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#120036553Wednesday, December 11, 2013 9:53 PM GMT

~Prologue~ Eclipse heard faint pawsteps at the door of her home. She lifted her head and ran downstairs, to see her upstander(Human) at the door. She ran to her upstander, whose name happened to be Elizyah(Eli-zy-ah) and rubbed against her leg purring. Eclipse was a white Scottish Fold. They were very rare in Florida. She had unusual markings, but was awfully cute. The upstander opened the door, but was instantly jumped on and killed by a pack of wolves. What just happened?! Eclipse's owner was killed right in front of her. But she did nothing. She did not know why the wolves came... However; she would learn soon enough. They had only come for her. And her, alone. I need characters! Here's a template to get your character in this story! Name: Age: Looks like(Designs): What animal: Description(Traits and abilities): Okay guys! That's it for now! IMPORTANT: SIGN IN FOR THE STORY HERE!!! http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=120036457 (PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS POST.)
#120040879Wednesday, December 11, 2013 10:40 PM GMT

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter one; Lost~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She ran and jumped out of an open window, not once stopping or looking behind her. She ran and ran, until she could run no longer. When she couldn't run and water was nearby, she went to it, grabbed some laps, then ran again. Wolves could easily catch a kitten like her, but why wasn't SHE caught?... She didn't understand, but still ran, soon, she ran into an all black with a yellow ring around around the eye, tom. This tom was 1 year old (This character belongs to... XxThundagaxX THanks for submitting a character!), and had a high range of attitude span, but was very spunky and cool at times. The tom looked down at the kitten with a curious face on him, wondering what kind of a little ball of fluff tried to 'attack' him. He saw the rare breed and his eyes widened slightly, trying not to throw off his spunk her pushed the she-cat onto the ground lightly and shook off the surprised face. He could tell she was scared. He didn't bother asking, for it could be too painful of a memory for the kit, which it was. Eclipse looked up and shook the tears away. The cat looked mean and looked like he would hurt her any minute, but he didn't. The tom was the first to speak; "I'm Thu-" he was stopped when a scarred tom called his name. The tom had several battle scars, both of his ears we're clawed off, he had 3 scars down his forehead, and the tip of his tail had been clawed off. Some of the wounds were most likely NOT caused by a cat. He walked to the Black tom, and watched the tiny kitten hide under Thunda, thinking the wolves will come back. Sorry it's not so long guys! I'm leaving cliff hangers every now and then so you don't know what will happen next.
#120041207Wednesday, December 11, 2013 10:44 PM GMT

Omg this is adorable, but really awesome at the same time. Keep writing, because you're really good at it. Hey you really don't have to, but you could join the "Writers of Roblox" which is the group all of us MTVB'ers are in! You could get into "Advanced Writer" very easily with things like this, looking forward to the next one!
#120041591Wednesday, December 11, 2013 10:48 PM GMT

Thanks! I decided to join!
#120067205Thursday, December 12, 2013 2:49 AM GMT

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter One;Lost|Cont.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eclipse squealed, but was comforted by an upcoming cat saying; "I hope one of you are not squealing. It pi$$es me off when a fully grown cat whimpers or squeals." This made Eclipse laugh, it was quite funny to a young kit. Before they knew it, there were about 8 cats surrounding the kit. One was Mario, a fast tom, his fur was a pale white, with light blue pastel stripes. (Shout out to MarioDude0123 for submitting this character!) Mario was the kind type of cat, with a serious personality. With a sad backstory, he eventually ended up in a cat-pack. (I will explain more about what these are later.) Thunda was very young, he was the youngest in his cat-pack, but very dangerous too, despite his spunk personality. The oldest cat in the cat pack was Olama (Suggested by Olama5!), or, Olama the wise, as his packmates call him. He wears a dark purple wizard hat, he is also the wisest cat in the city. Being he grew up with a wizard, he knows a lot more than most cats do. The battle-scarred one is Tachi. He's really cool, but VERRRYY scary too! Don't pi$$ this cat off! You'll regret it! Eclipse was the kitten (Story changes to first person here.) Me, of course! Being a white scottish fold wasn't just rare, they were cursed. Every midnight if they can't control their thirst for blood, they will kill. You get your powers when you're at LEAST a two-year-old white scottish fold. I never knew of this.. Until i was told when I was a fully grown scottish fold, AKA one year old. THe news hurt me.. a lot... I had run away from my cat-pack, also known as "The pack of fallen skies". When I returned... Everyone had went to a new town because I was gone so long. They were hoping they would find me..., but they never did. I am still looking for them now..., but.. hope is low now. The world is a big place. Who knows? They're probably dead for all I know. I started a cat-pack, called Lunarpack, in hopes to find them. So far we have traveled over 4 mountains, we once came close to them, but then we realized they would have been long gone. I wish I was back home with my pack. My REAL pack.
#120070831Thursday, December 12, 2013 3:30 AM GMT

This is sooooo coool! (This is Thunda btw)
#120070867Thursday, December 12, 2013 3:31 AM GMT

I love it and it is epic. I usually don't say this unless I mean it. I like how you added that I grew up with a wizard.
#120099261Thursday, December 12, 2013 8:12 PM GMT

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter one end~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've already reached up to 30 pack members. It's not as big as my real packs though. My real pack had 120 cats. Which is a lot. They must have went VERY far to gather so many. We stumble along in a special forest, erupted by something called; "Clans." (This is a Warrior Cats reference.) I'm going to introduce them to my pack. I just hope I don't blow it.
#120108933Thursday, December 12, 2013 10:10 PM GMT

+++++++++++++++++++++++Chapter two; The beginning++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Every-cat in the cat pack knew of my power. But they were not afraid. They always lifted the heads up high... Their souls were always on fire. But I never realized... How important they could be to me. (Enters slightly more "Character talking" mode.) Soul ran up to me with bruises and scratches all over her fur. "E-Eclipse.. W-we need you!..." Soul staggered and caught herself quickly, leading her leader to the fight. A four-year-old fox stood in the middle, blood dripping down it's muzzle. I hissed at it and said; "Leave my pack alone or i'll tear your fangs out!" At the time, I never realized how stupid that must have sounded. 'Tear your fangs out?!' I could have come up with better. But I felt that this fox was harmless... Until... I clawed it and it let out a yip. Suddenly an all white wolf jumped out of the bushes. "Wolf!" I yipped. I was so scared, as the memories rushed back to my brain, I stood there in terror, like staring at a wall, or a beautiful tom. As my eyes started to glow, I finally felt the blood of the cursed rush through my veins. But I did nothing. I couldn't do anything!... ~~TO BE CONTINUED~~

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