#1397747Wednesday, June 18, 2008 1:31 AM GMT

Dude O_o You have 666 posts... POST SOMETHING, QUICK!!! lol
#1398116Wednesday, June 18, 2008 2:02 AM GMT

LOL 666 POSTS!!!
#1398148Wednesday, June 18, 2008 2:04 AM GMT

#1398158Wednesday, June 18, 2008 2:04 AM GMT

Did it work?
#1398219Wednesday, June 18, 2008 2:08 AM GMT

Hey guys, do you remember how we took down that giant donut? What does this planet run on?
#1398480Wednesday, June 18, 2008 2:31 AM GMT

Remember all the nukes that Hugo found and the giant nuclear reactor at the center of their planet? The planet runs on nuclear power, just like their octopus suits. And yesh, I remember the donut, lol.
#1401523Wednesday, June 18, 2008 2:27 PM GMT

We can try destroying the power source.
#1402066Wednesday, June 18, 2008 4:43 PM GMT

Well we can't do anything unless somebody writes something >_<
#1403638Wednesday, June 18, 2008 7:19 PM GMT

Protoss SMG - Old technology stored in a ship in case of an emergency >_=D _> ___________________________________________________________________________ Status: Strange feeling inside We started shooting at the core of the planet trying to find a weak spot. As we all were shooting like crazy, we quickly opened a hole in it. Since the core runs on nuclear power, Blok couldnt shoot a nuke in it 'cuz there was the risk of making it stronger. We didn't stopped shooting at the core. If we release the energy the planet would stop. So i had an ideia of setting detonations packs to destroy the core when we were already out of the planet. A human soldier grabbed a few and setted them up near the core. We entered the vehicles next to us and quickly got out of the planet. During our escape, Phoenix pressed the red detonation button on the remote. After he pressed it, we heard a huge explosion and saw the mechanical octopus falling on the ground because the suits stoped working since the core was destroyed. We all docked in the battlecruiser orbiting the planet and entered hyperspace with Earth as our final destination
#1404008Wednesday, June 18, 2008 7:43 PM GMT

WOOT! WE WON TEH WAR!!! ^_^ We landed on Earth to celebrate. The Protoss returned to their planets, and the Tentacloids haven't bothered anyone since their planet exploded. Well, of course they wouldn't have... The world returned to its original state, and everything was back to normal. Uggh... I hate normal. Hugo, Blok, Ingio, and I all exited the Presidential debriefing room. We were being questioned about our battles and fights, and the press wouldn't leave us alone. We were all walking back to camp when we heard something-There was a rustling in the trees. Blok spun around. "What was that?" He asked. "Probobly just the wind..." Ingio muttered. The noise came again. Louder this time. It became more frequent. There was a beep-a shock-a thud-and a the crackling of electricity. I cried out. Hugo was lying on the ground-dead. He was sizzling from what looked like an electric shock, more powerful than I had ever seen. I saw a small snake-like creature crawl out from Hugo's ear, pulsating with electricity, and then died. We couldn't believe what just happened. The trees rustled again, and three Tentacloid soldiers jumped out. We were unarmed and hopeless. They shocked us all with 5,000 volts of electricity, and we all fell to the ground, motionless. The ghost followed the Tentacloids out of the forest. I was breathing more heavily than I ever had before. There was no word to describe how frightened I was. The ghost was panting, he was near death, and obviously had taken a few huge blows in the final explosion. He laughed weakly. "The Tentacloids never forgive. We never forget." He mumbled. "Now, we will rebuild from our ashes, and conquer this world!" He laughed maniacally. "Like a phoenix, we will rise again!" He laughed again as we heard a familiar voice. "I don't think so." The ghost was shocked. There was a large blast of plasma as the ghost and Tentacloids were vaporized. It was Phoenix. He had saved us again. I stuttered. "Phoeenixxx... Phoe... P-Phoenixxx..." I cried, lying on the ground. "It's alright, Dude. Everything's gonna be fine." And as the sun began to show itself over the horizon, lighting up the entire galaxy, I had to agree with him. Everything was fine. :::The End:::
#1405025Wednesday, June 18, 2008 8:55 PM GMT

The end? NOT YET! We still need Hugo to say what I say on how we landed in different places/planets! THEN it'll be :::The End:::
#1405159Wednesday, June 18, 2008 9:06 PM GMT

