#121077305Tuesday, December 24, 2013 7:50 PM GMT

Fearless, you have to put " I agree " in other.
#121078019Tuesday, December 24, 2013 7:58 PM GMT

(what kingdom is your king in eric?)
#121078839Tuesday, December 24, 2013 8:06 PM GMT

(Eric is king of Phaestyllora.)
#121078908Tuesday, December 24, 2013 8:07 PM GMT

(And so, my name is King Phaestyllora! Wooo!)
#121128817Wednesday, December 25, 2013 5:36 AM GMT

(You can start, if you've been accepted)
#121140995Wednesday, December 25, 2013 11:04 AM GMT

( OK Queen Siannna of Jallstyllopa sounds good) Sianna- I stand on the summit of the mountain that divides the the two kingdoms. My hair Streams behind my in the fierce gale that my powers have whipped up. I almost scream in frustration as I lose control on the storm again.
#121180415Wednesday, December 25, 2013 9:38 PM GMT

Lena I start the day by taking chairs off tables; knowing that the dru.nks will be coming to the pu.b soon. "Hurry up," The owner barks at me while snapping his fingers. "I'll 'hurry up' when you give me a decent pay," I mutter.
#121182921Wednesday, December 25, 2013 10:08 PM GMT

Name:Drake Race:Human Appearance:Tall thin build,Brown hair and light blue eyes,Ordinary white skin only slightly tanned. Usual Apparel:His outfit consists of a Light grey breastplate,Graves,And boots. He also carries two shortswords that have white blades with light blue running down the middle. Personality:Drake enjoys humor,companionship,Logic,And tactical thinking,During the beginning of most conversations he'll just listen and observe things,Then he'll come out of his shell and start talking some and maybe throw in a joke or two, He is usually silent in battle and only talks when he deems it neccesary. Job:Knight. Bio(Optional):Naw I'm good. Other:I agree (Let me know if anything needs fixing or seems off,I thought this character up in a few minutes,So the sheet might not be perfect)
#121183367Wednesday, December 25, 2013 10:13 PM GMT

(Accepted, you can start. Your character's fine. You can.always add or change if you like.)
#121184753Wednesday, December 25, 2013 10:30 PM GMT

(K, Guess I'll start in Jallstyllopa) Drake sat on one of the three chairs of a medium sized table inside one of the Jallstyian barracks with another soldier and one of his superior officers,They were drinking some sort of beverage when they heard a far off "BOOM" "What was that!?" The soldier,A recently recruited youth from one of the border villages asked. "It's a storm,A large one. We get them every once and awhile" The commanding officer answered his question. "Do they do any damage?" "One of the nearby towns was hit,But they only lost the local tavern and a few houses" A series of thunder "booms" could be heard,Now it was Drake's turn to ask a question "Trask,You live on our nation's border,Haven't you seen the lightning?" "Trask",That was the name of the newly recruited soldier,Shook his head. "Our village is known for it's "Luck",Whenever a storm or bandit raiding party moves through the land,It goes right past us and we don't hear anything about it until several days or weeks after." "Hmm..." Drake began to wonder HOW a village on the border could miss a storm only a few miles away,But he remembered something his great uncle told him once "Some things are better left unexplained until you have the means to actually find out what they are!" Then he realized he was tired and crawled into one of the few beds in the barracks, In a few moments he fell asleep.
#121186704Wednesday, December 25, 2013 10:50 PM GMT

Lena I hear a loud crash of thunder, and jump slightly. I stride over to an open window-outside its dark and gloomy. The window creaks as I snap it closed.
#121199856Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:38 AM GMT

