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#120696320Friday, December 20, 2013 6:23 PM GMT

Roblox,we all know you are number 1,but very soon,you will be number 10,000. Why? cause alot of peoples want buy clothings but they cant,cause we have to wait every 10 days. And so,it will result into ragequit.. price floors+roblox= EVERYONE LEAVES.. -Price floor thread Roblox,we know you are an site for kids..... but with the ODers,it getting dirtier and dirtier... one day,i saw ODers doing s**.... insanephyco and tillymay123456789 i reported them and they didnt got even banned. and making roblox safe for kids is my mission.mission of all anti-ODers... "UNITED,WE ARE STRONG;UNITED,WE WILL WIN" -OD thread
#120696587Friday, December 20, 2013 6:28 PM GMT

Wrong forum. But I agree.
#120721055Saturday, December 21, 2013 12:05 AM GMT

Kind of tl;dr but I guess there is no coming back, ROBLOX got famous and kids will flood this enviroment everytime, doing the right or wrong way. I don't support ODing in anyway, but as you said they don't get properly banned, else then that if they get to be banned they appeal or start off on anew. This is a snowball that we are doomed to see roll. Said the wise.
#120758210Saturday, December 21, 2013 12:16 PM GMT

@iguuna,true,sad we cant go to the "before" Roblox....
#120758907Saturday, December 21, 2013 12:41 PM GMT

"This is a snowball that we are doomed to see roll." That's a true and very good metaphor.
#120855953Sunday, December 22, 2013 3:48 PM GMT

i think igunaa will gain alot of money by being philosopher :P
#120865381Sunday, December 22, 2013 5:57 PM GMT

#120871526Sunday, December 22, 2013 7:13 PM GMT

XD wait...Helping about what? e_e
#120914757Monday, December 23, 2013 3:08 AM GMT

Wrong forum. And of course ROBLOX is greedy. -_-
#121051518Tuesday, December 24, 2013 3:03 PM GMT

I disagree ! here's the link about what Roblox said about the pricing floor you should read it : http://blog.roblox.com/2013/09/price-floor-t-shirts-shirts-and-pants/ MY ARGUMENTS : 1) Roblox is a free game 2) The Roblox workers need to be paid ! 3) This will encourage people to spend money on Robux or tickets 3) They want to reward makers and sellers of clothing 4) They raised the quality of items in the catalog 5) Talented artists aren’t making a ton of clothing because they can’t make money doing it 6) The rapid growth of Roblox has been supported by the players who make purchases ...
#121234321Thursday, December 26, 2013 12:11 PM GMT

#121257599Thursday, December 26, 2013 7:09 PM GMT

if you call others oders for saying SUPPORT this or that... Then your retared... IT MAKES NO SENSE WHAT SO EVER ODERS MEANS YOU ONLINE DATE... Noobs
#121258027Thursday, December 26, 2013 7:14 PM GMT

