#121020853Tuesday, December 24, 2013 4:19 AM GMT

#121090580Tuesday, December 24, 2013 10:06 PM GMT

Kallum I turned the lights off at the door, preparing to lock it. It was just past mid-night now so if the girls weren't sleep I'd just wait outside their door until I could tell they were, either way I closed the door, locked it and set off.
#121098573Tuesday, December 24, 2013 11:32 PM GMT

Faelynn Lalala- I had fallen asleep, curled around a boring book, and hidden beneath a purple and silver quilt. [Best post ever. Yeah.] Rhoslynn I sighed and crawled out of bed, moving slowly to the corner of my room. Placed in the corner, hidden behind stacks of books with faded covers and dog-eared pages, was an a small CD player. I sighed, quickly unplugging it and carrying the device to my bed. I riffled through a small basket filled with a small variety of different items. My current goal was to find a satisfactory pair of ear buds, preferably one that would actually work. Fae was a light sleeper and, while I required music to relax enough to sleep, she couldn't stand the slightest sound. Many times she would wake up and force me to turn off my music. After I had found an acceptable pair of ear buds I carefully plugged them into the CD player, crawled into bed under a red fleece blanket, and resumed my reading. As usual I would probably end up falling asleep but the lessons I could learn from the reading were worth that.
#121104521Wednesday, December 25, 2013 12:38 AM GMT

Kallum I approached the front of the building when I realised "I don't know which number they live at!" Facepalm... it would probably be another half an hour before I even found them, the building had 8 floors and 13 rooms... let's hope all the door locks are as easy to pick as the front door's...
#121105290Wednesday, December 25, 2013 12:48 AM GMT

(... Not correct.) (The building is an eight floor building with a lobby and small apartment on the bottom floor. There is a large stair case that would lead to all the other floors. The next six floors have two apartments, each varying in room number and size. The final floor is a renovated attic which has a few different rooms and a large open space that doubles as a kitchen and living room.)
#121106259Wednesday, December 25, 2013 12:59 AM GMT

(I don't think anyone else can post at the moment) Kallum I was almost worn out from being careful, typical that they'd live in the god-damn attic! I nearly punched their door in frustration but managed to compose myself instead, had to be extra stealthy here, I picked their lock as slowly as possible to the point where the click of the lock was as quiet as a pin hitting the floor. I swung the door open, no creak at least. Now to find the dumb girl's room. There were 4 doors, in an apartment this size I guess that means 5 rooms including this one, one was bound to be a bathroom. I checked the first one, bathroom, the second door creaked... but I'm pretty sure it went unnoticed, it was a bedroom but no-body was in it, a spare room? Or were they out? God I'd hate that. I almost lost my cool and walked loudly as I turned to the next door to confirm my suspicions only to find dumb little girl lying asleep in her bed, finally after searching the entire building I'd found her. I crept over to her bedside clandestinely (yay for big words), 'Here we go' I told myself mentally, sliding my knife silently out of its sheath. Then in sync I put my left hand over her mouth, and the knife in my right hand to her neck, her eyes opened.
#121107235Wednesday, December 25, 2013 1:11 AM GMT

(Honestly, Fae would normally scream but I am guessing that wouldn't be a smart choice so short post.) Faelynn My eyes opened wide with fear and I imagined my skin paled considerably. My fists clenched together, sharp finger nails digging into my skin. It took all my willpower not to move. I had a feeling that it wouldn't be smart.
#121107420Wednesday, December 25, 2013 1:13 AM GMT

Kallum "Up." I ordered her in a cold, hushed voice, "Now." I pressed my knife one her throat a bit harder, not enough to breach the skin but I bet she could feel how cold it was.
#121108445Wednesday, December 25, 2013 1:25 AM GMT

(I am still waiting for his heart attack.) (Okay honestly I'm annoyed, Fae can't do anything at the moment really.) Faelynn My thoughts were jumbling together much like a broken puzzle. It took me perhaps a second to long to understand what he had said and a many more for me to follow through with what he said. Even if I couldn't think clearly I understood that, on some level, I should follow the orders of a man with a knife. At least for the moment.
#121108738Wednesday, December 25, 2013 1:29 AM GMT

Kallum I was getting impatient, I screwed my face up in anger, "Open your mouth and I'll cut your jugular so fast your blood hits the ceiling." I warned her, then took my hand off her mouth and grabbed her hair, dragging her to her feet with it.
#121109973Wednesday, December 25, 2013 1:43 AM GMT

Faelynn Despite my best efforts a *small* screech escaped my mouth. My hands quickly flew up to my mouth as a few tears leaked from my eyes. No-no-no. Not a single noise.
#121110164Wednesday, December 25, 2013 1:45 AM GMT

Kallum I growled and quickly drew the knife back and pulled her hair back to expose her neck but before the knife hit her skin I remembered I would get more fun out of the next part so instead I hurriedly dragged her out her bedroom door and kicked down the last remaining door which had to be the other girl's room, I had to get in before she could use her power. I looked inside, she was getting up.
#121110795Wednesday, December 25, 2013 1:53 AM GMT

