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#121869765Wednesday, January 01, 2014 4:50 AM GMT

2034. A man named Bob has created the perfect time machine. But, the truth is the machine is actually IMperfect. You see, after 2 years of not testing it, and being rumored as a dream come true, people realized they had taken this long to create this machine and assumed it was only a failure in the making. It was true. Bob had decided to finally getting in the machine to test it, but in the process, had turned Earth into a place without the ability to be affected by time, people had stopped aging, people had thought it was a paradise. Until the rip happened. You see, after a few months people had started to notice a effect that started to pull the universe in with them, until the entire universe has pulled in. You would think this wouldn't be so bad, but eventually A grave danger was realized: Eventually, time itself would stop, and everyone would be frozen perpetually if they did'nt figure out a way to fix this. P.S. Bob is an idiot. ________________________ⓞⓤⓡⓒⓤⓡⓡⓔⓝⓣⓜⓘⓢⓢⓘⓞⓝ_____________________________ As you arrive on Earth, famous for it's grave mistake that will probably kill you and everyone else if you don't fix it, a billboard reads: Hello, and welcome to Soluna City! If you've come here, you've been chosen to visit Earth to save us all, whether someone forcefully took you here or you've been forced here from another planet/country/your own home, etc, your going to be greeted by our wonderful OTHER deadly mistakes! We're going to just keep you calm and try not to mention our dangerous, evil, deadly, poisonous, probably-going-to-kill-you-in-your-sleep- mistakes! Besides, even if you leave they're everywhere else that is'isn't blocked by a wall or shield anyway. Have fun! As you can tell, there's not many who have faith in you. ________________________ⓞⓤⓡ ⒸⓈ_______________________________________________ Name: @ge: Favorite color: Home planet/country/etc(OPTIONAL): Items: Friends(if your making a character that is'nt from any tv shows, etc, skip if you cant come up with anything to put here.): Have you read the rules?: Powers(OPTIONAL): F@mily(OPTIONAL FOR CHARACTERS THAT ARENT FROM SHOWS): Allegiance(OPTIONAL): Bio: ________________________________________________rrrrrurrrls______________________ 1. No trolling. 2. Please, no ridiculous characters. Admins will choose what does'nt fit in this or not (e.x. rainbow dash) 3. No godmodding/over the top characters(like the ability to fire lazers out your butt) 4.All roblox rules apply(except swearing, but just mild) 5. No romance. 6. Original characters can join(because i have millions of them)but not if they fit into rule 3 and/or 2. 7.No characters that are already considered overpowered in the first place. 8. If you have read the rules, put lasaga in the have you read the rules section. Your ready to embark on an adventure of epic proportions! _________________________________________________________________________________ P.S. You start out in Soluna. Just wanted to let you know that.
#121870915Wednesday, January 01, 2014 4:59 AM GMT

ADMINS SO FAR Faultydex Pruz(if he joins) BEGIN-GIN-GIN-GIN. Name: Liam @ge:14 Favorite color: Blue Home planet/country/etc(OPTIONAL):Mobius Items: A machine gun guitar. Friends(if your making a character that is'nt from any tv shows, etc, skip if you cant come up with anything to put here.):Buzz The Rabbit(also another character i made.. this is going to be one heck of a rp) Have you read the rules?:lasaga Powers(OPTIONAL): None. Species: Echidna F@mily(OPTIONAL): Allegiance(OPTIONAL): Good Bio: He started out as some random kid that noone knew, until he grew up into the person he is now, after years of being on his own, etc. Basically, he's had a terrible life. Now that he'd been abducted in his sleep to save the world, it's still worse. Thankfully, by 14 he'd decided to do something for once and decided to save the world some day, which was a wish from a star. Now that it's coming true, he's going to try his best to fulfill it, even if it's a life-and-death situation!
#121871365Wednesday, January 01, 2014 5:02 AM GMT

BuMp I'm hoping this'll be popular...
#121872116Wednesday, January 01, 2014 5:06 AM GMT

Bump I can't get a break. It's a curse, I tell ya!
#121873566Wednesday, January 01, 2014 5:17 AM GMT

Bump Must be the name.
#121873860Wednesday, January 01, 2014 5:19 AM GMT

Name:Doodle Art @ge:827 Favorite color:Deep Blue Home planet/country/etc(OPTIONAL):Gallifrey Items:A pocket knife, teleportation magic Friends: Doctor Whooves, Captain Jack Harkness, K9 Have you read the rules?:lasaga Powers(OPTIONAL):teleportaion Bio:She was born on Gallifrey a few years before the Time War started. When she got around 50 years old, her parents were killed in the Time War, trying to stop a dalek. As she was running, Doodle Art came face-to-eye-stalk with another dalek. Right before she was killed, a young Master grabbed her hoof and shoved her through a portal. She was then stranded in Pony ville for centuries. At age 825, Doodle Art went to Pinkie's to go get cupcakes when she was ambushed by cyber-stallions. As she was running away, Doodle Art ran past a 1960's police box. A stallion heard her screams and saved Doodle from the cyber-stallions. That stallion was the Doctor.Doodle started travelling with the Doctor, who soon figured out she's a time lord and now Doodle, Doctor and Captain Jack Harkness are all travelling through time and space. Doodle:" Oh great not one of "the world is in danger again" adventures." Doctor: *grins* "Oh yeah!" Jack: " I hate you Doc." *The Doctor, Doodle, Jack and K9 step into Soluna* Doctor: Scan for other life forms K9" K9: "Okay" *scans* "No life forms detected, Master."
#121874985Wednesday, January 01, 2014 5:29 AM GMT