If you TL:RD YOUR LAZY READ THIS IF YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT PRICE FLOORS IF NOT GET THE HELL OUT AND STOP COMPLAINING NOOBS Effective immediately ROBLOX is changing how clothing is priced. In the past users could charge whatever they wanted for clothing. We think it’s better for the economy as a whole to enforce a minimum price on these goods. Therefore, we’re instituting a price floor of 10 R$ for T-Shirts and 25 R$ for Shirts and Pants (or 12x this amount in tickets, which is slightly above current exchange rates as of the writing of this article). Users will be able to charge more than this at their option, but they will not be able to charge less if they choose to sell their clothing in the ROBLOX catalog. Why are we making this change? There are three main reasons: Raise the quality of items in the catalog. Reward makers and sellers of clothing. To incentivize non-paying users to buy ROBUX. Raising the quality of items Talented artists aren’t making a ton of clothing because they can’t make money doing it. We think it’s important for the overall health of our game that all characters look great (like in screenshots that appear in gaming magazines). If users have to spend 25 R$ on a shirt, they’re not going to spend it on a bad-looking shirt. In contrast, for 1 R$, you might not even think about it. Catalog Items Rewarding sellers It takes a certain amount of skill to make a good-looking piece of clothing in ROBLOX; this should be fairly rewarded. Right now it is not fair. One huge problem is copying. If I make a great shirt and sell it for 20 R$, it’s fairly easy to copy it and sell the copy for 19. Or 10. Or 1. ROBLOX wants to reward creativity, not copying. Copy-protecting these assets is technically impossible, so we want to move to a system where copiers cannot profit on their copies. Adding a price floor limits their ability to do this. Copies won’t be able to sell for less than the original, and given the option, most buyers would rather have the original. Another issue is that creating clothing isn’t very profitable in general compared to other ways users can make money on ROBLOX. Sales of shirt and pants represent less than 1% of the total player-created economy (game passes, paid games, gear commissions, and resellable items). We think that having great-looking characters is probably nearly as important as having great-looking games. Game makers are currently making 94% of the money in the player economy. We don’t know exactly what a fair split looks like, but it’s higher than 1 to 94. Incentivizing ROBUX purchase The rapid growth of ROBLOX has been supported by the players who make purchases. We philosophically believe that ROBLOX should be free forever. We currently provide enormous value to free users, and we understand that this is one of the attractions of ROBLOX. However, we want to bring our virtual economy system more inline with regard to the industry standard freemium business model. At the same time, we are not compromising on our core vision, which is making ROBLOX the best free online building game on the internet.
#121267140Thursday, December 26, 2013 8:57 PM GMT

oh wait,i wanted to add "UNITED,WE ARE STRONG;UNITED,WE WILL WI- -N" at price floor thread :P sorry for the fault!
#121290816Friday, December 27, 2013 1:19 AM GMT

You just copied that whole page from the blog post noob. Stop acting like you know all the reason why ROBLOX has price floor. ✓Proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance✓
#121297135Friday, December 27, 2013 2:32 AM GMT

Well Tough... Maybe you noobs are to lazy to click a button.. SO I helped your lazy bloxian butts and pasted it into a comment... Your welcome Lazy people
#121322823Friday, December 27, 2013 8:32 AM GMT

ROBLOX can you atleast make the price floor at 20 tix.It's hard to get any clothing in ROBLOX now.It's hard for new people that come to ROBLOX "live" well in the community.Also you need a better report system thing instead of just looking just at the chat we make also look at what players are doing.This would help stop ODing and much more inappropriate going in ROBLOX a lot.
#121328652Friday, December 27, 2013 12:10 PM GMT

supreme@ You dont fight against price floor cause your a BC... meaning that you are greedy. And,by the way,stop say me insults. Noob means "new" and im a Veteran
#121336312Friday, December 27, 2013 3:23 PM GMT

I am not a fan of the price floor, but ROBLOX staff's decision will not be changed no matter how many groups petitioning the update are made... The update stands and will not be removed ~Supremechloe
#121336730Friday, December 27, 2013 3:31 PM GMT

"Lazy bloxian butts." The funny thing is, you copied the whole thing and passed it on as your own without giving credit to a source. Try that in a research project, giving no credit to sources that helped you.Q ✓Proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance✓
#121337385Friday, December 27, 2013 3:40 PM GMT

Dude... I think people would know what the source was.....
#121338117Friday, December 27, 2013 3:50 PM GMT

So let's say you're doing a research project! Do you think teachers have time to check the internet for every source of the information you got from 30 times? No. ✓Proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance✓
#121338378Friday, December 27, 2013 3:54 PM GMT

This is a help forum.... IS THIS A ESSAY? NO ITS NOT SO.... yeah... leave me alone now
#121346637Friday, December 27, 2013 5:31 PM GMT

*an ✓Proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance✓
#121348383Friday, December 27, 2013 5:49 PM GMT

I am not a fan of the price floor, but ROBLOX staff's decision will not be changed no matter how many groups petitioning the update are made... The update stands and will not be removed ~Supremechloe

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