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#120191806Friday, December 13, 2013 11:10 PM GMT

It's 2015, and nothing has changed much. Everything is at peace. There isn't any apparent world wars, no inevitable end to the human race. You live normally, not able to be described overly smarter than any other person. Your personality, that's a different matter. The same goes for your characteristics, too. We all live in Georgia. Everyone's close to Atlanta, or in it. For some reason, we don't like the coast. Who knows why, not any of us. We, apparently, love our capital. Half of us come from the suburbs. The rest of us are in Atlanta. I forgot to tell you who we are. Don't start snickering when we say it. Get ready. Our name is The Advanced. Don't ask us why… because it's awkward for some reason. And no, we aren't that fantasy "Superheroes," or "Magical Beings," stuff. We have only better talent than we should at things. Normal things. Like, take quick wits. You know, like always being one step ahead when you're talking to someone? We can do that. Quickly, with hardly any effort. But rarely does that happen. We don't teach our fellows. We motivate. It's show and tell on Friday nights, to talk about your talents. Nobody's found us, or asked about us. We don't have some kind of record with the police. This is just some club for kids, sometimes adults, who don't deny their talent. We have places to use your talent, though. But no stuff like hired help, or teachers. There's five tables, for anything that has to do with paper or utensils. Someone installed a device, like a screen. Two of them are hung up on the wall. I guess it's for the people who have the quick wits stuff. There's a talking person who replies to you on that screen. Three easels stand uncrowded in another room. It's quite messy in there. There's some other places, too. Basically everything we need, and we add when we need more. I mentioned room, didn't I? We have a facility to ourselves. We were lucky to find it in it's condition. There's a factory, for sale. We sneak in there at night. One of our adults warned us, but nobody's going to find us. The police get stupid around here. And whoever tries to tell is kicked out. There's more of us, so we tell them nothing's going on. They haven't jailed us at all. We were founded… well, a year ago. It was by some guy by the name Fred Wickerson. His dream was to make an association for those who don't quite 'fit in'. That was rude on his part, but who cared anyway. The group had ten people to start with. The name was originally "The Powerful," but like I said earlier, we don't have powers. He died, but his dream lived on. ----- (Sorry for such a bad backstory.) ADVANCED TALENTS: Anything from writing to instincts. No, you don't have powers once again. You cannot be a good brawler, but you can have rough fists. You can't be agile as a tiger or something, but you may have more stamina and can ride vehicles that require your feet quicker. Do you get it? TRAITS: (This applies to your Talent, so use it wisely.) Humourous Crazy Charismatic Artistic Fall Asleep Less Both Hands the Good Hand Loudmouth [Applies to One Body Part] No Hard Pain Generous ----- #RULES# @ No instant kills, unless it should happen. @ Consequences happen, get over it. I decide what those consequences are. I do use dice rolling, but only for events in which a person has no idea what they are doing. @ If you go on a break, say so. @ Follow up: Try to not get too far ahead of a person if they go on break. @ Romance at your own risk. @ Follow up: Actually, that'll never happen anyway. @ I can assign new admins. I will message them authority, and that is the only way they get permission. @ Follow up: People can VOTE to accept a new CS if they are not admin. That is new, right? @ Follow up: Admins may not abuse power, and can be reported to me. @ I can tell if you are trolling, so don't. If you read this all, write Advanced in other. @ People cannot go too far ahead if someone involved in the scene is Offline, unless they stay that way for two days. Same thing for not responding at all. No, someone being on break does not mean the same thing as being Offline. It means being Gone for A Reason. =CS= Name: A.T: (Advanced Talent) Appearance: Personality: Trait: (Optional) Bio: Self-Defense Mechanism: Pack Items: Other: ---------- Thank you for reading this.
#120225553Saturday, December 14, 2013 5:30 AM GMT

And.. B1.
#120229124Saturday, December 14, 2013 6:37 AM GMT

Name: David "Aimbot" Löger A.T: Incredible Hand-eye coordination Appearance: Untidy black hair, with deep brown eyes and Arabian skin. Personality: Cautious, yet overly friendly. Trait: Both hands the good hands (Ambidextrous, if that was what you wanted to say) Bio: David is an adopted child to semi-wealthy parents who own a gaming company. In his youth, he had a deep affliation with games, and uncanny speed with his eyes and hands earning him the nickname 'Aimbot' with his close friends. He enjoys playing Airsoft, computer games, and his own set of work. Nobody really knows where or what he works in, except the fact that he always comes back shaking, and covered in sweat. David is also half German, half American. Self-Defense Mechanism: Automatically makes a blocking motion with his arms whenever a fast moving object comes into his line of vision. Pack Items: Strange paper bag, with hard metal objects inside, Junkfood, strange syringes, handheld game console, cheap disposable cellphone, deoderant, wallet. Other: David Löger prefers to only meet with the gang when there are less than the usual people, and tends to keep his face down, trying to avoid people remembering his face.
#120238982Saturday, December 14, 2013 1:19 PM GMT


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