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#119761403Sunday, December 08, 2013 3:17 AM GMT

"Wake up, Agent [ERROR 404, PLEASE CONTACT ADMINISTRATOR]" a buzzing mechanical voice awakens you from your anesthetic induced slumber. You're on an operating table - maybe you volunteered for this, maybe the terms of the agreement weren't quite clear, maybe you had been captured, or maybe you had too much [PIRATE JUICE] one night, and you don't quite remember making a bet. In any case, you're fine now. Sort of. You walk out of the sterile white room, stained with red blood, as a camera on a rail chirps at you, something about "[ERROR 404, AGENT HOMETOWN NOT FOUND, SWITCHING TO DEFAULT]" and then bellowing in a deep voice about some small town in Texas. Outside of the room, there are others like you - each one has a different story, a different past, but you all have the same future. You walk along the path in front of you, travelling through grey hallways of metal and concrete - you approach a briefing room and go inside. The commander's facial features are sharp, he has a malicious feel about him, but before you can say anything, he opens his mouth. "I'm commander Marley, and you... you've got work to do." ======= Briefing: You are an individual, whom, for whatever reason, has been recruited by the United States government for a series of cybernetics experiments - the experiments appear to be successful, but they require field testing. Your job as an agent is to test the efficiency of the cybernetics while furthering the goals of the U.S. The tasks may range from simple courier missions, to destroying terrorist cells, to toppling entire bases - however simple or complex a mission may seem, it is assured to be an adequate test of your abilities. As for what the cybernetics *are*, and whether you'll need training using them, all will be explained in time. Cybernetics Explanation: Your cybernetics implants are divided into seven 'cores', one for each color of the visible spectrum, and you may only have one core, as they replace your heart. The cores' abilities will be explained here. Heat Core, red: The Heat Core is primarily focused on the absorption and manipulation of heat, this makes you more resistant to heat, however, you are not immune to it. The Heat Core can cool an area as well as heat it, however, energy is always conserved, which means to cool an area is to take the heat inside of you, and to heat an area will cost you valuable energy. Kinesis Core, orange: The primary focus of the Kinesis Core is the manipulation of kinetic energy - the motion of matter. The nature of this core makes its user more powerful against physical attacks, reducing the harm they take from kinetic energy, however, this isn't the only skill of the Kinesis Core; telekinesis is a powerful ability granted by the Kinesis Core. Electric Core, yellow: The Electric Core grants its user the ability to manipulate electromagnetic fields, which manifests as ferrokinesis(motion of metal), lightning bolts, long-term energy storage, and resistance to electrical attacks. However, many of the skills of the Electric Core(such as lightning bolts) cost more energy than the other cores. Life Core, green: The Life Core allows the manipulation of existing life(however, new life cannot be created without the matter to do so), through means of subtly influencing living things through microbial parasites, contracting a virus simply to spread it, or even causing malignant growths by touching someone. The users of the Life Core are immune to disease, however, they act as carriers for it. Portal Core, blue: The Portal Core is the most esoteric of the cores, creating wormholes via the use of dark matter, allowing abilities such as teleportation, and, interestingly, due to the manipulation of dark matter, flight and the reduction of the mass of objects. Matter Core, indigo: The Matter Core allows for the manipulation of matter, such as warping it into different shapes, crumbling it to dust, and dissolving it into liquid. Users of the Matter Core can have volatile, less controllable abilities, as well, such as instantly transforming their daughter into gold. Great job, Midas. Light Core, violet: The Light Core allows for the manipulation of photons and light, manifesting in abilities such as lasers, holograms, and lights. Because the light core allows bending light, it can also create shadows, invisibility, and can cause cancer via releasing high energy photons that ionize flesh. Classified Cores(only select members can use these): Earth Core, brown: The Earth Core's major ability is to manipulate both gravity and electromagnetism, in order to control the earth. The Earth Core grants abilities such as geomancy and flight. The Earth Core is barely controllable, thus, very few exist. Faith Core, cyan: The Faith Core does nothing except for subtly influence probability to the owner's belief. Although it may seem weak, the Faith Core can be the most powerful in the right hands. The Faith Core is extremely difficult to control, and most of the time only alters things to favor its owner's beliefs, however, if the wielder of the core knows this, they