CS Name: Ivira Race: Vampire Age: 16 Appearance: Waist length, curly red hair, smooth white skin, and crystal blue eyes. (looks a lot like her dad :P) She’s just the right height for her age and has a skinny, willowy figure. Usual Apparel: knee-length sun dresses usually, currently wearing a white one with nothing on her feet. Personality: She’s a teenager with a biting attitude. Ever since she was changed she became sarcastic and hot headed. She’d always been stubborn. She tries to change back to her old bubbly and fun personality for her family and friends though. She’s very creative and original. Class: Royal Job: Princess Kingdom: Phaestyllora Bio(Optional): She was out of the kingdom one day, going to visit a friend in Jallstyllopa, when she was confronted by a young woman who asked for directions. Ivira gave them kindly and when she turned her back the woman attacked her. Ivira woke up in her bed that night. She has hidden her race from her parents since then and as far as she knows they think she is normal and like them. Other: I agree
#121200879Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:51 AM GMT

(Accepted. You can start.)
#121224514Thursday, December 26, 2013 6:53 AM GMT

Name: Isaac Neon Race:Shape-Shifter Appearance: Raven charming hair along with Neon blue eyes.Wears a Leather Hood. Usual Apparel:A Black leather hood hiding his bright eyes and his opants f pure dragon skin. Personality:A jokester , but cares about his friends and family above all else. Kinda Curoius and shy.Hates his past. Job:Hunter Bio(Optional): Isaac was born a small child and weak , everybody hated him , though he cherished the friends he had,they all left , eventully everybody he knew and loved had left him , even his family.Desperate for friends he struggles with everyday life as we all did once. Other:N/A
#121224603Thursday, December 26, 2013 6:54 AM GMT

(forgot kingdom T_T) Kingdom: Phaestyllora
#121225834Thursday, December 26, 2013 7:17 AM GMT

(You forgot one thing. I recommend reviewing the rules.)
#121226781Thursday, December 26, 2013 7:37 AM GMT

(Heyhey, I have a few tips for you. I'm not trying to be mean, but just a few good tips to make an even better RP. First off, you'd want to list what each species or race looks like and it's abilities. If you say elf, people could think of a small weak person with pointy ears. Are elves better than humans? Are they stronger? Faster? Smarter? Are dwarves dumber than humans? You should also consider adding towns and areas. You could add a plot instead of saying "Sorry, this doesn't have a plot. RP now." In the plot you could say something like "This takes place in a medieval world, blah blah, you get to choose your profession, blah blah, this is your life and you can choose how to live it blah blah.")
#121235052Thursday, December 26, 2013 12:42 PM GMT

Sianna- Again I try to take control of the storm as trees start to get uprooted and blown away. "Pull it together" I think as the storm rages on. Some how I mange to take control of it until it is a small shower. I sigh with content and begin walking back home down the mountain.
#121235381Thursday, December 26, 2013 12:53 PM GMT

(Agreed. Take a look at this medieval RP) http://web.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=11928322 (THAT is what you need to make a good medieval RP. Not "this has no story now rp i think u no wut all dis is so be good o elz)
#121242764Thursday, December 26, 2013 3:45 PM GMT

(@Fearlessblacksword, I copied this link, It leads to someone asking for help with scripting.)
#121243404Thursday, December 26, 2013 3:57 PM GMT

(I noticed that and i was like What?) Sianna- I get to the base of the mountain and look for anywhere to stay. In the distance I see a small mountain with a army base. I might as well go there so I start to trudge in the direction of it. Half way there I mange to hitch a ride on a horse cart and get there in good time.
#121248775Thursday, December 26, 2013 5:22 PM GMT

(meet up anyone?)
#121249189Thursday, December 26, 2013 5:28 PM GMT

(We can meet up.)
#121249386Thursday, December 26, 2013 5:31 PM GMT

(Okay.) Sianna- As The Cart pulls to a stop I put my hod on and jump of. I give the farmer a few gold coins and begin walking to the nearest pub/tavern. When i get inside i go up to the counter. "May I have water please" I ask not showing my face.
#121249831Thursday, December 26, 2013 5:38 PM GMT

Lena I look up from scrubbing a table as a hooded woman walks in. I slip behind the counter, "Hello, how can I help you?"