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#119844193Monday, December 09, 2013 1:15 AM GMT

(This if my first roleplay, so please, bare with me) -[Story line]- Chicago in 2600 has become a disaster with rebellions breaking out everywhere. The government thinks genes have a part of it. The government proposed the idea of genetically damaged people and genetically pure people. The government, known as the Bureau, put genetically damaged people into an "experiment" to create more genetically pure people. They created factions to keep everyone in line. The factions were based off what they thought were the main causes of war. The people in Chicago, however, do not know they are an experiment; they go on with life everyday thinking things were always like this. The Bureau created 5 serums, 1 for each faction, in case any faction got out of hand. Some wonder why they can't go outside the fence, others would rather not think about it. Serums: Abnegation: Memory-loss (loses memories, but can still function) Amity: Peace serum (Calms a person down) Candor: Truth serum (Makes person tell the truth) Dauntless: Death serum (Kills anyone that comes in contact with it) Erudite: Simulation serum (Controls the mind for a short period of time) The future citizens of Chicago live in a society that is divided into five factions, each one meant to uphold a particular virtue of humanity: Abnegation, meant to uphold selflessness; Amity, meant for the peaceful; Candor, meant for the honest; Dauntless, meant for the brave; and Erudite, intended for the intelligent. When you turn 16, you have to attend the Choosing Ceremony to choose your old faction, or venture off into a new one. Most people stay in their current factions, but some are rebellious enough to go into a new one (a big disrespect to their family). But once you choose a faction that isn't with your family, your faction is before family. Once everyone has chosen their faction, each faction holds a series of tests that last 3 weeks; the tests pertain to the faction. If a person does not pass the initiation test, they go to the ruined part of the city, where they then become factionless; most would rather die than become factionless. Tests: Abnegation: Community service (helping the factionless) Amity: Drawing peaceful conclusions to situations and meditation Candor: Undergoing a truth serum and revealing all secrets Dauntless: Learn to use a knife and gun with harsh conditions Erudite: A series of tests to test your knowledge Colors for each faction: Abnegation: Grey (so they don't draw attention to themselves) Amity: Bright colors, such as red or yellow (To show they are peaceful) Candor: Black and white (Because there is no grey area around a Candor) Dauntless: Black [have a lot of piercings and tattoos] (To show bravery) Erudite: Blue (The color of the intelligent) Factionless: Anything they can find After a person passes initiation, they can then get a job that relates to their faction. Main Jobs (not limited to): Abnegation: Politicians or initiation instructors Amity: Farmers or initiation instructors Candor: Business people or initiation instructors Dauntless: City guard, police/fire man/woman, or tattoo artist Erudite: Scientists or initiation instructors Factionless: Taxi service or unemployed Each faction has their own area. Area: Abnegation: Town hall (middle of city) Amity: Factory/Green house (edge of city) Candor: Skyscrapers Dauntless: Bunker (opposite edge from Amity) Erudite: Rest of city's buildings Factionless: Dark alleys or sidewalks Will you be brave enough to go against the city and Bureau and venture outside the city? Remember: Faction before blood. ---- -[Rules]- 1) Follow ROBLOX rules 2) No god modding (meaning you are immortal) 3) Admins have the final say in disagreements 4) Use grammar, and be a bit descriptive 5) You control what your opponent does in battle, but don't let it get out of hand, or I will control it. *These rules are subject to change at any time* ---- -[Character Sheet]- Name: Age (16+): Starting Faction: Transfer Faction: Appearance: Personality: Biography: ---- Enjoy. :)
#119844826Monday, December 09, 2013 1:22 AM GMT

Name: Peyton Age (16+): 16 Starting Faction: Abnegation Transfer Faction: Dauntless Appearance: Short and slim, but strong, she has blonde hair that is long, and blue eyes, and she is always smiling Personality: Cheerful, agile, stealthy, rebellious, and funny Biography: Her parents were part of the council for the city and were always selfless, putting others before themselves, but Peyton could never do that. People always underestimated her, and when she took the test before the Choosing Ceremony to recommend her faction, she was unusual, she could have been Erudite, Abnegation, or Dauntless.
#119856988Monday, December 09, 2013 3:34 AM GMT

#119857542Monday, December 09, 2013 3:41 AM GMT

Name: Miles Plihan Age (16+): 17 Starting Faction: Erudite Transfer Faction: Dauntless Appearance: He has tan colored hair and dark brown eyes, shaped like an almond. He has a few scars, but they aren't that noticeable. Miles is an average height; 5'10. He also has an average build. Personality: Well, obviously: Brave and selfless (at times.) Biography: Can I skip this? If I have to do this, I'll post again.
#119859409Monday, December 09, 2013 4:04 AM GMT

