#118069399Sunday, November 17, 2013 4:46 AM GMT

Ashton "Well, I'll tell your mum about this. I'll eat my hat if you don't get a Howler." I retort. Luckily, my mum doesn't have time for silly things like this.
#118069648Sunday, November 17, 2013 4:49 AM GMT

Mike and Micheal "Muffliato!" Mike casts. (Hope I spelled that right.) "Shut up!" Micheal says. "Micheal, stop arguing with her!"
#118069956Sunday, November 17, 2013 4:53 AM GMT

(I think you did.) Ashton Wonderful. Now I can't speak. I look to make sure Flitwick isn't look. When he turns his back on me, I make a rude hand gesture.
#118070043Sunday, November 17, 2013 4:54 AM GMT

(Wait. That spell prevents people nearby to hear the conversation.)
#118070193Sunday, November 17, 2013 4:56 AM GMT

(Oops, confused it with Tongue-Tying. Okay, I just can't hear them, so Ashton still makes the hand gesture.)
#118070346Sunday, November 17, 2013 4:58 AM GMT

(Sorry. I think I'm about to confuse you even more. I used it around Mike, Micheal, and your character so people around us wont hear us arguing.)
#118070498Sunday, November 17, 2013 5:00 AM GMT

(Oh, no, you didn't. I got that once you reminded me what the spell does. Thanks, though.)
#118071424Sunday, November 17, 2013 5:12 AM GMT

(You know, I'm just going to re-write that.) Ashton I hear a buzzing in my ears. The boys are talking, but I can't hear them. Muffliato. Of course. What happened to hiding behind files? That's what all the teachers do.
#118072273Sunday, November 17, 2013 5:23 AM GMT

Mike and Micheal "The spell won't last for long. Now, stop arguing with her!" Mike said. "You're only defending her because you like her, Mike!" Micheal replied. "Shut up!" Mike shouted. The spell wore out. "YOU SHUT UP MIKE!" The class heard Micheal say shut up to Mike.
#118072838Sunday, November 17, 2013 5:30 AM GMT

Ashton The sudden shout took me by surprise, and I jumped in my seat. I looked over to the boys and put on finger on my lips. "Shh, this is a library."
#118073181Sunday, November 17, 2013 5:35 AM GMT

Mike and Micheal "THIS IS NOT A LIBRARY! THIS IS CHARMS CLASS!" Micheal shouts at her. "I'm sorry, Micheal.. Muffliato!" Mike says. "I don't want to do this, but.. Stupefy!" Micheal was stunned and Muffliato wore out. "Sorry, Micheal.."
#118073471Sunday, November 17, 2013 5:39 AM GMT

Ashton I look at the un-Stunned boy "Did you . . . Did you really just STUN your brother?"
#118074367Sunday, November 17, 2013 5:51 AM GMT

Mike and the Stunned Micheal "We was shouting at you and he was gettin on my nerves.." Mike tells her.
#118074675Sunday, November 17, 2013 5:54 AM GMT

Ashton I looked at him confused. "Oh, you think I'm mad about it. Actually, that was quite brilliant and probably the only reason I would ever want a sibling."
#118075251Sunday, November 17, 2013 6:01 AM GMT

Mike and his Stunned brother Now Mike was confused. "What? Because you want to argue?"
#118075471Sunday, November 17, 2013 6:04 AM GMT

Ashton "Well, no. I don't think anyone likes to argue." I reply. "But it was kind of funny."
#118075744Sunday, November 17, 2013 6:08 AM GMT

Mike and the Stunned brother "I know this is sudden, but I kinda like you," Mike says.
#118075911Sunday, November 17, 2013 6:11 AM GMT

Ashton That took me by surprise. I felt my cheeks heating up and hid them behind my hair. "Really? No one's every said that to me." I felt my cheeks becoming an even brighter red ans I thought about what I was about to say. "I think I like you, too."
#118075967Sunday, November 17, 2013 6:12 AM GMT

Robin I look over to the other side of the room as Judy enters. So she was in this class as well I just hoped the teacher would show her the same kindness she/he showed me.
#118076196Sunday, November 17, 2013 6:15 AM GMT

Judy "Miss Plihan, you're late, very late. A weeks detention for you," the Professor says. Judy began to cry again. She looked over at Robin and then sat down. Mike and his Stunned Brother "Really? Will you goout with me?" Mike says suddenly. Micheal finally recovered. "What's happening?!"
#118076621Sunday, November 17, 2013 6:23 AM GMT

Robin I stand up. "Don't give her detention she was trying to show me around this morning but when we got to class she realised she had forgotten her books that's all." I say.
#118076649Sunday, November 17, 2013 6:23 AM GMT

Ashton I felt myself blush even harder, if that is even possible, "Umm, yeah, that'd be nice."
#118077011Sunday, November 17, 2013 6:28 AM GMT

Judy "Are you talking.. in class? Detention for you, too!" the Professor exclaimed. "Robin.. please just.. don't worry about me," Judy says. Mike and Micheal "What'd be nice?!" Micheal demanded. "Let's go, Ashton? That's your name, right?" Mike said, grabbing her hand and leading her out. "Er, yeah. Class is dismissed!" Professor Flitwick announced.
#118077261Sunday, November 17, 2013 6:32 AM GMT

Ashton "Yes, but-Merlin, this is embarrassing-what's you name?" I let him take my hand and walked out, with the boy leading the way.
#118077457Sunday, November 17, 2013 6:35 AM GMT

Mike "Mike. Mike is my name," Mike says with a smile. He leads her to the lake. Micheal "Mike! Come back!" Micheal shouts as Mike leads Ashton away.