What? Lol
#1409000Thursday, June 19, 2008 1:14 AM GMT

0_o look at my previous story.
#1409247Thursday, June 19, 2008 1:28 AM GMT

Name:final Weapons: bazooka machine gun grenade launcher Race: human Class: Human Assassin Status: best soldier know to the world sir there is hostile fire take cover
#1410275Thursday, June 19, 2008 2:17 AM GMT

Later that night, me and Sunam were in my apartment on our home planet Aiur. We laid down on my bed and relaxed. Suddenly we jumped up off the bed. "Mushiness! Agh!" Sunam quickly said. We both laughed and said goodbye to each other. Sunam went back to her apartment next to mine. I gently laid down on my bed and slept.
#1410356Thursday, June 19, 2008 2:21 AM GMT

Uhh... An advanced alien society has apartment buildings? LOL
#1410377Thursday, June 19, 2008 2:23 AM GMT

Yeap... lolz.
#1410483Thursday, June 19, 2008 2:32 AM GMT

What's with "mushiness" anyway lol
#1410635Thursday, June 19, 2008 2:42 AM GMT

Now let's make up random events!
#1410783Thursday, June 19, 2008 2:54 AM GMT

Okay =D Fifty years later, a mysterious asteroid lands on Earth... An older version of Dude, Hugo, Ingio, and Blok go to investigate it... When they arrived, the mysterious space rock burst open, releasing tons of acidic steam into the atmosphere. Dude peered inside and saw... "I'm Ash Ketchum!!! I'ma catch you, ya Pikachu!!!" The squealy voiced little boy shrieked as he threw a plastic pokeball at Dude's head. Dude stared in dismay. Ash picked up the pokeball. "Aw, sonnuva bulbasaur! I almost had 'em!" Dude then silently and slowly closed the asteroid back up. "No, wait! I gotta catch 'em all...!" Sigh. Nothing exciting ever happens anymore. -_-
#1411023Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:13 AM GMT

Back to real time... "Happy 263rd birthday, Artanis!" We all cheered.
#1411131Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:21 AM GMT

Hugo and I came into the room with a customary Earth birthday cake. We set it on the table and the Protoss stared at us like we were crazy. "What... What is this strange object?" Artanis asked. I was confused. "It's uhh... Just a birthday cake." I replied. Artanis plunged his hand inside and pulled it out. He nibbled at the cake stuck on his arm and his eyes widened. "Tell me... Do you humans have any more of this... 'Cake?'" Hugo and I laughed.
#1411651Thursday, June 19, 2008 4:10 AM GMT

Name: Flint Weapons: Dragon Tooth Race: Human Class: Sniper Status: Healthy *wakes up* *wipes eyes* another day.... i knew i should have joined the army..... nothing good ever happens..... *walking at bakery* ummmm..... er...... uuuuuuuuuuum............ ill take a uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmm........... Cake roll? mmm.... *dude walks in* nhu.. who the heck are you..... *dude looks weirdly and walks past me* hey! hey hey hey hey!! imm talkin' to you!
#1413025Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:30 AM GMT

i tried to post this yesterday but it gave me an error.... >_< ___________________________________________________________________________ WORLD WAR III CHAPTER 1 END!!! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CHAPTER 2 "The Core" After we returned to Earth, we all celebrated our victory! But some scientist appeared through the door, he was running to me shouting: "Liutenant! We need you and your squad!" "Me and my squad? Why?" I asked. "We... Have a new assignment for you." He replied. "Oh..... Ok. I didn't want to but, we have to." I said. As i called Dude, Blok and Ingio, i entered the scientit's SUV, then it was Blok, Dude and Ingio. The scientit's took us to some kind of hangar, a big hangar. The guards opened the door and as we entered we saw some kind of train turned to a tunnel on wich i couldnt see the end. "That tunnel, according to our calculations, leads to the center of the Earth." A scientist said to us. "The center?" Dude asked. "Yes, and we need you to go there and bring some.... DNA." He told us. "DNA? I thought there couldn't be any life down there." I replied. "I know, but we can't risk losing this opportunity to discover new lifeforms!" He quickly answered me. We all agreed and we armed ourselves with Exo-Skeletons, Gauss Rifles and we picked up a few medkits. We entered the train, and the scientist pressed a green button. As the button was pressed, the train started moving to the tunnel! We are going for a new adventure! Woohoo! xD
#1413029Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:32 AM GMT

WWIII is not over yet! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! sorry, i was a bit over the top! it was the alien!!!!! >_<