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#12018419Thursday, July 30, 2009 5:11 PM GMT

This is for things your selling: a trickbox if u tick it then u reseive messages if some one bought ur things and it says their name: 2nd suggestion: you kno i have to look in the catalog for my things to see if abt one has bought it.can u just change it and when u go to my things it should show how if it has been sold... 3rd:suggestion: if ur searching in the catalog.. it always have to be exact spelling or enough spaces can u change it to close enough. This is a suggestion for places: Put a search on for games for example:In a certian place if u got room to put this in: Name of place (dosent have to be exact)Beside it:Name of owner(you dont need to put it if u dont want to)beside it:Genre(dont have to tick any)Beside it:You can mabey put:tools allowed in (some peeps only go to places which allow all tools)

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