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#12119454Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:41 AM GMT

#12119466Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:41 AM GMT

09 visor.
#12119494Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:42 AM GMT

Original Teapot.
Top 100 Poster
#12119762Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:48 AM GMT

One day the mods just couldn't think of a contest or special thing for their users to do.They thought of another video contest,but decided it to boring.They tried fashion contests bloxxing contests and many other crazy things.Then Reese exclaimed"Visor day!".The mods thought this a great idea and posted it in the news.Telamon was enjoying the day,watching his fellow ROBLOXians running around in their visors,when all of a sudden he noticed that ROBLOXia had not had a new visor in some time now.As he was thinking of a new idea for a visor a joyful ROBLOXian ran up and said "09!?!????".Telamon was freaked out by this.He got up and left when he thought that an 09 visor would be perfect for visor day!It had been 09 for a few days now and everyone would love this!He quickly created the visor and threw it right in the catalog.
#12119795Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:48 AM GMT

The Teakettle.
#12119823Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:49 AM GMT

Oh my god you still remember that? O_o
Top 100 Poster
#12120122Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:57 AM GMT

Builderman awoke to his alarm clock and quickly slammed it off.He was blurry eyed and half asleep.His mouth was dry and his throat was screaming for some bloxycola.He thought maybe ill visit Reese before I go get some bloxycola.He walked slowly to Reese's house still half asleep.He rang the doorbell and waited.Reese wasn't home.Builderman decided to just go down to the store and get his daily dose of bloxycola.As he was walking through the aisles he noticed something glittering.He couldnt tell what it was because his eyes were still pretty blurry.He grabbed it because it was so shiny.He brought it to Telamon and he said "It's a teapot."Builderman was stupefied."What do you mean teapot???""How could a teapot be this amazing?""Idk" said telamon."But what are you going to do with it now?"Telamom replied.Builderman thought and just as he was going to give up he saw Telamon's hat."How about making it a hat!"exclaimed builderman."If you say so"replied Telamon.
Top 100 Poster
#12120153Saturday, August 01, 2009 4:57 AM GMT

No I just never got to deleting from the threads I was watching =]
Top 25 Poster
#12120264Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:00 AM GMT

My hat I'm wearing
Top 100 Poster
#12120910Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:20 AM GMT

There was once a great ROBLOXian fisherman who could catch anything.He caught the great narwhals that lived deep down under the baseplates.He made millions of dollars in crab tycoon.One day the ROBLOXian was walking threw town when he noticed a "Wanted" sign hanging on a nearby pole.The sign said "5000 R$ to the ROBLOXian that can bring me the hammers off the head of the Great Hammerhead fish that lives near the edge of ROBLOXia’s existence.”The fisherman wondered how he could not have heard of such a creature.He was still pondering this thought when someone come up to him and said "I put these posters up."The fisherman looked up to see a peg-legged ROBLOXian standing in front of him."Why did you put these up?"Because the Hammerhead fish took my leg." replied the mysterious man.All of a sudden the man just turned and walked away. The next day the fisherman prepared to tackle the Hammerhead fish.He brought all of his best poles,each made with the best of hand-made scripts.He packed bait lures and hooks,along with bricks and bloxycola for himself.Then...he set sail.The fisherman sailed for many studs.The waves were pounding his boat,and the winding curves of jagged rocks put the fisherman's sailing skills to the test.Then out of nowhere the stormy clouds cleared and the waves stopped crashing.Dead ahead was a dark cave.He sailed straight into it knowing he may be bloxxed at any moment.After about 100 studs the fisherman came into an empty cavern.He stayed there for a moment.Then in a split second a giant fish with a hammer shaped head flew out of the glassy water and blew a hole in the boat.The fisherman quickly pulled his harpoon gun out and chucked the life raft into the water.Just as he leapt from the boat into the raft his boat burst into bricks and sank.The hammer head was coming straight towards the fisherman!He aimed the harpoon and pulled the trigger.Everything seemed to go slow.He knew that he would be bloxxed if his harpoon were to miss.He heard a great squeal and the Hammerhead fish disappeared underwater.The fisherman sat still.Then a black smudge began to float up from the depths.It was the hammers from the Hammerhead fish.The ROBLOXian put on his happy face and began rowing home.
#12120979Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:22 AM GMT

jj5x5's top hat.
#12120996Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:22 AM GMT

