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#120291703Sunday, December 15, 2013 12:44 AM GMT

"Dragons are monsters. At least, that's what everyone in Frana was taught. See a Dragon, flee. Your a Knight, fight. But there was not a Dragon in Frana for 15 years. Not since an unknown Knight slayed the last known Dragon. But things aren't always as they seem, and that goes for all that..." This is a Medieval RP placed in a land called Frana. To the humans of Frana, Dragons are seen as evil demons bent on destruction. But they are actualy quite peaceful untill provoked. But they don't get provoked very easily, even by an attacking Knight. The Dragons come in all the colors of the rainbow, and live in what is known as the Caves of Terror to the humans, and the Caves of Fire to the Dragons, at the boarder of Frana. Now, let's get on with the RP and see what happens!
#120292299Sunday, December 15, 2013 12:51 AM GMT

"LOOK! It DID move that time!" Said Adam. Then his partner said "You ideot! Bushes don't MOVE!" "Unless there's something in there." Adam was a Knight. Today he was on patrol with a Knight that's not very bright. They both looked at the bush. It rustled, and a baby Dragon head poked out. Then it came out all the way and revealed it's true hight. About 1.5 the side of Adam, who was tall. They made a run for it...
#120295527Sunday, December 15, 2013 1:29 AM GMT

I'm sorry to inform you but roblox doesn't RP that way, they decided to be different and include Character sheets and all that, They RP in the improper form.
#120302427Sunday, December 15, 2013 2:46 AM GMT

" I would DIE to see another dragon in Frana." Said a 10-year-old adventurer going by the name: Jayden. His favorite weapon was a 10-KM sword as sharp as two. He LOVED to explore areas to find dragons, sadly, he didn't have much luck. "It's been forever to see Spyro, Cynder, Firespike, Sear and Burst....."
#120363927Sunday, December 15, 2013 8:39 PM GMT

(Mind explaning how this Jayden character came to know Spyro, Cynder, Firespike, and my signature characters Sear and Burst?) Sear heard someone coming. He thought it was Burst, but when he got there, it was 2 humans. He poked his head out, then came out all the way. He obviously scared them, cuz they ran for it. The tall one tripped, and Sear decided that this was his chance. He grabbed him with his claws and continued looking for Burst. | Adam was picked up the the beast. It was red, with blue wing flaps and nose. "LET ME DOWN CREATURE!!" It kept on going...
#120364246Sunday, December 15, 2013 8:42 PM GMT

(Jayden saw them when he was 5. He never saw them again, until this day, and he'll ALWAYS see them.)I suddenly see Adam being held down by Sear "Sear?" I ask if it was really him. I ran to get a closer look, to see Adam being held down by him. "Uh, Sear? Why are you holding This knight dow-" Suddenly I noticed he had some sort of weapon.
#120813257Sunday, December 22, 2013 1:40 AM GMT

(Actualy, Sear is holding Adam in the air, not on the ground.) Sear: "Who are- Oh, your that Jayden kid I saw about 5 years ago. I remember helping you find your way home when you got lost." (If we had a Jayden character before, I don't remember him. So let's just pretend that Jayden was lost in the woods 5 years ago, when Sear and Burst found him and helped him home. And as for the rest of our usual characters, let's pretend he never knew them.) The knight suddenly grabbed his blade and swung it at Sear. Adam: "Back! Back!" Due to the way Adam was swinging his sword, Sear was forced to let go or get hurt. Adam dropped to the ground. Then, a blue dragon with red wings flaps and snout, similer to Sear jumped from behind a tree and grabbed Adam in a way that rendered him defenceless. Sear: "Burst! Perfect timing!" Burst: "Thank you Sear. And who's this? Oh, Jayden? I remember you! You looked so adorable when you were five and we found you in those woods! But you let your hair get a little sloppy. Work on it." Adam: "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" Sear: "Simple, where are we?"
#120965197Monday, December 23, 2013 6:25 PM GMT

"Okay, hold up." I scratch my head. "So, you're a knight right?" I pause to let him answer.
#121000404Tuesday, December 24, 2013 12:52 AM GMT

Adam: "Yeah, what about it kid?! Listen, if you know these beasts, TELL THEM TO STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Burst: "Wait, if Jayden's here, then we can just ask him where we are! Unless he's lost again. I mean, we're nowhere near his home as far as I can tell." (Tell them that letting the Knight go is a bad idea because he'll go tell the king about Dragons being back in Frana, and chaos would erupt and that would be no good for anyone.)
#121012964Tuesday, December 24, 2013 2:56 AM GMT