(Accepted!) Peyton I sit in front of the mirror, combing my hair, "The ceremony is in two days" I think to myself, already getting the butterflies. I also start to feel guilty, because I am going to be switching into Dauntless and my parents have no idea. "I have always been a disappointment" I mumble, and then stand up, walking away from the mirror.
#119859645Monday, December 09, 2013 4:07 AM GMT

(Since I'm 17, I've already done the Choosing Ceremony. Can I do a flashback post? And also, can I be an initiation trainer?)
#119859906Monday, December 09, 2013 4:10 AM GMT

(You can do flashbacks, yes, just note when they are one. And yes, you can be a trainer.)
#119860104Monday, December 09, 2013 4:13 AM GMT

(Alrighty! Thanks.) Miles I wake up from my sleep. The Choosing Ceremony is in two days and that means initiates and then that means training. I have to train them the way I was trained. That shouldn't be too hard.
#119860340Monday, December 09, 2013 4:16 AM GMT

I go to my dresser looking through it, "Grey, grey, grey, and more grey" I say to myself, just as my mom walks in. "Peyton, I'd like to talk about tomorrow" and my face loses color, but she doesn't notice it. "Sure" I say, sitting on my bed.
#119860494Monday, December 09, 2013 4:19 AM GMT

Name: Annabelle "Annie" Montare Age (16+): 16 Starting Faction: Abnegation Transfer Faction: Dauntless Appearance: Shortish,about 5'3. She has slight, near non-existent curves, and a small frame. Her hair is a striking red, and very long, but usually in a bun. She it dotted with freckles, is pale, and has hazel eyes. A ginger, is that helps. She has an odd, cherry birthmark that sits on her left cheekbone. You normally can't see it from the abnegation long sleeves, but she self-harms sometimes. Personality: Quiet and polite. She is the perfect abnegation, but she just couldn't stand it there, because everyone hated her. She is kind of slow to learn, so people hated her in abnegation where there are lots of strict rules. She is sort of depressed at times, but very eager and willing to try her hardest. She has a great willpower and perseverance, which is what really put her in dauntless. She is sort of naive and shy. Biography: Her family was a web of lies. Her parents were both abusive when she slipped up, but mentally, not physically abusive. So she started cutting herself, once whenever she messed up. It helped her to learn. She is kind of insecure with herself and others, but would love to fit in somewhere, so she tried for dauntless.
#119860657Monday, December 09, 2013 4:21 AM GMT

#119860931Monday, December 09, 2013 4:24 AM GMT

Annabelle I sit in my room, hearing the click of forks against plates. I told my parents I'd skip breakfast, because I needed some alone time. They thought it was wonderful, thank god. I just need time to think. I got Abnegation for the test, yes. I wasn't anything special. But I just couldn't stay here. I needed to get away, far away. And the farthest away I could get was Dauntless. I flipped my hair into it's usual bun and threw on a dull, grey dress that went down to my ankles. I still wore stockings, anyway, and a dull grey jacket to cover my scars. I sighed, and walked downstairs.
#119861310Monday, December 09, 2013 4:29 AM GMT

Peyton My mom talks about how she doesn't care what I pick and I should go with my instinct. I feel weird because in Abnegation, parents don't talk about themselves a lot, because that is selfish. I have no idea if my mother is a transfer or not, but she is so good at this Abnegation stuff that I'm guessing she was born here; same with my dad. How did I, a 100% Abnegation child, get 3 different test results. The girl told me it had to do with something being called Divergent, meaning that my genes are pure, whatever that means. She said it was dangerous and I shouldn't tell anyone. She altered my test results so it showed that I got Abnegation; where on Earth she learned that I do not know. All this stuff is stressing me, and I snap back into it, and nod at my mom as she walks out the door.
#119862049Monday, December 09, 2013 4:40 AM GMT

(I have two questions before I post. 1. Who can be Divergent? 2. Who are the admins?)
#119862305Monday, December 09, 2013 4:44 AM GMT

(You have to ask to be Divergent. Usually showing a lot of activity once this gets popular will get you it. So far I'm the only admin.)
#119862315Monday, December 09, 2013 4:44 AM GMT

Annabelle I spend my day working in a soup kitchen for the factionless, and my fingers begin to feel raw. I dropped a plate, and after apologetically cleaning it up with three other good abnegation assisting me, I sneaked into the back, and rolled up my sleeve. I took out my Swiss army knife, and made a quick, clean cut along my forearm. I winced a bit at the pain, but it soon subsided. I allowed myself mere seconds to admire the little droplets of blood pooling before I rolled my sleeve over it, knowing that it wouldn't bleed through the thick, grey material. When I returned home, my parents sent me off to my room as usual, and as I had nothing better to do, I allowed myself to drift off into an uneasy sleep.
#119862398Monday, December 09, 2013 4:45 AM GMT

