#119934773Tuesday, December 10, 2013 4:45 AM GMT

Well, now lets have some fun. I shall summon a great dust devil that covers the majority of the planet. It's not thick enough to cause breath, but it will give the Leroks trouble when they try to travel across the path.
#119934940Tuesday, December 10, 2013 4:47 AM GMT

The Leroks are the name given to the paths, though... Only three days left before the Bannanachair goes extinct!
#119935262Tuesday, December 10, 2013 4:53 AM GMT

Oh, so the camels are the Lokidi. Very well, due to the Lokiji's buildings, it will only provide a small issue. Of course, their oasis homes will be polluted, which is satisfying enough. Lets make this last 3 years.
#119935768Tuesday, December 10, 2013 5:02 AM GMT

Three years feels like a fraction of a second to you.The time goes by quickly, and the Lokidi, Lokiji and Lerolithi start dying out. Also, the Grath have come up with an interesting concept of a game called "Create the most gruesome method of killing your slave possible". You can imagine how it works. There are some slaves that are bought specifically for this. Only three days left before the Bannanachair goes extinct!
#119936066Tuesday, December 10, 2013 5:07 AM GMT

The storm shall die out, but now with a peril that will make it easy to take hold of my religious influence on the planet, I once more freeze it in time. Meanwhile, let the Grath do this. It will start the civil war that with the power of King's Fall, the whirlpool from before, will do the same purpose as the dust storm. Now, I'm going to unfreeze the third, and the fourth, and leave the third to it's own devices, as they are separate from each other. I'm more curious about if this separation will cause the growth of different kingdoms.
#119937174Tuesday, December 10, 2013 5:32 AM GMT

On the planet with the Grath, they have structures to be able to withstand the storm for the most part. Also, when the king dies, they have a custom that his advisors and all his children except for his heir are to be made slaves to the heir, who is the next king. The king died, and the new king set a few of the advisers free, played the brutal killing game with his siblings and sent out search parties around the place where you made the division of the ocean. On the third planet, the Germ like creatures don't advance much. The dog-like creatures, called Tyroliks by themselves, start building boats and become sort of a seafaring race. The last race, the bird one, have been hunted to extinction by predators. (Why don't I ever get one of these threads that lasts for a while...) Only three days left before the Bannanachair goes extinct!
#119972244Tuesday, December 10, 2013 10:44 PM GMT

(Meh, few stick through and finish it. I would, but I don't make God ISRPs, and I barely like participating in them. I dislike the sense of adventure. Now, a medieval nation RP I could enjoy, but sadly the only decent one there ever was is inactive and was ran by someone who thought Astronomy wasn't in the Medieval times. I was about to go and clobber him, honestly...) Well, King's Fall isn't a threat to anyone, honestly. It's out of the three valleys I made to protect the peasantry Grath and their slaves from it. But to forget it's existence would take some time. That should do it. Oh my, my biridies are extinct. That's sad. I'll have to remedy that issue. How is the fourth planet doing? I did unfreeze that one.
#119973713Tuesday, December 10, 2013 11:02 PM GMT

They are developing slowly. Only two days left before the Bannanachair goes extinct!
#120012367Wednesday, December 11, 2013 7:38 AM GMT

Well, time to pull out the knife-like stone trick. Drop one on a troll's head.
#120012691Wednesday, December 11, 2013 7:57 AM GMT

It splits the troll's head open. Only two days left before the Bannanachair goes extinct!
#120113232Thursday, December 12, 2013 10:55 PM GMT

Good. How does his friends react?
#120390672Monday, December 16, 2013 1:34 AM GMT

Well, the troll was alone at the time. Dear Santa, what I want for Christmas is for all the Bannanachairs to come back to life. Their extinction has caused massive impact on the economy, and several governments have gone into anarchy from this. From Tim.
#120514700Tuesday, December 17, 2013 11:45 PM GMT

Lets try that again. Lets drop an exact copy onto a troll's head. One in a group of trolls.
#120546583Wednesday, December 18, 2013 9:31 AM GMT

You manage to do so, and the trolls instantly develop lightspeed technology. Just kidding, this time the troll survives, but is left by it's group for dead. Dear Santa, what I want for Christmas is for all the Bannanachairs to come back to life. Their extinction has caused massive impact on the economy, and several governments have gone into anarchy from this. From Tim.
#120701269Friday, December 20, 2013 7:53 PM GMT

These trolls don't learn... Very well, time to take drastic measures... In other words, I'll show you why I don't like spiders (True fact. The Real Tikobe is actually an arachnophobic. xD). The weak, undeveloped stone knives form near the troll and bat territories, enough for each of the two races to have 2. The spiders mutate, and become a threat that will eat all of the other races if they don't fight back. Meanwhile, what's going on the third planet?
#120705532Friday, December 20, 2013 8:58 PM GMT

The Tyroliks hunt sealife for food, live in basic and primitive seaside villages, and aren't really advancing too quickly. Dear Santa, what I want for Christmas is for all the Bannanachairs to come back to life. Their extinction has caused massive impact on the economy, and several governments have gone into anarchy from this. From Tim.
#120705659Friday, December 20, 2013 9:00 PM GMT

Pity... Oh well! The fourth planet is on the brink of a Spider vs. World War! Let's watch it!
#120739689Saturday, December 21, 2013 4:01 AM GMT

The trolls take a little while to figure out how to use the weapons, but the bats are the quickest. They begin to attempt to create better weaponry, but all that they came up with is the throwing rock. And the throwing rock is literally the exact same thing as the normal rock, but it's thrown. Dear Santa, what I want for Christmas is for all the Bannanachairs to come back to life. Their extinction has caused massive impact on the economy, and several governments have gone into anarchy from this. From Tim.
#120771528Saturday, December 21, 2013 4:46 PM GMT

Very well, sometimes things like developing weapons take a while. Now, are the spiders, who are now mutated monsters, beginning to attack the two other races?
#120788573Saturday, December 21, 2013 8:25 PM GMT

Yes. However, they also attack other wild animals for food. Dear Santa, what I want for Christmas is for all the Bannanachairs to come back to life. Their extinction has caused massive impact on the economy, and several governments have gone into anarchy from this. From Tim.
#120803173Saturday, December 21, 2013 11:33 PM GMT

Such as to be expected. Now, lets sit, and watch the events of this war.
#120803479Saturday, December 21, 2013 11:37 PM GMT

The war is progressing slowly. The Trolls and the Bats have encountered each other several times, and have built small camps once or twice to better fight the Spiders, but all-in-all the war is going slowly. Dear Santa, what I want for Christmas is for all the Bannanachairs to come back to life. Their extinction has caused massive impact on the economy, and several governments have gone into anarchy from this. From Tim.
#120834178Sunday, December 22, 2013 5:51 AM GMT

Well, of course. Knives don't kill very well, don't they? It's time for my next step in introducing these guys to weaponry. I leave a rock that is a stone sword near a bat camp. They should notice it. I placed it on a hill, standing tall and mighty. Normally, a civilization would go from knife, to spear, to sword, but for now, it's best if I do these small steps for them.
#120841519Sunday, December 22, 2013 8:44 AM GMT

They see the sword, and here's what they tried to do with it: Throwing Rock 2.0! Dear Santa, what I want for Christmas is for all the Bannanachairs to come back to life. Their extinction has caused massive impact on the economy, and several governments have gone into anarchy from this. From Tim.
#120889314Sunday, December 22, 2013 10:33 PM GMT

Yes! Now we can throw swords! Are they carving them out, at least? :D