#132754770Monday, May 05, 2014 1:16 AM GMT

(I said that Tiga and Daigo were one and the same. Although, Tiga seems to run in his family. His exposure to the Chaos Crystals simply accelerated Tiga's appearance.)
#132757175Monday, May 05, 2014 1:40 AM GMT

Oh dear :(
#132764243Monday, May 05, 2014 2:56 AM GMT

(Danny, that doesn't make sense. If Daigo and Tiga are the same person, how come he talks to Tiga like he's a split personality, then?)
#132781245Monday, May 05, 2014 10:42 AM GMT

(Since when?)
#132802358Monday, May 05, 2014 7:45 PM GMT

(You are now confusing Nexus and Tiga. If you are referring to that one post where I activate the Spark Lens with hope brimming, that's just an expression to his other self.)
#132820424Monday, May 05, 2014 10:36 PM GMT

[/Amarth/] Stalking this guy from the rooftops proved quite easy, at least until he started entering some underground area. I would have to be even stealthier than before. As I jumped onto the ground, I could of sworn I saw this man turn his head. Luckily, he didn't spot me. I guess the silent chase went on...
#132822886Monday, May 05, 2014 10:57 PM GMT

(Stalking someone? Who?) Jun The coast is clear, so we should continue on. "What's your take on this tower, Drake? What's it used for?"
#132823035Monday, May 05, 2014 10:58 PM GMT

#132941713Wednesday, May 07, 2014 2:49 AM GMT

Jun We move into the corridor, keen on any more Walkers patrolling the halls. Suddenly, I notice someone in the distance. "Who are you?" "I am Shinya Mizorogi, and I believe we have a score to settle."
#132945346Wednesday, May 07, 2014 3:37 AM GMT

Jethro After escaping a horde of walkers, the tank bumped into something. "What did we just hit?" We all went out of the tank and what we saw is a tower(that you guys are in.).
#132981400Wednesday, May 07, 2014 8:22 PM GMT

Jun "Who are you, exactly. I never met you before." "I'm surprised you don't remember at all." Shinya Mizorogi "I am Shinya Mizorogi. In the past, I was an SCS operative, but I saw the truth. Chaos cannot be stopped. We must embrace it. Thanks to Dark Zagi, I was able to see the truth. Now, you must be stopped, once and for all." I bring out my Darkevolver. Gripping the device on both ends, I split it apart, revealing the twisted dark energy aura inside. With a sudden sound of glass breaking, I transform into Dark Mephisto "Did you really think that I would just run away like a coward?" Jun Surprised that Dark Mephisto was a man, I stagger back. "You insane fool! Why did you turn to Chaos? WHY? I'll stop you right here, right now." Gripping my Evoltruster, I pull it out of the sheath and trigger the transformation sequence. Nexus rises. Daigo Not this again. I grab my Spark Lens and press the button. Tiga rises. Dark Mephisto "This time, there will be no escape. Not even for you Drake." I fire off a massive energy stream that throws everyone, including Drake, onto the ground.
#132981794Wednesday, May 07, 2014 8:27 PM GMT

Suddenly, the wall near by drake, Nexus, and Tiga, starts rumbling, with a blast of energy Energonic busts through the wall. Energonic "Looks like I got here just in time." I say, looking at dark mephisto.
#132983075Wednesday, May 07, 2014 8:42 PM GMT

Nexus "Dark Mephisto, you are outnumbered. There is no way you can defeat all of us." Dark Mephisto "Am I trying to defeat all of you?" With sudden speed, I rush at Nexus at Mach 7 speed. The sheer force managed to crack through the wall and sent us down the tower. Nexus I quickly fire 2 Particle Feathers at Mephisto's eyes. It hurts him just enough so that I can be freed from his grip.
#133019317Thursday, May 08, 2014 3:35 AM GMT

Jethro "What was that?" I heard rumbling from somewhere. I think it's in the next floor. "Guys, grab my legs, we're going up!" All of my men took a hold of my legs as I opened my mouth and I began to suck the air, inflating myself and thus twisting my inflated belly. I then blow the air out, causing my to untwist myself, sending us flying upwards to the ceiling. I inflated my right hand and as we get close to the ceiling, I punched it, busting me and my men through.
#133710480Saturday, May 10, 2014 5:35 PM GMT

