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#119969727Tuesday, December 10, 2013 10:14 PM GMT

For Trinity :3 Trinity woke up in a hot summer day at her lemonade stand. A duck walked up to her and asked for a grape, Trinity sprung up from her chair and broke a lemonade glass and began to stab the duck. The duck fought back but he was no match for Trinity. Trinity went MW3 Hand-To-Hand combat street fighter on his ugly duck face. The duck began to run, but Trinity sprinted after him like she was Sonic, she began to choke the duck and before his last words "QUUUUAAACKKK" Trinity shoved a grape into his throat, and dragged the Duck home, she shouted "I HAV SUMTIN PHUR THANKSGIVUN" as she began to cut the head off and ate its legs first, then its arm and then just gave up and swallowed it's corpse. She went back outside to take a picture of her, but when she uploaded it to her Fashion group everyone called it a perfection, "Duck blood and lemonade" as she posted it on insta-gram. Dont ask. Just. Dont even ask.
#119969922Tuesday, December 10, 2013 10:16 PM GMT

Girls be like: #duckface #selfie #workoutswag

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