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#119916038Tuesday, December 10, 2013 1:09 AM GMT

For anyone who is interested I am starting a group for people who enjoy comic book characters from DC or Marvel. The rules are: - You must be respectful to other members i.e if you think DC is better than marvel or vice versa just because someone else likes the other company doesn't give you permission to be rude to them - Don't question the admins just accept what they say unless they are breaking rules then message me and they will have their admin status revoked and/or possibly removed. - Don't ask for admin we will message you and ask if you would like to be one if we think you deserve it. - Don't Post spoilers for new comics or Movies unless everyone is fine with you doing so, if a few people aren't you may talk about it buy Start your sentence with *Spoiler for(Name of what you are talking about)* - You may talk about anything related to video games or comics as long as it is appropriate i.e. talking about your grandmothers dog is not a appropriate subject for this group you can talk about this else where. - The Final rule is you can swear but try not to swear for almost every word. If you are interested message me Your Skype and/or Steam name and I will add you to the group. Thanks for your time and I will enjoy meeting anyone who joins.
#119916216Tuesday, December 10, 2013 1:10 AM GMT

Wrong website. Only three days left before the Bannanachair goes extinct!
#120286752Saturday, December 14, 2013 11:47 PM GMT

Is their a specific website to post this?

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