could gain greater control over it... Mimic Core, grey: The Mimic Core is much like the original core, however it is far less volatile and therefore the energy doesn't corrupt the user's mind. The Mimic Core possesses all the powers of the seven cores to a far lesser degree in terms of power, however, unlike the original core, the Mimic Core lacks classified cores and must touch a core user to gain their power, being only able to carry one ability at a time. The Mimic Core has less power than any of the main cores, for example, it can lift a metal barrel with the Orange core's power, but cannot lift a car or truck as the real orange core can. == A fact to remember when using all cores is that their effects create a glowing aura on the effected target, making them difficult to hide from civilians(who may comment that the Matter Core is "dark energy", or the Kinesis Core is "fire, maaan"). It is recommended that you avoid using your core powers unless it's required. Remember, the abilities portrayed here are just examples - with a creative mind, you can use the cores for so much more. == RULES AND REGULATIONS: 1. You are not a god, don't act like it. 2. I get the final say on everything 3. It's preferred that you use "I bend down to devour the flesh of my fallen opponent. Reveling in his blood on my tongue, I laugh maniacally" instead of "*eats dead guy* muahahahahahahaha" 4. Fraternization is violation of regulations, also you have no heart. That being said, I'm not responsible for your "rom.ances" nor do I endorse them 5. No, you are not a nine foot tall half-dragon-half-demon orphan with long white hair and violet eyes, who has a grimdark past where his family was murdered by the government for no good reason and now they want revenge. Also, you were the outcast emo kid who no one loved anyways, so you're glad they're dead. tl;dr, no mary sues. 7. Recognize that I skipped 6, and make note of this on your CS 8. The thread adm.ins are me, SwedishLemon, and Soardlo. 9. The game takes place in New York, not Arizona, not Oklahoma. === -SWEDISHLEMON'S CHARACTER SHEET- Na.me: Fin Mccalister Codename: Runner Ag.e: 17 Appe.arance: He has a brown Fauxhawk, which he acomplishes through spit and the wind.. Fin stands at about 5'5 and has brown eyes. Fin isn't very clean and has many bruises from his constant parkour. Fin has a gap between his front teeth, and is missing his left canine.. Fin's only pair of clothing is a brown T-shirt, a tattered black jacket-shirt, and a pair of black dress pants with ripped knee holes, and tattered shins parts. Fin, although he does not work out like some of the other agents, still has a fair amount of strength and muscle due to missions and parkour. Gen.der: Male Core: Brown, Geomancy Biography: Lost in a store by his mother when he was ten, Fin had to learn to take care of himself. Through pickpocketing, running from the police, and learning Parkour, Fin learned how to take care of himself relatively easy. Fin didn't have any friends, not like he needed any. His extreme loneliness eventually led him to speak to pigeons, but when they flew off, he bgan talking to rocks. This began a small case of dilusions where if he spoke to a rock, it would speak back to him in his head. His obsession of rocks led to him being the perfect canidate to control the difficult brown core. They sent police after him, however they were actually trained agents and caught him easily. They gave him a release form to leave jails, but Fin signed it obliviously. It was actually a contract of him agreeing to these experiments. Fin blacked out from an anesthetic injection, and awoke with his brown core. Skills: Parkour, pickpocketing, sprinting. Assets: Rolex watch, small switchblade, pair of fingerless gloves for parkour. What number do I like to skip?: 6 alixetiirrrr's character sheet. Na.me: Vincent Halborough Codename: Boston Ag.e: 26 Appe.arance: Vincent has short brown hair and a dark tan. He wears a green t-shirt and jeans most of the time, and has a mole on his chin. Vincent is thin and tall, as might be expected of a runner. Vincent's facial features are pointy and gaunt. Gen.der: Male Core: Cyan, Faith Biography: Vincent was once a runner in his high-school and kept being a runner ever since, even after he got a job as a computer programmer. He'd always wanted to join the military, though, since he was young, and thus would spend a lot of time on the shooting range. When he saw a seedy ad on the internet that promised work in the military in exchange for a few medical experiments, it was no wonder that he clicked it and signed the dotted line without reading. Skills: Running, running, running, and did I mention running. Also he can operate firearms and is good at computers. Assets: A house just outside the east border of the state of new york, a ladder in that house, a pair of running shoes, a smartphone, an mp3 player, a simple silver ring, and a broken car. What number do I like to skip?:6 CS: Na.me: Codename: Ag.e: Appe.arance: Gen.der: Core: Biography: Skills: Assets: (items, property, connections, etc.) What number do I like to skip?:
#119763302Sunday, December 08, 2013 3:39 AM GMT

