#119968567Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:59 PM GMT

(I was thinking about my character, and I think it would just be to confusing to re-invent her bio and such, so should I just make a whole new character? I think I could handle two.)
#119973156Tuesday, December 10, 2013 10:55 PM GMT

(I'm not going to post until I fully read the book. So for now, I'll just watch this rp to keep updated.)
#119983362Wednesday, December 11, 2013 12:48 AM GMT

Annabelle I jump without thinking. Sometimes thinking gets int he way of doing. My feet hit the building, and I keep running, staying in the middle of the constantly moving crowd. I may not be the top initiate, but I am going to get in. I will. I catch up to Peyton, trailing behind her, as we get to the end of the building, the trainers stop us and line us up. They inspect us for a moment. Then they look at us, and say, "Jump off..." One of their hands waves to the side of the building, and a few of us step forward to look off of the edge. I see nothing but vast emptiness and darkness. I step back, steadying myself. I want to jump, but something in my feet won't let me. Better to let one person go first. I remind myself that I'm not trying to stand out, just to fit in a bit. Just to fit in enough to belong, really, so I wait, biting my lip and searching with my eyes.
#119983393Wednesday, December 11, 2013 12:48 AM GMT

(@Ginny, 3 characters it the max so you are good. :] Amity are an agricultural faction, really.) Peyton I walk in, right behind our 2 trainers. I look around and see that guy, whoever gave the speech, sitting inside the dark tavern/cafe area and see him motion to me. I go over there, not asking my trainers if I am allowed. I get a bit tense and nervous, knowing that he is a big influence in our government.
#119984046Wednesday, December 11, 2013 12:56 AM GMT

(Where are we now?)
#119984641Wednesday, December 11, 2013 1:01 AM GMT

(Walking inside the Dauntless compound, right after hitting the net and such, and you are leading us to our rooms.)
#119986497Wednesday, December 11, 2013 1:21 AM GMT

(So we've finished the net part? If so,) Miles I lead the group of Dauntless initiates to their rooms. "Better remember where we're going. This place is pretty big," I tell them. As we walk along the long hallways, I have a brief flashback of myself getting led to my room with the Dauntless initiates at that time. We turn a corner and I open the door to the room. "This is your room. All of you are going to share one room and 2 of you are going to bunk together on each bunk bed. Now, make yourself comfortable and I'll meet you guys at dinner," I tell them.
#119987124Wednesday, December 11, 2013 1:28 AM GMT

(I started reading Divergent today, so luckily I get a lot more than I did hen I joined yesterday. It really is an awesome book!) I look around the room, with bunk beds all over. I start seizing up the locations before realizing how stupid it was, and that each bed was probably the same.
#119988413Wednesday, December 11, 2013 1:42 AM GMT

(@Ginny, prepare for a great trilogy!) Peyton I walk right up to the man in a suit, not really intimidated by him, just nervous as to what he would want. I also think he is probably one of the people I shouldn't talk about my Divergence to; he looks important. "Hello, sir. You needed me, did you not?" I say, after analyzing the room secretly, noting the exits in case I already have to run from him, already becoming factionless; I shudder at the thought and wait for him to reply.
#119989905Wednesday, December 11, 2013 1:57 AM GMT

I brush past the stiff as I make my way to a random bunk, taking a seat on the edge of it and looking around. I bounced up and down on the bed and listened to the creak of the bed, stopping when a tall boy gave me an annoyed look. I returned to look before examining the other people in the room.
#119990020Wednesday, December 11, 2013 1:57 AM GMT

(Time to expand on my appearance!) Miles I went to my room and turned on the lights. I looked at myself in the mirror. Tatt.oos were everyone. I recently got a new one on my shoulder, but it's barely noticeable. My eyes then moved toward my head. My hair got darker, it's more like a brown than tan now. My hair was flat, but at the back, my hair was messy. How? Why should I think about that now? Weird of me. There were bags under my eyes from the nights I haven't been sleeping. I was still worried about me being Divergent. My eyes shifted back to my body. My build had gotten much bigger. I was skin and bones before I transferred. All the training had paid off. I finally realized how stupid I looked. Why was I looking at myself like a weirdo? I looked away from the mirror and sat on my bed.
#119991166Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:08 AM GMT