You are solidified autism.
#121878441Wednesday, January 01, 2014 5:59 AM GMT

#121880059Wednesday, January 01, 2014 6:14 AM GMT

#121881058Wednesday, January 01, 2014 6:24 AM GMT

I-I'm sorry. I'll go now.
#121932187Wednesday, January 01, 2014 8:12 PM GMT

#121932832Wednesday, January 01, 2014 8:18 PM GMT

Editing and reposting
#121967431Thursday, January 02, 2014 1:58 AM GMT

Doodle: *sees Liam wandering about Soluna* "Oh hey! Do you have any clue what happened here? All we know is that Earth is in trouble again and our time machine kinda brought us here. Also K9, you said there were no life forms here, if so, who am I talking to?" K9:" That is a life form mistriss. I haven't used my scanner in 5.2 hundred years." Doodle:" Any ways, you wanna come with us? Just keep your distance from Jack here, he's a 'bit' flirtatious."
#121971610Thursday, January 02, 2014 2:36 AM GMT

(I will join in a few.)
#121972509Thursday, January 02, 2014 2:44 AM GMT

(But are you reposting?)
#121984133Thursday, January 02, 2014 4:40 AM GMT

(Then the repost was scrapped. Fact:Like a game in development, Infinity Stars was first an idea for a roleplay that is also half-RPG but i'm normally the kind to participate in what i make and strictly participating to the fullest as if I was another roleplayer that just joined. I still might try to shove in the system for the first battle, since I guess it could work, I just would'nt be battling or maybe I would be battling but trying to be doing it as fairly as the others.) (What Infinity Stars could've been if the repost existed:The repost would've added a few more places, but it was just the locations that you currently could go to anyway, but I almost added a place called Chaos Abyss, which was essentially a deep pit that noone knew about and a empty town. I thought it sucked, but it could've worked, I guess. They were just locations but I wanted it to be made as we go.) Liam "Uhh.. I dont really care where we are, but it says we're here to fix some kind of grave mistake. I knew about none of it, I swear. The billboard also says that there's probably some kind of evil monster here. C'mon. I'm from Mobius. Where did you come from?"
#121988192Thursday, January 02, 2014 5:21 AM GMT

#121995405Thursday, January 02, 2014 7:06 AM GMT

#121997704Thursday, January 02, 2014 7:51 AM GMT

You got me excited with the dumb font and emphasis arrows. I can see this is just another RP for the same 5 people to play and allow no one else their freedom of roleplaying.
#122009734Thursday, January 02, 2014 1:45 PM GMT

Name: Aero @ge: 15 Favorite color: Cyan Home planet/country/etc(OPTIONAL): Mobius Items: None Friends(if your making a character that is'nt from any tv shows, etc, skip if you cant come up with anything to put here.): Flare, Death, Bean Have you read the rules?: Yes. Powers(OPTIONAL): The power of ice and speed. (Not as fast as sound though.) F@mily(OPTIONAL FOR CHARACTERS THAT ARENT FROM SHOWS): Flare, Death, father, mother. Allegiance(OPTIONAL): Good Bio: He has shortly been separated from his family. Aero is not in contact with his family anymore due to a tragic misunderstanding. All I can say, it wasn't their fault. He still hasn't taken control over his other personality, but it doesn't really occur often, and as long as before. He hasn't found his parents still. But Aero still believes there is still a chance by visiting Earth, maybe they've entered a new world. A different world.
#122044837Thursday, January 02, 2014 9:21 PM GMT

(no, no it isn't if it was there wouldn't be any unnecessarily fancy text and emphasis arrows) (pruz, accepted) (although if you read the rules you were supposed to put lasaga in there instead of yes it was a trick question but I admined you anyway.. or thought of it)
#122045704Thursday, January 02, 2014 9:28 PM GMT

(Ah, I see that now, sorry the CS came first and I wrote about half of the CS before I went to bed.)
#122046159Thursday, January 02, 2014 9:32 PM GMT

Name: Aaron Alvarez @ge:22 Favorite color:Green Home planet/country/etc(OPTIONAL): Venus Items:Few money, a knife and a photo Friends(if your making a character that is'nt from any tv shows, etc, skip if you cant come up with anything to put here.): Have you read the rules?:Yes Powers(OPTIONAL):Read minds F@mily(OPTIONAL FOR CHARACTERS THAT ARENT FROM SHOWS): A dynasty destroyed Allegiance(OPTIONAL): Bio:Former military sergent that was layed off and now has no job Fry my finger and call me sloth
#122047606Thursday, January 02, 2014 9:47 PM GMT

(Please improve your CS, specifically bio and family.)
#122057616Thursday, January 02, 2014 11:22 PM GMT


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