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#120027737Wednesday, December 11, 2013 7:27 PM GMT

As we walked down the long, rocky dirt road, I thought about all the friends that have been killed. Mario, Sunshine, Olama, N0D, Tim, Slime, Gleaming, Sonic, Capri... So many people who I could have saved. I could have stopped the killer before he got to them. And now we walk. To find safety. To escape this maniac. ...................... We arrive at the gas station, and look around inside the shop. "Where is everyone?" Asked Thepop. "I dunno... There must be SOMEONE who works here, otherwise the shelves wouldn't be stocked", Swift replied. I walked over to the counter, and checked the phone. The wire was cut. "Looks lak' someon's not wanin' us callin' the police!" Leslie walked over to the counter, and inspected it. Behind the counter, there was a pool of blood. "Hold on a sec, this ere' blood is fresh..." He wondered aloud. He vaulted over the counter, and knelt down to see the blood closer. And that was the last we saw of Leslie alive. I heard a smashing window and Leslie's screaming coming from the other side of the gas station store. When I jerked my head over, I saw Leslie gripping and trying to pull out a metal-headed arrow stuck in his throat. I looked out the window, and saw a dark figure in a hooded cloak holding a crossbow. He fired again, and hit one of the fuel tanks. The fuel spilled out rapidly, and I frantically stared at the others. "RUN!" We sprinted out of the gas station as quick as we could, over to the motel that wasn't too far into the distance. I hear a scream, and turn around. Azn had been pinned to one of the fuel tanks by an arrow in his arm. I wanted to help him, but I couldn't. The killer dropped his crossbow to the ground, and reached into his cloak. He brought out a hand gun. A Smith and Wesson 500. The most powerful handgun in the world. Azn let out a horrible, disturbing scream as he realised what was about to happen. The killer fired, and the fuel tank that Azn was pinned to lit up with a fiery explosion. His screams were cut out, and replaced by a deafening orange roar. The killer turned to the direction we were running at, and waved. He wasn't chasing us to the motel, but I knew he would come. We were narrowed down now. Me, Swift, Thepop, Ultra and Veronica were the only ones left. And I had a feeling that our numbers would be even lower by the morning.
#120027830Wednesday, December 11, 2013 7:29 PM GMT

Leslie and Azn D:
#120027888Wednesday, December 11, 2013 7:30 PM GMT

Yeah, Azn's death was pretty brutal, lol.
#120031592Wednesday, December 11, 2013 8:47 PM GMT

Dying sucks. ;-;
#120033964Wednesday, December 11, 2013 9:23 PM GMT

I've been killed? Which part?
#120034054Wednesday, December 11, 2013 9:24 PM GMT

You were killed in part 4 off-screen when the cabin burnt down.
#120034219Wednesday, December 11, 2013 9:26 PM GMT

Oh. I don't read stories here mostly so that's why I asked.
#120034420Wednesday, December 11, 2013 9:29 PM GMT

Ah. Well, just be glad you weren't decapitated, had your throat slit open, been stabbed in the back dozens of times, shot in the neck with a crossbow bolt or blown up into shreds by a fuel tank. You actually had the nicest and least painful death.
#120034481Wednesday, December 11, 2013 9:30 PM GMT

I'm about to cry. :'(
#120038318Wednesday, December 11, 2013 10:12 PM GMT

I'd say it's the worst death, because it was slow and painful.
#120054123Thursday, December 12, 2013 12:46 AM GMT

five bucks says i'm dying next
#120058389Thursday, December 12, 2013 1:24 AM GMT

Don't give her ideas Veronica.
#120058789Thursday, December 12, 2013 1:28 AM GMT

Man these deaths are brutal.
#120080390Thursday, December 12, 2013 6:41 AM GMT

qq Azn, I feel so sad now. Leslies death was, um, subliminal.
#120232025Saturday, December 14, 2013 8:07 AM GMT


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