Faelynn Rose eyes opened wide with surprise before narrowing to a sharp glare. I could hear a few mean words mumbled under breath. Her hands were at her side and her puppets strings nervously tapped against her thigh. She seemed angry though I knew she was trying to hide it. "What are you doing?"
#121111036Wednesday, December 25, 2013 1:55 AM GMT

Kallum I smirked, "Oh I just thought I'd pop in for a quick CHAT." I spat the word 'chat' as I dragged her sister from my other side and into her sight, my knife still firmly at her throat.
#121111441Wednesday, December 25, 2013 2:01 AM GMT

Rhoslynn "Well, you could have informed us," I muttered in an overly fake tone. "I could have called the police." I pointed at my sister, letting the puppet strings move closer to the man. "Let her go." There were no guidelines for a situation like this and, worse than that, I knew that I had violated the few rules their were. If you want to be a decent human being you need to protect your siblings.
#121112035Wednesday, December 25, 2013 2:08 AM GMT

Kallum I chuckled darkly, "I might think about it... if you beg a little." I laughed, not that I was joking... "And if I was you I'd retract those strings right now unless you want me to splatter you with your sister's blood... trust me, it'll reach you from her neck at this distance." I cautioned her, moving the knife closer. I didn't actually know if she had her strings out or not, but I suspected she would have, she knew I couldn't see them but I don't think she'd gamble her sister's life on the chance that I was lying.
#121112697Wednesday, December 25, 2013 2:16 AM GMT

Rhoslynn I silently shook my head, refusing to say a thing. I let my hands drop to my side and let the strings partially retract. "They aren't out," I mumbled, ignoring the begging comment.
#121113142Wednesday, December 25, 2013 2:22 AM GMT

Kallum I raised an eyebrow, "Well then? Where's the begging? Don't you care what happens to your sister?" I asked her falsely but before she could answer, "Hmm... I suppose you need some more pushing." I grabbed her wrist with one of my hands then used the knife to slit it, "There we go, an effective timer don't you think?" I grinned.
#121114583Wednesday, December 25, 2013 2:39 AM GMT

Faelynn I came close to screaming once he grabbed my wrist and the fear only intensified. "N-n-no," I muttered as tears fell from my eyes. Rose appeared sick to her stomach as she ran her fingers over her own scars. Her puppet strings danced around her in anger but they never came near the man. She seemed to be hissing out strings of words that I couldn't understand though I was positive they were all crude insults.
#121114956Wednesday, December 25, 2013 2:44 AM GMT

Kallum I put the knife back to the girl's neck and grabbed her hair in my fist, lifting her onto her tiptoes by doing so, "Well then, any closer to that begging?" I asked her mockingly.
#121115480Wednesday, December 25, 2013 2:50 AM GMT

Faelynn I screeched once more. No-no-no! Rose was shaking her head violently, continuing the string of insults. The strings seemed to be venturing closer as she grew angrier.
#121115664Wednesday, December 25, 2013 2:53 AM GMT

Kallum I laughed slightly, "What? You don't look too happy over there." I stated, then I made a sad face as fake as plastic, "I'm sorry," I began, I took my hand away from her head and dipped my fingers in the blood of her wrist, "She's just too sweet." I complained, licking it off my fingers one by one, a sick smile growing with each one.
#121116494Wednesday, December 25, 2013 3:04 AM GMT

Rhoslynn Fae was in tears and attempted to pull her wrist away and cradle it close. I hissed out one last string of insults before letting my strings quickly retract. My face went blank and I seemed near emotionless. I needed to calm down. "Is this supposed to be amusing...?"
#121117069Wednesday, December 25, 2013 3:12 AM GMT

Kallum I glared at her then smirked with my eyes still narrowed, "Fine, just for that, I'll do something to her that you'll never forgive yourself for." I then used my free hand to pull my gun out and pass it to my right hand and put it against her head so I could use the knife with my left, I then had to hold back yet another chuckle as I moved it to the skin of her arm... then I sliced off the top few layers of a chunk of her upper arm so it clung to the knife. I brought the knife up to my nose, smelt the departed cells... then licked it with my tongue, sickeningly sticking to it and pulling it in my mouth... a bland taste, like unleavened bread, but I couldn't help but burst laugh when I saw the look of absolute disgust on the snide girl's face and just the erratic breathing of the one I was holding was enough to tell me her opinion. "Enough for you?" I asked rhetorically, "Not for me." I added maliciously, "So... which part." I began, moving the knife over her arm... allowing the tip to land on her b[r;-east, "Should I sample next?" I finished, looking at the knife's location with feigned lust for added effect. The final blow, this should make her burst into tears and screams.
#121117149Wednesday, December 25, 2013 3:13 AM GMT

(Awww I forgot to say like a slice of macaroni! pretend I did!)