(Question, even though I have a feeling I know the answer: Classified Cores, are cores you can not have, besides those mentioned above?)
#119764366Sunday, December 08, 2013 3:53 AM GMT

(You cannot have any of the three classified cores. Not at the start, anyways. You might find one later and get some seedy looking guy with dubious medical license to install it.)
#119769790Sunday, December 08, 2013 4:58 AM GMT

(I will make one, but I am going to sleep. Tommorow, maybe.)
#119773920Sunday, December 08, 2013 5:51 AM GMT

#119774817Sunday, December 08, 2013 6:04 AM GMT

(I'd join if I didn't suck at CSes)
#119777604Sunday, December 08, 2013 6:49 AM GMT

--Trackity track, how the interesting ideas I have.
#119777686Sunday, December 08, 2013 6:50 AM GMT

(Fireflly, I'm sure you can't suck too badly. Even a simple C.S. is good enough for me.) (pawzkat, What's that supposed to mean, exactly?)
#119777946Sunday, December 08, 2013 6:55 AM GMT

--I meant 'Oh' instead of How. Creative.
#119779497Sunday, December 08, 2013 7:27 AM GMT

(ohhh... that makes sense now. I'm rather embarrassed now, since I thought you were insulting me but clearly I was wrong and I apologize for presuming, I hope you understand AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH)
#119779555Sunday, December 08, 2013 7:29 AM GMT

[It's okay. It's the internet, it's not like there's a [add sarcastic tone here] button anyway. But I wasn't, it was simply my grammar mistakes.]
#119779665Sunday, December 08, 2013 7:31 AM GMT

(add sarcastic tone here button would be incredibly useful. But then I would forget to use it...)
#119779712Sunday, December 08, 2013 7:32 AM GMT

[E'yup. The complexity these days.]
#119779831Sunday, December 08, 2013 7:35 AM GMT

(C'mon, people.)
#119799222Sunday, December 08, 2013 4:46 PM GMT

(Wait, if we can't get classified cores at the start, why do you guys have them? Admin privilege?)
#119801479Sunday, December 08, 2013 5:18 PM GMT

(I'll try, honestly, I'm not exactly positive on the understanding i have on this, but anything I missed is appreciated.) CS: Na.me: Ashton Forthkot Codename: Oak Ag.e: 27 Appe.arance: Ashton, seemingly of Germanic heritage, is a guy of average height and build. He has a fairly long, yet rounded face, and sizeable, expressive teal-green eyes. His eyebrows are sparse and often furrowed, making him seem troubled or annoyed. His hair is short and black, with his bangs falling naturally into a middle-parted curtain-type style. His complexion also seems somewhat more tan in comparison to others. He usually wears normal, casual clothes, which consisted of brown trousers, and a green t-shirt, a maroon coat, and simple black shoes. Gen.der: Male Core: Life core, green. Biography: Ashton as a child, admired the outdoors. And usually spent his time observing and just appreciating how beautiful it was. When he started highschool, he often was left outside, on his own, others would say he was introvert, others just simply unorthodox. He went camping alot with his dad, i'd say a born survivalist. Then he got into marshal arts, and karate; he was a average student, and by following his survival skills, he has learnt to fight, and survive, also to do a small bit of parkour in marshal arts. Everyone knew how Ashton was so good at his hobbies. He was invited to become a trainer, earn lots of money, to teach people or young, or old age, to survive, and how to fend off hostile beings. Of course, this job wouldn't earn lots of money, and he was tricked. When they knew he could be so pro at these things, he was obviously, given the Life Core, which is green. These 'people' did medical experiments on him, which eventually preceeded to this. Skills: A expert survivalist, a average fighter. A teeny bit of parkour. Assets: (items, property, connections, etc.) A small apartment in the middle of the busy city, New York. Doesn't have a car, he often takes taxi's, a digital watch, his *android* phone, a small pocketknife, and a empty backpack. What number do I like to skip?: 6
#119812924Sunday, December 08, 2013 7:38 PM GMT

hissey: Accepted. Commander Marley will start issuing missions when swedish is back on shadow: Yes, admin privilege.
#119813548Sunday, December 08, 2013 7:45 PM GMT

Na.me: Daniel Yuen Codename: Blink Ag.e: 25 Appe.arance: A short, lean-figured, light skinned Asian man with short, black hairt, dark brown, narrow eyes, and a small round nose. He has a small scar on his left side of the lip. Gen.der: M Core: Blue, Portal Biography: An ivy league student captured by the agents for God knows what. He's tried escape, for most of his first year, but he can see now there's no getting out. Instead, he accepts his new life, and what was yet to come Skills: Hacking, running, and genius-level intelligence Assets: (items, property, connections, etc.) A large, apartment building in Massachusetts, a smartphone, and a gaming PC (built) What number do I like to skip?: 6
#119815696Sunday, December 08, 2013 8:08 PM GMT