(Alright. I was wondering that because I was about to do my flashback and was wondering if I could be a Divergent.)
#119862773Monday, December 09, 2013 4:52 AM GMT

(It's nearly midnight where I live, so I'm off. I'll be back on tomorrow,hopefully, but I have gymnastics practice so I'll be on late. )
#119863955Monday, December 09, 2013 5:14 AM GMT

(You may be a divergent. But most divergent only get 2 results, so that is what I'm allowing you. Also, like gymnast, I'm off to sleep and I have basketball so I won't be on until late!)
#119865048Monday, December 09, 2013 5:37 AM GMT

-[Character Sheet]- Name: Sapphire Leon Age (16+): 16 Starting Faction: Amity Transfer Faction: Amity Appearance: Deep blue with brown hair that is put into the "twisted sister" hairstyle. Also she has a skinny and weak body structure (Can do about 3 push-ups). Is about 5'5" Personality: Serene, kind, quiet, usually tries to keep low profile, being kind of isolated at times, and curious Biography: Sapphire has always been a nature over people person. You'll usually find her tending to her garden, or watching animals run around while sitting in a tree. She usually takes notes of her surroundings, and spends half the day pondering what is beyond the fence, or how her shoelaces undo themselves. If you ask someone about her, they'll usually call her boring.
#119865474Monday, December 09, 2013 5:45 AM GMT

Miles' Flashback My aptitude test ended. The Abnegation lady looked at me. "Your results were inconclusive.. You fit into 2 different factions.. Erudite and.. Dauntless. This means you are.." She had said the last word very quietly. "Divergent.. Do not tell anyone about this. Do your best to blend in." The flashback scene changed. It was the day of the choosing ceremony. "Plihan, Miles." I looked up and walked over to the middle. I took the knife, cut myself, and thrust out my hand toward the Dauntless bowl. My blood dripped into the coal. I was now officially a Dauntless. (Continuing later.)
#119874042Monday, December 09, 2013 12:12 PM GMT

( ill join later )
#119894345Monday, December 09, 2013 9:11 PM GMT

-[Character Sheet]- Name: Cas Tyran Age: 16 Gender: Female Starting Faction: Candor Transfer Faction: Erudite Appearance: Cas stands at about 5'8. She has a rather petite figure with little to no curves. Cas has ivory colored skin with little freckles dotting her cheeks and the bridge of her button nose. She has a heart shaped face and lips. Cas has deep set eyes and due to heterochromia, each iris is a different color. Her left eye is a milk chocolate brown while the right is a much lighter brown, possibly hazel. She has thick black eyelashes. Cas has black hair with a natural blond streak on the left side. Her hair reaches only to her shoulders. Cas prefers to wear clothing that hides her arms and legs, so she usually wears long sleeves with long pants. Personality: Cas is quite a quiet girl who seeks knowledge around every corner. You'd most likely find her with her nose in a book. She has an eye for flaws in most anything. She's usually a friendly girl who is deemed helpful and despite the motto "Faction before blood," her family and friends will always come before her faction. Biography: Cas was Candor-born and grew up there under the guide of her parents and her other brother and sister. Both of her parents transferred to Candor from Abnegation, which doesn't shock her much due to the stories told about the Stiffs. When her brother transferred to Erudite, she had planned on following in his footsteps and transferring as well, but she didn't tell her parents this. Other: Oh jeez, sorry. I'm not even done with the second book, so again apologies if I made any mistakes.
#119898804Monday, December 09, 2013 10:04 PM GMT

Name: Rhina DeLonga Age (16+): 16 Starting Faction: Amity Transfer Faction: Candor Appearance: (i'm gonna give ya'll a pic.) http://www.chiggyonline.com/curly-hair/img/redhead%20curls.jpg Personality: The Amity supplies turn her Peaceful, but she's well mannered, stubborn and unthoughful. Biography: Born in Amity to two Dauntless Transfers, Kane and Lianda. Her mother was the representative for a while but stepped down near her birth. She grew up drugged on Amity's bread and water, hiding her true form and attitude. She loves Amity, but she's constantly fighting against her genes. She's prepared to leave them all behind.
#119911101Tuesday, December 10, 2013 12:18 AM GMT

(Discagal, calsprite, and Stayin are all accepted. Also, if you aren't really familiar with the books, it would be nice to read them or do a brief summary of what they are about to help the confusion.) Peyton Once my mother is gone, I grab a little glass statue of a girl holding a gun from under my bed. My mother gave it to me when I was young, maybe it was a way for me to show my defiance, because Abnegation aren't allowed to fancy inanimate objects, like figurines. But my mom said the statue would always protect me, when she wasn't there. She also said to hide it from my father, though I do not know why. For some reason, today, I feel like it means much more, maybe a bit from her past that I will never know about; but there is a meaning behind it. I sit it on my nightstand after examining it, showing defiance, small, yet large to me.

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