarter of the movie was mainly introduction, I found it a little to rough to be a whole introduction but I toke it. Then questions arose like, "if he is a drifter a total nobody, how the hell did he get in the super controlled arctic military camp" or "Did they have Russian accents on krypton?" and "Yeah, because when the giant spaceship landed in the middle of New York it wasn't a good time to get out?" So in all the movie had it's pros and cons, I really wished they put Brainiac as the villain, I just liked the "Krypton gets destroyed by an evil computer, more than Kryptons decide to blow up their own planet because their to lazy to start harvesting other planets" In all I'd give this movie a 8/10 for special effects and making me nearly scream out "TEAR HIS FUDGING LIMBS OFF SUPERMAN!!!" But a 4/10 for plot and story line. Sorry sups. (this is my opinion not a review, these days people get mixed up with them too often)
#116323845Thursday, October 24, 2013 6:13 PM GMT

It's my favourite Superman film. Lel.
#116323868Thursday, October 24, 2013 6:13 PM GMT

Would you say it's worth watching?
#116324234Thursday, October 24, 2013 6:24 PM GMT

I would say it's worth watching if you have a big tv screen an some fancy audio.
#116325031Thursday, October 24, 2013 6:44 PM GMT

No fancy audio :( But I've got a pretty nice sized TV, I'll torrent it and make some popcorn.

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