Your good:)
#12121093Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:25 AM GMT

The Firefighter Helmet that was named Astronaught Helmet. ›~>S9S4<~‹
#12121107Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:26 AM GMT

Oh Noes Sign
#12121110Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:26 AM GMT

Ooh do Biggerhead...
Top 25 Poster
#12121116Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:26 AM GMT

That's why my hat is SO epic. Lol.
#12121200Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:29 AM GMT

Top 100 Poster
#12121456Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:37 AM GMT

It was a nice morning and the tophat group.Everyone had their own unique tophat.There was a GBTH a PBTH and even the incredible RBTH.The members were having a joyful time mingling with eachother and sharing stories on how they got their hat.At the window stood a lone ROBLOXian.The robloxian was sad.All he ever wanted to do was join the tophat group.But,he had no tophat.He didn't even care if he had a crummy tophat.He began to walk away when he saw something blowing around the street.It was a raggety old tophat!He quickly plopped it on his head and ran into the tophat group's club.He was stopped by a firm hand on his shirt."What kinda tophat is that?" said a deep metallic voice.The ROBLOXian looked up and was looking into the eyes of the tophat group's guard."Um," replied the ROBLOXian in a small voice,"The raggety tophat of oldness?" he said."Not on the list" replied the guard.He was shoved back.The ROBLOXian turned and began walking home.All of a sudden the ROBLOXian had an idea.He ran home and began to recolor the hat.It cam out white with a black stripe.He tidied the hat up and ran back to the club."What kinda tophat is that?" came the question."The amazing tophat of awesomeness."Not on the-""What an amazing tophat!" exclaimed a new voice.The ROBLOXian peeked around the guard to see a smaller ROBLOXian wearing an RBTH eyeing his tophat."That tophat is amazing,you must join our tophat group!"The astonished ROBLOXian could only murmer an "uhmumh".The small ROBLOXian said just tell us your name and your tophat and you may join us!The ROBLOXian whispered his name and the small ROBLOXian just said "Welcome to the tophat group JJ5x5"
#12121476Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:37 AM GMT

#12121493Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:38 AM GMT

Valkyrie plz no floodcheck AGH! x3
Top 100 Poster
#12121495Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:38 AM GMT

The Valkyrie helm is believed to be from the Legendary Skybloxians.They live amongst our clouds flying from place to place. One day their king was given a gift from one of his servants.The gift was made of the finest blue cloud in their kingdom.The amazing gift was called The Valkyrie helm.When worn the king could fly at amazing speeds.Almost 3 times as fast as his people. The day after the king had received his gift he decided to take a morning fly through the clouds.As he was flying a gust of wind blew his amazing hat from his head.It drifted to the ground where telamon found it lying in a puddle.He showed the amazing creation to the mods who thought it a gift from the crafty space narbs.They decided to make copies of this incredible thing and put it up for sale for 30000 tix.(You see the mods were behind on new hats so this was copied and sold.) ~~I am now adding your name in if you wish.~~
#12121627Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:41 AM GMT

#12121637Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:41 AM GMT

i know youre over run with these but what about the sparten helmet?
#12121666Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:42 AM GMT

Mama Luigi.
Top 100 Poster
#12121723Saturday, August 01, 2009 5:43 AM GMT

There was once a humble little ROBLOXian.He craved knowledge.He read every book and scroll and script in all of ROBLOXia.The problem was he wanted more.He began searching for new things to read,all the time his head began to get bigger as he found bits of things to read.Eventually an entire library of new books was made so that he could read any time he wanted.Rumors began going around that his head was even bigger than the big head hat.He began to read so much so fast that his head started getting swollen and red.One day he read the ingredients strip on the back of some gum and his head exploded.He was smiling at the time and had just read some books so his head was huge,red,and smiling.The mods heard of this and in honor of the smartest ROBLOXian that ever lived they made his head into a hat.....biggerhead.

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