(This thread is dying off. Will attempt CPR) Dark Mephisto I grab Nexus by the legs and throw him nearly 3 miles away. Nexus Recovering from the attack, I attempt to thwart off his flurry of punches. He's too fast, and well experienced. I try and land 2 punches, but they were all to easily blocked. With a well aimed chop, we nearly incapacitated me, but with great effort, I manage to dodge it. Dark Mephisto "You pathetic being of light. Why even bother with your struggles. Chaos will triumph." With swift kicks and punches to his stomach, I make my point. "Your efforts are futile, being of light. Let the darkness overtake you and open your eyes to the truth." Nexus "NEVER!" I fire off 5 Particle Feathers with full force, but Dark Mephisto blocks them all too easily. Dark Mephisto "This is how a hero dies, how unfortunate. You could have been a great ally, now you must be killed." I summon 2 Savages mutated with special tentacles. They grab Nexus and start draining his light. Nexus No! I can't let them take this light! No! STOP! Dark Mephisto The Savages complete their job, completely draining Nexus's light. His glowing eyes are no more. (I didn't kill of Nexus. You will see what happened next post.)
#133716136Saturday, May 10, 2014 6:39 PM GMT

Energonic "YAH!!!!!" I say, charging at Dark Mephisto. I hit him in the stomach with the force of a pickup truck moving at 100 miles per hour.
#133720566Saturday, May 10, 2014 7:30 PM GMT

Dark Mephisto While surprised at the suddenness of the attack, I manage to recover fairly quickly. "Who do we have here? Energonic? Ha ha ha! Are you another of those misguided fools! You shall suffer." All in a second, I vanish in front of Energonic. With abruptness, I teleport directly behind him and launch Dark-Ray Storm with + crossed hands. The powerful beam emanated pure dark Chaos, quickly damaging Energonic.
#133734327Saturday, May 10, 2014 10:11 PM GMT

Selina I face Deathlok, angry. "Can't I ever catch a break?" I growl, standing up from my seat. Civilians are already fleeing the café I'm in. Suddenly, an arrow flies past and hits the wall, emitting tons of smoke. An arm grabs me, and a deep voice calls out: "Come with me, Holly's safe!" I recognised the voice instantly. It was the voice of the Green Arrow.
#133743999Saturday, May 10, 2014 11:48 PM GMT

(seriously? I thought we agreed on no Marvel and DC. Guess that's gone.)
#133747888Sunday, May 11, 2014 12:19 AM GMT

Jethro Ceiling to ceiling, I through every ceiling. This is my own way to get up. (You probably hear the bust)
#133750060Sunday, May 11, 2014 12:38 AM GMT

Energonic Energonic manages to make an energy shield surround him before Dark Mephisto's beam can hit him, Energonic looks at Dark Mephisto, his eyes turning a bright golden colo, "Lets do this." He says, before firing his own powerful energy blast at Dark Mephisto.
#133761732Sunday, May 11, 2014 2:26 AM GMT

Dark Mephisto I jump into the air, flipping before landing safely. This is getting interesting. "You are skilled, no doubt. How well will you survive this?" I turn on the Mephisto Claw, enhancing hand-to-hand combat and boosting energy levels. I teleport rapidly around Energonic, confusing him greatly. With suddenness, I fly straight towards Energonic, slamming into him at Mach 7 speeds. We both fly up into the air and enter freefall. Tiga I manage to intercept Dark Mephisto with my own energy bullets, stunning him long enough to land several punches. However, I still cannot overpower him with my normal strength. To compensate for this, I quickly Type-Change into Power-Type to gain additional strength at the cost of my speed. Absorbing Dark Mephisto's energy attacks, I charge my punch to form the Punch Blitz, which managed to damage Dark Mephisto a bit with the sheer explosiveness of the punch "Still trying to kill us?" "Your friend Nexus is dead, what reason do you have to continue the fight?" "I won't have him die in vain." I manage to launch 2 strong punches, but those get intercepted too easily. "You're quite slow." Dark Mephisto grab my arms and throws me to the ground.
#133768660Sunday, May 11, 2014 3:33 AM GMT

bump. ]
#133772971Sunday, May 11, 2014 4:12 AM GMT

Energonic But... Energonic could fly, Energonic grabs dark mephisto in mid air and rockets towards the ground, letting go at the last second, making him slam head first into the ground.
#133799431Sunday, May 11, 2014 12:17 PM GMT

Jun "Where am I?" I look around in bewilderment at the sunny jungle around me. Am I dead? No, that can't be. Wait, is that Sera in the distance? "Sera? Is that you?" "Yes Jun, welcome to the Light Dimension." "So, am I dead?" "Not quite. Do you know why Nexus came to you?" "To atone for my mistakes. I couldn't save you Sera." I put my head between my hands and start sobbing. "I couldn't believe that you had to die! Why did I let you die!" "Jun, that's not the point of your power." Sera came next to me and patted my back. "This Light, Nexus, was passed down generation after generation. Your gift's purpose was to protect those that were most important to them, not atonement for your role in my death. Jun, I never thought that you killed me. It was out of your control. Now let go of the past, and rise up into the future." She puts the Evoltruster in my hand. "Now, go." I pull the Evoltruster out of its sheath and activate it. The cold body of Nexus gains warmth once again. Nexus "Thought I was dead, Mizorogi?"