"Don't let him go. He might tell the king he's working for about you two being back in Frana. Also, I quit living at my house. All they do is 'Work this, work that.' They never have ANY time for me, so I gave up and came here. I also found this REALLY cool crystal that glows. I think it has some sort of-" Suddenly the crystal glows really bright and the light goes into me. I start floating looking up to the sky, eyes pure white.
#121087569Tuesday, December 24, 2013 9:31 PM GMT

Sear and Burst: "Jayden!" Busrt let's go of Adam, hurling himself at Jayden, but missing. Burst: "Curse that crash landing! My wing flaps are damaged!" Sear: "So we're in Frana, eh? You know, Burst, Dragons used to live a long time ago here." Burst: "WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING!?" Sear: "Hold on, Burst. There were white Glow Crystals everywhere in Frana. But when the humans came, lead by the evil wizard Fruh, the wizard used all of his power to throw the dragons to a far land. Then the dragons moved to the Caves of Fire, our home. Anyway, when the dragons left, so did the Glow Crystals. But I guess, with us here, Jayden just happened to find a Glow Crystal." Burst: "Well, since you read so much, TELL ME WHAT'S HAPPENING TO JAYDEN!!" Sear: "The Glow Crystal must be putting it's power into Jayden." Jayden was almost to the ground, floating towards it. Sear: "It's how Fruhah got his power." Jayden was now standing up, looking at the Dragons, obviously exausted, confused, and with white eyes. But other then that, he seemed normal. (Jayden heard the conversation during the event. He's curious on how to use his powers and what kind of powers they are. So he ask's Sear. (Btw, he can't use his powers yet.))
#121087765Tuesday, December 24, 2013 9:34 PM GMT

(Not Fruhah, Fruh. Sorry. And Merry Christmas! :D )
#121157079Wednesday, December 25, 2013 4:40 PM GMT

"Okay, so... what kind of powers can I use? Can I change from human to dragon or what?"
#121266153Thursday, December 26, 2013 8:44 PM GMT

Sear: "Out of all the books I read, the only things they say on that, when anything, are that he or she who gains the power of a Glow Crystal is known as a Dragoncaller, that Dragoncallers can use the four elements (fire, lightning, water, and earth), and is unable to use any of the powers untill he or she is accepted by his or her own power, known as the Dragonpower." Burst say's, staring at Sear: "How much do you read for crying out loud!?!" (PS: It's obvious you want Jayden to become a dragon, but that just doesn't seem right. How about you bring another Dragon Character in? Like Firespike? Who came looking for Sear and Burst?)
#121338082Friday, December 27, 2013 3:50 PM GMT

(Good idea.) "Oh yeah you guys.... I forgot to tell you. I have a personal friend with me. His name's Firespike. I don't think you guys have met...."
#121399874Saturday, December 28, 2013 3:08 AM GMT

Then Firespike come's through the woods. Sear and Burst: "Firespike!" Burst: "Firespike, I have to get some things out of the way before we explane the current situation: First off, we left because we were trying to find some more food for the clan." Sear: "Well, he did. I just tagged along." Burst: "Next, I'm really sorry for that time I went into your cave without asking and ate your cake you got for christmas. I was really young back then-" (Firespike inturrupt's.)
#121436996Saturday, December 28, 2013 3:32 PM GMT

Firespike: "Don't worry about it. It's in the past. Now, what happened before I came?"
#121462930Saturday, December 28, 2013 8:32 PM GMT

Sear and Burst look at eachother. Sear then explanes it, with a few inturruptions by Burst, adding in unessesary details. Sear: "Now, why are you here?" Firespike was about to answer when Burst inturrupted again. Burst: "Uh, I just realised something. What happened to the Knight?" They all look at eachother. | Adam: "Must warn the others. Must warn the others." Adam was panting, running at top speed to the castle. But then, he tripped, knocked his head on a rock, and passed out. (A day passes.) When he awoke, a man in white robes, with a white beard, was sitting beside him. ???: "Hello, Adam. I'm glad to see your awake." Adam: "Who are you, and how do you know my name?!" "I just know your name, Adam. As for my name, you can call me the White Wizard." (Near the end of the RP, Jayden will be known as the White Wizard. THIS White Wizard is Jayden from the future.) "Okay then, White, if you don't mind, I'm going to be off." As Adam was walking away, White said, not turning his head toward him, "It only takes a day for Frana to fall. It's a fragile thing, isn't it?" Adam stopped in his tracks, turned around toward White, and asked with hostility, "What is that supposed to mean?" White turned to Adam, and then Adam realised that White was carving something. White got up, and as Adam was drawing his blade, White said "Sigh. Adam, Frana was attacked by the Goblins." | Sear, Burst, Firespike and Jayden were fleeing from Frana, every town in smoke. The group explaned themselves yesterday. Aparently, Firespike was looking for Sear and Burst. So they went to sleep. But the next day, the Goblins attacked. They were not trained in combat yet, the dragons. And Jayden was just a kid, 10 years old. They were forced to flee. They were walking toward the Caves of Fire. Not flying, as Sear and Burst still needed time for their wings to heal, and Firespike wouldn't leave them alone in Frana. As for Jayden, everything he had, his family, his home, everything, was gone. It would be best for him to come with them. Then they could find a new home for him. Now the sun was setting again. Sear: "There was something off about the Goblins." Burst: "Like what? Their faces?" Sear: "I mean, they usualy aren't organised like they were today." Burst: "Does it matter!?"
#121475499Saturday, December 28, 2013 10:40 PM GMT

