#121455303Saturday, December 28, 2013 7:20 PM GMT

(The regeneration power is to overpowered but other than that your accepted! Don't go overbaord with that that other power though.)
#121455881Saturday, December 28, 2013 7:25 PM GMT

[Mk. I'll start as criminals are chasing me for rp.] Elisa I looked behind as I still see the criminals to myself, as I start running backwards on that abandoned street, and say "Create an army of police.." and point to where and then police appear. The police have some gun related to AK-47, and the criminals just a pistol. I say "Phew, thank me for doing that.." as I walk away into the noisy streets again.
#121458492Saturday, December 28, 2013 7:50 PM GMT

(Collyn) Collyn walked to school, grumbling all the way. To him, his life was torture. He would never grow older, taller, never to get a job. And HE was the older of the twins, by quite a few minutes. Like he'd said, before his 14th birthday he'd been the taller, stronger, and urm, better-looking of the two. Now those roles were switched, with the added factor that his brother was practically a genius. Ugh. And someday, his parents, who were growing ever-older and he'd have to move in with his sibling. (Cabe) He wasn't really doing anything at the moment, other than sitting in a Starbucks drinking tea. His keen mismatched eyes were pouring over the mass of papers in front of him, searching ever word. He was dressed differently than most people, with a long, black trench coat, and a black, wide-brimmed Stetson, dark sunglasses dawned his face. Other than that, the young man looked like any other teenager, listening to music through his black earbuds.
#121474851Saturday, December 28, 2013 10:34 PM GMT

#121475239Saturday, December 28, 2013 10:38 PM GMT

Suddenly a out of control boy with super strength is rampaging through the streets destroying buildings and crushing cars! Dr.Salson I watch the boy rampage through the street and smile, my plan was working perfectly.
#121476671Saturday, December 28, 2013 10:50 PM GMT

(Collyn) Collyn was still grumbling when the chaos began. "What the hell?" He yelled put angrily, when hoards of people began to ow him down. "Let. Me. Go!" He growled, activating his ability. Black horns grew, twisting from his head as his bull-genes activated. His eyes turned a deep yellow, and his pupils expanded. A new strength flowed through his arms as his senses awakened. A savage fury was beginning to overtake his mind, and red closed down around him, narrowing in on the target. The boy with super-strength. "Aaarg!" He screamed, as he lowered his horns, and ran straight for the kid, his enhanced body allowing him to run faster than an average person. (Cabe) Chaos. That's what this new scene could be described at. He'd ran out quickly, after a car had been thrown through the glass window, and he'd managed to hold it off, barely, with a shield of his own aura. The teenager whipped off his sunglasses, his eyes glowing a vibrant yellow as he surveyed the scene, and channeled the use of his aura into a round, yellow sphere, shaped to his liking. He stood there now, his black trench coat flapping behind him, with a ball of pure, spiritual energy in his palms.
#121477187Saturday, December 28, 2013 10:55 PM GMT

Samuels I crawl out of a corner, shaking as if were in an earthquake. I pick up a small rod and brandish it. "Is he gone?" he says, blowing his hair out of his face. "Good, they're gone."
#121477486Saturday, December 28, 2013 10:58 PM GMT

Super strength boy I dive out of the way just before a bull/boy rams into me I grab a car a throw it at him. Energonic I see the boy rampaging through town and some sort of bull/boy charging at it, the boy dodges and grabs a car and throws it, I speed down and at the last moment hit the car out of the way, it flies into the street.
#121477660Saturday, December 28, 2013 10:59 PM GMT

Samuels Dust clouds his face as he comes out of the corner, his hoodie soaked in what appeared to be oil. "Who was that... thing? Why did he destroy everything?"
#121477827Saturday, December 28, 2013 11:01 PM GMT

Elisa As I was walking out on the street, I saw the boy with super-strength, as dust flies through my eyes, I close them just on time, and I point in front of the boy, and whisper "Create a giant robot that is stronger than the boy.." As a giant robot appears for everyone else.
#121478000Saturday, December 28, 2013 11:02 PM GMT

Samuels He looks down the street. A giant man was throwing a car at a bull/man, his eyes raging red end angered yells and curses pouring out of him. He sees another man dodging everything thrown at him. "Oh... my... lor-" A piece of shrapnel came flying and injured his leg.
#121478191Saturday, December 28, 2013 11:04 PM GMT

Samuels "AGHHHHH!" he screamed out in pain. "Please help! PLEASE!" Blood seemingly crawled out of the wound. He crumpled to the ground.
#121478571Saturday, December 28, 2013 11:08 PM GMT

