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#122011562Thursday, January 02, 2014 2:31 PM GMT

[1] The Killer [2] Roles [3] Rules [4] CS [THE KILLER] One killer. One reason. One target. The rich. Some would say it's a good thing, others bad. But one thing is for sure, this killer... -puts on shades- is on a rampage; no one knows the reason why this anonymous person is doing this, but it's surely some revenge. Already one has been killed, not by close combat, but by far range. A sniper? Correct, he is known as Hoodie, a hooded man in a black mask, cream Hooded jumper, blue jeans and black gloves. Recent discoveries have told the public that, he strikes at midnight, and he kills in public... [ROLES] 1. The Honurable Judge. 2. The Detective. 3.The Prosecutor. 4.The Defense Attorney. 5.The Murderer. 6. The Investigative Partner. [RULES] 1. No trolling whatsoever. 2. No nonsensical posts. 3. Be realistic here. 4. 'It's not in the rules!' Isn't an excuse 5. Normal ROBLOX rules apply. 6. No spamming. 7. We will choose your role once you are accepted. 8. Make your CS reasonably decent. 9. A seperate thread will be for the murderer only. 10. Looking at the murderer's thread and predicting it on the other forum will result in your character's deletion and a ban. 11. Put 'Hoodie' in the other section if you have read the rules. [CHARACTER SHEET] Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Optional Quote: Other: Prefered Role:
#122012992Thursday, January 02, 2014 3:00 PM GMT

2. The Detective NAME: Blue AGE: 22 GENDER: Male DESC: Tall fellow, blue eyes, somewhat long black hair, pinstripe fedora, blue dress shirt w/ red tie.
#122013293Thursday, January 02, 2014 3:06 PM GMT

Name: John Smith Age: 59 Gender: M Appearance: Short and chubby with a long, gray beard. He has dark black eyes, and a very large mouth. He also has a scar across the side of his face. Personality: Rude and annoying. Optional Quote: "Get out of my way sonny boy!" Other: [No I am not trolling. And can I wear a Hoodie?] Prefered Role: [1] Killer
#122013864Thursday, January 02, 2014 3:17 PM GMT

Fearless accept, expect your role to be message soon.
#122014133Thursday, January 02, 2014 3:22 PM GMT

I ask to steal that role due to being no [1] killer, just [6] The Murderer.
#122014427Thursday, January 02, 2014 3:28 PM GMT

I am the prosecution, so don't try to take it.
#122014748Thursday, January 02, 2014 3:34 PM GMT

Name: Matthew Hawkins Age: 42 Gender: M Appearance: Formal clothes, dark brown hair, clean shaven, dark green eyes, 5'10, 165 lbs. Personality: Serious, calm, loud Optional Quote: "Innocent until proven guilty." Other: Hoodie Prefered Role: The Defense Attorney
#122016088Thursday, January 02, 2014 3:58 PM GMT

Sgt accepted, expect a message coming soon.
#122016393Thursday, January 02, 2014 4:03 PM GMT

(I've saved Judge for StarryianasAlt, if you don't mind.)
#122016400Thursday, January 02, 2014 4:03 PM GMT

Wait, how bout two murderers? Brothers?
#122016476Thursday, January 02, 2014 4:05 PM GMT

*(We spent an hour with this on PiratePad, so we can't really change it.)
#122016519Thursday, January 02, 2014 4:05 PM GMT

Name: Merid Khimi Age: 31 Gender: F Appearance: She wears traditional judge's robes. Her hair is short, light brown, and curly. She has piercing green eyes. Personality: Kind, understanding, but when on the job, she's serious almost to a fault. Optional Quote: "Critical thinking is the key to success!" Other: Hoodie Prefered Role: Judge
#122016606Thursday, January 02, 2014 4:07 PM GMT

Accepted, and you probably already know what you are.
#122017324Thursday, January 02, 2014 4:18 PM GMT

Okie. Can't wait for this to start!
#122018863Thursday, January 02, 2014 4:42 PM GMT

I wanted to be persecutor...poo Name: Augustus Winters Age:47 Gender:Dude Appearance: 6 foot 1. Rather thin. One eye is green, the other is blue. Short silver hair. Commonly wears a red overcoat and regular dress pants Personality: Hasty, Impatient, Rather friendly. Quote:"-Insert name here-, you're about to be SLAMMED!" Preferred role: Detective
#122018899Thursday, January 02, 2014 4:43 PM GMT

#122019045Thursday, January 02, 2014 4:45 PM GMT

popo8ner I going to be spending some time on this for a day, so I might not reply to your RP okay?)
#122019196Thursday, January 02, 2014 4:47 PM GMT

It be fine m8. I read the whole thing on starry's
#122021047Thursday, January 02, 2014 5:13 PM GMT

If i was the judge, i would tie everyone to a wall then whip them, until the murdered says he is the murderer then i will send him to jail. Bada bomm bada bing! rp is finished in less than 3 pages
#122038561Thursday, January 02, 2014 8:23 PM GMT

#122048352Thursday, January 02, 2014 9:54 PM GMT

Bump m8
#122049035Thursday, January 02, 2014 10:00 PM GMT

#122049985Thursday, January 02, 2014 10:09 PM GMT

This reminds me of a puzzle! Puzzle 1: Hello! 10/10 Picarats Which one of these numbers does not belong? 3421201 Huehuehue
#122053176Thursday, January 02, 2014 10:37 PM GMT

Name:Aaron Alvarez Age:29 Gender:Male Appearance:Blonde,short hair and a wide smile with shining teeth Personality:Strange and nice Optional Quote: Other:Graduated from harvard from 4 years of training Prefered Role:The Investigative Partner Fry my finger and call me sloth
#122054143Thursday, January 02, 2014 10:46 PM GMT

(Er, I'm guessing zero? Or perhaps it's just one large number. I DON'T KNOW!)

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