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#118003237Saturday, November 16, 2013 4:51 PM GMT

I've noticed that some places have really awesome Buildings that look so perfect and fit in so well, How do i begin to learn how to create buildings like that?
#118006123Saturday, November 16, 2013 5:24 PM GMT

Well the start to any building career is to learn about and learn how to use everything on ROBLOX Studio. Once you've mastered all the buttons and options, etc. on there, you just have to build.
#118006277Saturday, November 16, 2013 5:25 PM GMT

There are lots of ways to make realistic buildings. You can use decals that you create yourself or from freemodels to get patterns like wood or marble tiled floors, Roof shingles or whole building sides. By using parts Set to custom formfactor and meshes, you can make really thin lines. This allows you to make real looking details. Search for blueprints online to get ideas for buildings. Try the scale 1 inch = 0.1 stud. Be creative, It doesn't have to look real if you don't want it too.

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