Brian I smile, a grim and horrible smile. I see her walk out into the cavern and then look at me, the color draining from her face. I motion for her to sit down and in a stern voice I say, "let's talk, shall we?" The only thought racing through me is to break her right here and right now, I need to know what she's hiding, and I need to know now.
#119993005Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:22 AM GMT

(Okay, so I'm going to make my other character now. What faction is Brian?)
#119993411Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:25 AM GMT

Annabelle I am worried about Peyton. She was taken right out of the group of the other initiates by some guy in a suit, and she didn't look very happy about it. There was one spot left, and I was hoping that Peyton would be willing to bunk with me. I bit my lip, drawing a satisfying pool of blood. I looked straight up dauntless, and I looked...well...stiff. I went to the bathroom, found a pair of clothes that were about two sizes to big for me. The black mingled strangely with my bright red hair and freckles, but I kind of liked it. My pants were normal sized, at least. It was the first time I had worn blue jeans, and though they were meant to be skinny jeans, I liked them to be hanging off a bit. Unfortunately they were too long for my stubby little chicken legs, so I rolled them up a bit The shirt hang past my waist, so I looped it up in a cute little fashion, and took down my hair out of it's bun, letting it fall down past my shoulder-blades. I studied myself in the mirror, something that was forbidden in Abnegation, and felt a feeling of complete comfort wash over my body. I was home. So I made my way back to the dorms.
#119993698Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:27 AM GMT

(I meant to say, "The other initiates looked straight up dauntless, and I looked...well...stiff." Whoopsie-Daisies!)
#119994502Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:34 AM GMT

(@Gin Abnegation. @Intuous Sorry, I didn't see the "Hello, sir. You needed me, did you not?" part. I'll begin the conversation) Brian "Hi Peyton. I have something important to discuss with you." I try to sound as normal and convincing as possible, trying to act like I know whatever secret she's hiding. I have to act fast before she takes a hint I'm lying. "It'd be really easy if you could tell me what you're hiding..." I pause, struggling thinking of something else to say. I know I have to seal the deal. I swallow, taking a sip of tea, acting as casual as I can and then opening my mouth. "If you don't tell me, I'll eventually find out myself. So it'd be easier if you would tell me right here and right now." I observe her, seeing how she reacts to my sentence. I look for anything that would give me a possible clue to what she's hiding. I'm desperate, and I think she knows I am too.
#119995267Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:39 AM GMT

Annabelle I look down on my way back to the dorm rooms, my old clothes in tow, and suddenly realize I have nothing to cover up the scars on my arms. Although I don't really care what these people think of me, I don't want them to know right this second. I throw on my old dauntless jacket, which is a dark grey and still kind of matches my new outfit. I walk into the room, and some dauntless-born person immediately calls out, "Ooh, stiff, showing off a little bit of hair there! Don't want to get too promiscuous, now!" My face turns as red as the color of my hair, and my eyes find the floor. I wasn't aware that people could be so immature and harassing about things that were in the past. I shake off their jeers, and lay on my bunk with my knees tucked up. My hands lift to my head, and cover it, in a sort of protective-like stance. It helps me to think, and right now, I could do nothing more than think, because thoughts were buzzing through my head at the speed of lightning.
#119995654Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:42 AM GMT

(Thanks.) I noticed a girl with excitingly red hair, and walked over, staring at her hair rather than her eyes. "Doesn't look like those pants quite fit." I said, finally looking at her clothes, and then at ehr eyes in an intimidating way. I wasn't good at giving off a friendly vibe, despite my past, but I attempted a grin.
#119996607Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:50 AM GMT