(Collyn) Though he seems enraged, Collyn goes into for another charge, lowering his head in an attempt to get a hit into the stomach. (Cabe) "Damn." He muttered, upon seeing his brother attacking the brute. Raising his hand of crackling auric energy, he quickly fired a rapid succession of three shots. Oh look, now there was a robot that appeared from nowhere. Or was there. Manipulating his own aura, he changed it at will, twisting in a light lavender colour that represented illusions. When he looked up, The robot was still there, only now it was translucent, with a faint sparkling purple aura. 'As I thought.' He mused, firing off another round of yellow aura at the boy. Around him, is own aura had flickered into existence, where everyone could see it. Though it was a wide range of colours, the yellow was most prominent, as it was glowing the bright, and twisted around his every pore. That same yellow was shooting from his eyes, making the iris glow a bright gold.
#121478812Saturday, December 28, 2013 11:10 PM GMT

(Cabe) I swore again, upon seeing a nearby man crumple to the ground, a projectile lodged in his upper though. I rush over to him, kneeling by his side, "I can heal you." I whisper to the man, but it's going to hurt. Nod if you understand."
#121479410Saturday, December 28, 2013 11:16 PM GMT

Samuels The bull/man went in for another charge, shrapnel flying everywhere. Police approached Samuels and asked "Are you alright?" He then signaled for a medic to come over. "I'm fine... go away...". The policeman answered "Bud, we need to get you out of here." Samuels said "I'm... FINE!" He pulled out the shrapnel and smacked the cop, spread a red across his face, the cop rolling away. Samuels took off up the side of a building.
#121479533Saturday, December 28, 2013 11:18 PM GMT

|Dude, my character just asked you if he wanted my character to heal you.
#121479556Saturday, December 28, 2013 11:18 PM GMT

(lol latepost disregard the other) Samuels He nods. "Please help..." Cops pull up to the scene
#121479902Saturday, December 28, 2013 11:21 PM GMT

[Err.. Theres a giant illusion in front of you guys..] Elisa Citizens scream and run away [This was occurring in Time Square] as the superstrength boy wrestles with the robot.
#121480257Saturday, December 28, 2013 11:24 PM GMT

(Cabe) I nodded, and reaching over him with a tight grasp, yank the shrapnel out of him. I know that, it will start bleeding soon, but I take a moment to stop, and calm myself. I let my feelings, emotions...fade away as I lock them into a box in my mind. As I do this, my aura changes, turning from a bright yellow, to a sickly green. I reach out, and connect with the man's own aura, which is dimming from the pain, and pour my power into it. I channel my power, letting my own aura seep into the man's own, strengthening him, healing his wound. Bright green bursts of light flicker off my body, from my eyes, my hands, and the wound seals itself, but at a cost. I gave the man some of my own aura, and it has severely weakened me. It will regenerated, soon enough, but I'm weaker than I was before. The light draws back into my body, and my irises return to normal. "You...Okay?" I squeak, out of breath.
#121480259Saturday, December 28, 2013 11:24 PM GMT

(if its an illusion how can he touch it?)
#121480358Saturday, December 28, 2013 11:25 PM GMT

|Ya, He can see the illusion, but it's not really there. To him, it seems real.
#121480464Saturday, December 28, 2013 11:26 PM GMT

Samuels The robot seems to flash and fizzle for a small second. "Wha... what the..." He lets out a loud groan. A cop starts to approach him and the man helping him.
#121480607Saturday, December 28, 2013 11:27 PM GMT

Samuels "Yes... thank... you... urghh." The cop pulls up his small USP .45
#121480850Saturday, December 28, 2013 11:30 PM GMT

(Cabe) "You okay?" I ask louder now, having finished the prove a of transferring some of my aura into his own. I stand, with wobbly steps, the intention to get back into the fight in mind. With my mental lockbox released, my emotions are back, and the yellow once again creeps into my gaze. "Hey ugly!" I yell, directing the comment at the boy battling my brother, "Over here!" Charging my aura with energy, I run through the illusion, my hands sizzling with yellow as I launch three more spheres at the boy.
#121480954Saturday, December 28, 2013 11:31 PM GMT

CS Name: Armin Age: 18 Gender: Male Powers: High speed regeneration doesn't work on massive wounds slow regeneration is for that also he can change into a 4 meter giant to fight but the drawbacks is he can hold it for 20 seconds then go into a coma Weapons:(optional) Katana and grappling hooks Bio/History (make it short) Nothing here will be revealed in the RP Other: Serum Are your a hero or not?: Neutral (Enjoy!!)