Name: Commons Renegade Codename: Wunderstrike Age: 23 Appearance: (I will post it soon, please wait) Gender: Male Core: Kinesis Core, orange. Biography: He was into a crime-style life. His parents poor, sending the kids to "retrieve" certain things that they would sell. Commons was the oldest out of the kids, and lead the trips, but once he was old enough, he got a job, a job as a car dealer. He forged a college certificate, and was accepted. His forging was found out, and he quit the job, having a feeling they would soon find out. They sent cops to his house days later, and he answered the door to them. His tea leaf reflexes appeared, and he punched the cop, stole the gun, and pistol whipped him with his pistol. He managed to get a few miles from the house, the cops following. He was stuck between two cars, cop cars, that tried to run him over. He ran up to one, and jumped on it. He rolled off the back, and continued running, with the cops smashing into each other. He ran down a alley, and he picked up a metal pipe, which he threw behind him, with good aim that smacked a cop straight in the face. His aim was what lead him to the Kinesis Core. He ran about three miles, tired, but hidden, only firing the pistol at legs. The pistol he used had only one bullet left. His break had earned him a news title, called "The perfect-aim forger" on the news channel, and the government saw. They sent agents to capture him, and they did. He was trapped in a alley, one very narrow, and he tried to climb up a pipe to get away. The pipe broke half way, but he jumped on the other wall and bounced back, grabing the end that was still attached. They shot his leg, and when he climbed to the roof, the helicopter was getting it's guns ready to fire. It was off the roof, but within jumping distance. He ran, threw himself forward, and caught the landing rods (or whatever it's called) and he used it to jump onto the other roof. He was tazed, and a bullet was fired into his chest. The bullet knocked him out. He woke up, surgery done on him to keep the bullets from killing him, and a contract was in front of him. They said his parents would be imprisoned, and him killed, if he didn't sign to have it done on him. He signed, knowing what happened, and was knocked out. He woke up, with the Kinesis Core in him. Skills: Great aim, stealth, parkour abilities, and fighting techniques are known to him. He is resourceful and smart. Assets: A large, empty backpack, a tazer, a connection to thiefs in New York. (They admired his ability.) What number do I like to skip?: 6.
#119820116Sunday, December 08, 2013 8:55 PM GMT

wifi:accepted shadow:accepted, just make sure to add your appearance eventually. (since lemon isn't here, I'm going to start you guys off with some missions) Commander Marley shouts your codenames as you exit the operating rooms where you were modified. "Oak, Blink, Wunderstrike. Get over here, NOW." He hands each of you a file folder. Oak: The file reads "CLASSIFIED, DO NOT SHOW TO OTHER AGENTS" Operation: Green Star Primary Objective: Provide medical relief to soldiers at Site-35 Secondary Objectives: Remove any evidence of Core Agent activity. Briefing: Site-35 has been attacked by an unknown hostile, though preliminary reports indicate that it may have been a rogue Core Agent. Under no circumstances should any soldier or agent be informed of possible Core Agent involvement. Blink: The file reads "CLASSIFIED" You notice that all of a certain name has been whited out and replaced with "BLACKHEART". A codename maybe? Operation: Median Square Primary Objective: Extract BLACKHEART from Site-35 Secondary Objectives: Destroy any and all of BLACKHEART's work. Briefing: Site-35 has been attacked by an unknown hostile. It is imperative that BLACKHEART, one of our leading scientists, is extracted safely. Additionally, it would be most invaluable to destroy BLACKHEART's work, thus preventing it from falling into enemy hands. Wunderstrike: The file reads "CLASSIFIED, DO NOT SHOW TO OTHER AGENTS" Operation: Branded Ox Primary Objective: Hunt down and neutralize VENN DIAGRAM Secondary Objectives: Destroy VENN DIAGRAM's remains. Briefing: Site-35 has been attacked by a rogue Core Agent, codenamed VENN DIAGRAM. Be alert, VENN DIAGRAM is an unstable Faith-Core wielder, meaning that reality surrounding him warps to fit his bizarre delusions. Our intel suggests the VENN DIAGRAM is in the sewer, hunting a currently unknown target.
#119820463Sunday, December 08, 2013 8:58 PM GMT

(I see how the missions link together. ...I also have no idea how to continue :P) Wunderstrike I place the file where I found it.
#119820661Sunday, December 08, 2013 9:00 PM GMT

(Well, for one thing, go to site 35 by car or foot. Or punch Marley in the face. Or just ask Marley for transport. Or walk out and try to use kinesis to fly.) Marley looks at you for a second, a bit menacingly. "Well? What are you waiting for?" He says, frustrated.
#119820787Sunday, December 08, 2013 9:02 PM GMT

(Punching Marley in the face... Is that an actual option?)
#119821078Sunday, December 08, 2013 9:05 PM GMT

(Everything is technically an option, but not necessarily a good idea. If you punched Marley, he'd be pretty mad.)
#119821245Sunday, December 08, 2013 9:06 PM GMT

(Oh god, the fun we could have.) Wunderstrike Ask Marley if I could have transportation.

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