Annabelle I swung my legs from the bed, standing up to meet her. She was a few inches taller than me, but not terrifyingly so. My posture gave away a bit of my insecurity, but I did not allow my voice to waver as it usually did, because that would show weakness. Weakness and dauntless did not mix well. "No, they don't fit all that well, but they're good enough. Better than what I had in Abnegation, at least." I didn't laugh, because laughing was still foreign to me, given by upbringing, but I did smile brightly, my eyes meeting hers. I noticed that her eyes were two different colors, which was very interesting, but I did not bring it up because it was rude to point out physical rarities. So, instead, I extending my hand, and said, "Hi, I'm Annabelle. It's nice to meet you."
#119997113Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:54 AM GMT

(It's okay @Pear) Peyton I sit down, showing no emotion. I tilt my head, meaning expressionless so he can't read me. "What could I have to hide? An innocent Abnegation girl that just transferred to Dauntless." I say, smiling in that giddy teenage girl way.
#119997745Wednesday, December 11, 2013 3:00 AM GMT

"And the same to you sti- Anna." I said, catching myself at the last moment. "Sorry." I muttered, shaking her hand. "Cold?" I asked, pointing out her jacket.
#119998452Wednesday, December 11, 2013 3:06 AM GMT

Brian I am stunned, completely and absolutely shocked. She's been playing me all along, she acted like she was hiding something just to trick me. My face is full of confusion and anger, but I hide it. All I can do is smile, just smile. I sigh and scowl loudly, then begin to talk. "Ah, Peyton, I'm sorry. I think I mixed you up with someone else. I'm sorry for my outburst." That being said, I eat the rest of my muffin and drink the rest of my tea just as Eric calls my name behind me. I get up from my seat heaving a sigh, giving a sarcastic and satisfied grin, like I was defeated. I know I need to keep an eye on her, but that's the last on my list. "Now, if you'll excuse me Peyton, I have to talk with one of your new Leaders." I spit the last word "Leaders" out just to emphasize that I partially control her, and then walk away.
#119998651Wednesday, December 11, 2013 3:08 AM GMT

Annabelle I smiled. Anna. No one has ever called me that, but I think I kinda like it. Now was the time to trust her or not. I decided I wouldn't tell her the truth, even though I was practically sweating. "Yes, I'm just a little bit chilly. I think it's just because of the excitement of today, though. I've never had so much fun. It's...great." I wrap my arms protectively across my stomach, hiding the scars, even though they're hidden by my jacket anyways. "I'm sorry to intrude, but what was your name?" I ask her, smiling.
#119998775Wednesday, December 11, 2013 3:09 AM GMT

(Doing an Eurudite, but shes going to be the puppet to the puppeteer (Pear), so shes going to be intelligent, but not in a good political position.) Name: Addie Wright Age (16+): 21 Starting Faction: Transfer Faction: Eurudite Appearance: Addie is pretty, pretty plain that is. she has dull gray eyes, that look almost empty, and pale skin. The most interesting thing about her is her hair, short, glossy and sleek black hair, stuck in between curls and just plain old wavy. Her hair goes down just past her shoulders, and some days she straightens it, causing it to curve in towards her head at the bottom. Her hair gives the impression that she is prettier than she is. Personality: Addie is cold, strict, harsh, and only cares for her family and close friends, although she isn't one to keep many people around her. Biography: She doesn't have much of a story. She never fit into society, but found who she was supposed to be after meeting Brian, an older man with a vision and plans, a man who knew where he belonged and how to get there, a role model.
#119999466Wednesday, December 11, 2013 3:17 AM GMT

(Oops, forgot to add her old faction, Abnegation.) Ronnie "My name?" I asked, giving her a strange look as she crossed her arms tightly. "Ronnie." I told her, smiling. "I guess maybe you have the chills or something." I guessed. "So ah, nice bunk." I said, not sure what else to say.