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#116831702Thursday, October 31, 2013 10:39 AM GMT

Name: DiamondFlash Element: ice, gem, shiny Colour: shiny light blue Eyes: diamond shiny Features: spikes on wings, tail and neck are silver shiny. Side: loner but good. Helps. I am flying, pretty high. I land on a mountain to rest and I feel squirming under me. I find a squirrel that will be a good snack. I breath ice on it and eat it. It was nice and juicy. I then hear a scream behind me and see a hunter. "Hi I am a diamond dragon" I say. "What's your name?" Asks the hunter. "DiamondFlash. I can shred diamond and breath ice. I can also fly fast." "Can you be my dragon?" He says. "Ok I can be!" I say happily. He gives me a nice fish to eat. He pets me and looks around. I see a very deep black dragon. So black that it could change white. "Let's go flying" I say. "Ok" says the guy. You can be the hunter and PM me what you did next

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