#142040466Wednesday, July 30, 2014 4:00 AM GMT

I do as such, tugging away from the malevolent vines in an attempt to escape.
#142042846Wednesday, July 30, 2014 4:27 AM GMT

You run to a bridge to an island the size of your lawn and get in the middle of it, where the wines seem to have reached their limit. These plants, however, don't seem capable of forgive and forget as they wrap around the ropes and wooden planks, and start to violently shake the bridge.
#142046525Wednesday, July 30, 2014 5:27 AM GMT

I start running across the bridge, barefoot, in an attempt to get to the other side before the bridge collapses. Of course, this attempt is probably in vain since trying to keep steady and run on a shaking bridge is beyond difficult.
#142050998Wednesday, July 30, 2014 6:37 AM GMT

The plan almost works until the vines seem to grow smarter, and tear out a peg from the ground, causing you to fall and grab onto the rope, dangling in the sky, where you see the sun and the moon have traveled westward a lot faster than one would've expected on a collision course. And the vines are still shaking the bridge. Think fast.
#142051586Wednesday, July 30, 2014 6:47 AM GMT

I think for some time while I cling on for dear life. I then consider the fact that I'm already dead, so trying to survive here would carry no point. You can't die after you die. It's either that, or this is just a dream and none of it is real. "My life doesn't matter here," I say as I release my grip on the rope.
#142053097Wednesday, July 30, 2014 7:20 AM GMT

"Don't do it!" Your grip is now to the hooks of your finger as you see a human male stare at you. "Just hold on for a few more moments, the True Night will come soon!"
#142089811Wednesday, July 30, 2014 6:18 PM GMT

"The what?" I ask, on the verge of letting go completely.
#142094393Wednesday, July 30, 2014 7:09 PM GMT

"Just a few more seconds!" He says, looking, westwards, to where the moon and sun were about the collide. They were moving fast now. You figure about six seconds until collision.
#142095394Wednesday, July 30, 2014 7:21 PM GMT

I could wait six seconds before going back to the horrible reality I live in. And so, I do just that, waiting approximately six seconds for collision.
#142099203Wednesday, July 30, 2014 8:04 PM GMT

The plants shake harder as both skies, above and below, turn into a brief dawn the goes black as a lunar eclipse takes over. For some reason, however, the plants have stopped moving. Looking around, you see the sun has disappeared, leaving only the moon, the light breeze leaving you dangling in the night. You can't tell much about the man, you were focused on either dropping or surviving or whatever, but you see him take sack off of his back and pull out some rope. Some kicking sound later, you see him tie it to a small floating rock, just big enough for you to latch onto it. Kicking so it' near you, he yells, "Get on!"
#142112289Wednesday, July 30, 2014 10:15 PM GMT

I look over to the man and the rock with a confused face. This is weirder, and probably worse than reality. "No," I say, releasing the rope.
#142115757Wednesday, July 30, 2014 10:53 PM GMT

You fall, and fall, and fall into an oblivion. ----- You Have Died ----- Restart At The End Of The Post Above Yours -----
#142118494Wednesday, July 30, 2014 11:23 PM GMT

For some reason, I come up with the idea that this could be some weird limbo-Matrix. If I die in the Matrix, I die in real life. I think for some time about why I suddenly decided this could be the Matrix. Perhaps it's some sort of divine providence. Maybe I allowed myself to die in a past-life and I've been reincarnated. Who truly knows? With this revelation, I get onto the small floating rock.
#142130146Thursday, July 31, 2014 1:24 AM GMT

(Sorry about that, but I did put it down: I will not baby you throughout Psyche. Do something that would kill you, you will die.) The man pulls you towards the island, helping you up from the small rock onto his island. Now that you can examine him you see a man who's a tad bit round, with a row of stubble and a hood to go along with his brown clothing. On his back is a rather large sack, and behind him is a small wagon covered with a cloth that judging from the damage on his gloves, seems to be pulled by himself. "Got in a nasty fix with the Devil-Flower plants, did ya?"
#142131204Thursday, July 31, 2014 1:33 AM GMT

(it's fine) "I think so," I say, rubbing my bitten hand.
#142133373Thursday, July 31, 2014 1:54 AM GMT

He notices. "Oi, got bit. Fortunately, they ain't very poisonous. Can get bite by hundred of the little buggers and still not feel woozy. Doesn't mean it don't show, however. What's deadly are the vines. Snapped me partner's neck, they did. Say, what ya doing here in the Grown Scar? And without protection, nonetheless! Here, put this on!" He take the cloth off of his cart revealing dozens of little bottles of multiple colored liquids. He grabs one with a creamy moon-like white and hands it to you. It smells horrible. "Moonblessed Weed. There's only two other things that can stop them plants from attacking ya, ya see. It's dangerous to walk through here otherwise. Unless it's the True Night, of course, but ya saw that with ya own eyes!"
#142134049Thursday, July 31, 2014 2:00 AM GMT

I tap the bottle. "Do I drink this or..."
#142144039Thursday, July 31, 2014 3:40 AM GMT

"Oh no, boy. It's poisonous, ya see. Just grab a cloth or something and dab it on ya chest. Say, now that I've said it once, I must ask again; What are ya doing here, boy?"
#142203846Thursday, July 31, 2014 7:31 PM GMT

"I have no idea," I say, lifting up my shirt and pouring the liquid on the inside of it, before pulling my shirt back down and rubbing it around a bit in order to spread the liquid.
#142252231Friday, August 01, 2014 4:40 AM GMT

"Ya gotta be kiddin', boy. This is the Grown Scar! Ya ain't even a day from Kraun territory. No one comes here without good reason," he replies while covering his bottles with the wrap and picking up his wagon.
#142252389Friday, August 01, 2014 4:42 AM GMT

"I think I teleported here," I state, handing over the empty bottle.
#142296537Friday, August 01, 2014 7:02 PM GMT

"Teleported? Eesh, you be working with those Krauns? It'd make the world a lot worse if they suddenly have teleportation technology," he says as he moves towards a bridge, slowly and carefully crossing the bridge so his wagon doesn't it shake it to much. "Well, I suppose ya got nowhere to go but with me. There a things a hundred times worse then them plants, and you're gonna need a guide who knows how traverse these dangerous lands safely. The nearest human city is only a little less than one days travel. We can rest there for a few hours, and you can get ya something to eat or a path to travel."
#142297781Friday, August 01, 2014 7:17 PM GMT

I nod and begin following the man. He seems friendly enough. As I follow, I think for some time about where I could be, before asking a question that probably seems really stupid. "What planet are we on?"
#142334123Saturday, August 02, 2014 1:53 AM GMT

"Planet? Why sir, we're on the Base, or what's left of it." Considering the clothes this guy is wearing, an idea pops into your head from history, about ancient astronomy, where they believed their world to be the center of the universe. Perhaps the same is true of now?
#142336859Saturday, August 02, 2014 2:23 AM GMT

"Uh-huh... Right, okay," I say. I think for some time about whether or not I actually want to go to Earth. Earth does have my pills. Nothing else really though, except for Sarah I guess. Maybe this place has pills too. "Do you happen to have any painkillers or something? Preferably in pill-form."