"Actually Burst.... It DOES matter. They were a lot different from normal Goblins..... Like... they were... infected...."
#121617120Monday, December 30, 2013 3:32 AM GMT

Sear: "There ARE some kinds of viruses that could allow them to be controlled by one person through the mind, but they all have obvious side effects, mots of which, visible. For example, the famous Zombie virus has skin peeling off and they move slower. Or the Vampire virus which gives them the ability to drink blood with fangs to spread it. But none of the different kinds of viruses that could cause this seem to be the cause, and those that could possibly be the cause are more trouble then their worth. I think they simply got smarter. Possibly a new species of Goblin." Burst: "Either that or they simply got a better leader." Sear: "They never have leaders. But it is still a good idea, Burst. After all, this IS a strange case." (They're both a new species of Goblin AND got a leader.)
#121693485Monday, December 30, 2013 9:14 PM GMT

"Mmmm, I don't know... But WHATEVER it is.... I don't like it."
#121811685Tuesday, December 31, 2013 8:41 PM GMT

Adam: "I- I can't believe this..." Adam was looking out at Frana from a mountaintop. Every village, town, city, everywhere in sight, was in rubble. All that was left alone was the forests and mountains. "No- NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Adam fell to his knees, crying. Then White came up to Adam again, saying "All is not lost, Adam. Nearly everything, not not all." Adam turned around and snapped "And what is THAT supposed to mean!?!" "You forget, people live in the woods. The Goblins would not have touched them unless they got in their path. And even then, the damage would be noticable. Do you see any damage to the woods?" "No..." "Exactly. If you gather up the people who live in the woods, then you would stand a chance. But you can't do it alone. The next group of people you find will be extreamly important in fighting the Goblins." "And who would that be?" "I just told you." Then the White Wizard faded away, leaving Adam by himself. Adam got up to his feet, wiped away his tears, and got moving. | Sear: "This look's like a good place to camp." Sear, Burst, and the rest were in a clearing. The sun went down a few minutes ago. Burst: "I'll go get some Firewood." Burst went off. Sear: "Be careful! Sigh. Well, Jayden, Firespike, what will, correction, what COULD we possibly have for dinner?" (One of your characters will notice a bush rustling, and something's behind it (it's Adam).)
#121833003Tuesday, December 31, 2013 11:48 PM GMT

"Well, we could have some deer, or berries-" Jayden then notices a rustling bush. "Who...?"
#121835332Wednesday, January 01, 2014 12:05 AM GMT

Adam come's out of the rustling bush. When he realises this area is occupied by Dragons, and not humans other then that kid, his eyes widen. Then he realises it's the same dragons he saw last time. Adam: "Really!? Again!?" Sear: "How did you survive the Goblins? Must live in the woods." Adam: "No, I live in the capital of Frana. Were YOU behind the Goblin attack!?!" "Really? Do we seem like we are? I really doubt it." Adam drew his sword. Burst: "So what are you going to do now that Frana is finished? I highly doubt just going around, slaying any Dragon you see. There's no need for attacking us." Adam's hands were shaky. His eye's watery. His voice trembly. Adam: "The last thing I did before leaving home- Sniff- Was showing a new recruit an average day for a Knight. Sniff- He was dimwitted, but good in heart. Sniff- Then he went to Frana when chased by you." Adam was looking at Sear. Adam: "Now he is dead. Along with my king, my home, and everything else. Sniff-" Adam then dropped to the ground, on his knees, crying. He seemed to be trying to get up and get his sword, but he seemed too weak with sadness. Then the Goblins came out into the clearing...
#121839514Wednesday, January 01, 2014 12:36 AM GMT

Completely redo the RP.

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