#139339556Saturday, July 05, 2014 7:22 PM GMT

Dem's arms began moving again, nearing his two feet. He could almost reach them!
#139343011Saturday, July 05, 2014 7:59 PM GMT

(Okay.) Alexis and Jack see monochrome black and.white bears chopping down trees...totally normal . Barbara rushed to.the scene,seeing Stella's bright light through the fire!"STELLA!"She flew over the pillars and dived for him. However the pillars were.getting too close for an escape but Barbara didn't care! Was this the end? "Holy crap....what kinda thing spawned you? Yuck..."Lina said. "Lina..maybe you shouldn't piss this thing off.."Zelgadiss said. "We'll run away"The 8-bit heroes said.
#139345469Saturday, July 05, 2014 8:26 PM GMT

The floor remained flakey.... A fist swipes across all the pillars, taking them out! A pink translucent female figure rose up, with the presumed dead Stella in the middle of it!
#139345823Saturday, July 05, 2014 8:30 PM GMT

(Also, just so you get an idea of how C'thun speaks... Like, going through Ahn'Qiraj for the first time with thousands of trash bugs chittering, and then after you kill them all there's a complete utter silence you hear a creepy voice declaring your heart will explode, and you have NO idea there's an old god in the final room, so you get terrified that your heart will spontaneously explode.) The Dark Fae sighed, folding its wings and waiting by the moon portal. They'd come back eventually, right? Svet was running as fast as she could. "HOW CAN GLASS SLICE AN ENTIRE TREE IN HALF!?" The Shadow of C'thun's evil eye gazed at Lina, the unnatural membrane pulsating evily. "So, you come..." The eye didn't seem angry, or infernal, or anything of that description. It just was pure alien evil. "I am C'thun.[pronounced 'ka-thune']"
#139350722Saturday, July 05, 2014 9:20 PM GMT

"DONT ASK US!"The 8-bit heroes yelled as they ran. (He reminds me of the G-mans voice.) "Nice to meet you. Now that you're wanting a fight..I won't disappoint."Lina smiled. "STELLA!"Barbara yelled again. "What?!'re as persistent as the Guardian of The Glade.."Mr.Dark said.
#139351534Saturday, July 05, 2014 9:29 PM GMT

The figure pointed at the dark figure. "Myrkur lýkur í kvöld." It spoke The ground remained flakey...
#139377360Sunday, July 06, 2014 2:10 AM GMT

-DSM- DSM wandered out from behind the tree, floating closer to the Dark Fae. She stops about 2 feet in front of him. "Myu?" was DSM's query, but no one knows what she's saying, so...
#139377852Sunday, July 06, 2014 2:15 AM GMT

The eye looked around the room, seemingly scanning all of the party's members. "Oh. A battle?" The eye-stalk tentacles gazed at the party. "I'm afraid you might not win this battle..." The Dark Fae stared at the amalgamation of Pokémon DNA. "Oh, who might you be? And what are you doing here?" Svet sighed, breathing in and out. "So, fighting that thing is not an option. Plan B?"
#139378350Sunday, July 06, 2014 2:20 AM GMT

-DSM- DSM just flicks her tail at the town. In a mostly-neat circle on the west side of said town, there was devastation. "Myu." (Might get another character. One that can actually speak, but you might not want him to.)
#139378938Sunday, July 06, 2014 2:26 AM GMT

(The Dark Fae can understand animals, being a fairy.) The Dark Fae tilted his ears. "Oh? How cute." He patted her head, sheathing his stained glass sword.
#139379155Sunday, July 06, 2014 2:28 AM GMT

-DSM- DSM proceeds to float to a nearby tree, letting out a sigh. She falls asleep on one of the branches.
#139380128Sunday, July 06, 2014 2:38 AM GMT

#139381610Sunday, July 06, 2014 2:52 AM GMT

(Oh, right.) Dem's arms grab his legs and attempt the yank them out of the flakey black floor!
#139381971Sunday, July 06, 2014 2:56 AM GMT

The legs break out easily, but the ground turned into pure liquid! Not sticky though.
#139382918Sunday, July 06, 2014 3:06 AM GMT

Dem didn't panic. He reassembled himself quickly and scanned the room for an exit in case the horrible pillar monster attacked.
#139384142Sunday, July 06, 2014 3:19 AM GMT

The Undertaker turned towards the other monukuma workers. His eyes flickered around the construction sight that they were creating. Some might believe that he was pondering something...
#139385517Sunday, July 06, 2014 3:34 AM GMT

Name: Happy Mask Salesman Age: Unknown Gender: Male Location: Ashenbark Height*: Weight*: Appearance: (Without his backpack-pack-thing.) Bio: After the events of Majora's Mask, upon leaving Termina, HMS found himself here, and not Hyrule. Inventory*: Piano. It's somewhere, trust me. Other*: Don't tick him off. Quote*: "Now, I have fulfilled my promise to you... So, please, give me that which you promised me... Don't tell me... My mask... You did... get it back...Didn't you? What have you done to me!!! [rage ensues]" Alignment*: Neutral evil? Strength: What are you expecting? 1. Powers: Can apparently travel between worlds/teleport, and has some power over time. Also, making things from thin air. (see: piano) 9. Intelligence: Knows more than he should, and more than he tells you. 10. Resolve: Considering his faith in Link. 5. Skill: Skill? What were you expecting? 3. Dream. (Contain the rage.)
#139421684Sunday, July 06, 2014 2:46 PM GMT

"Forget this quest and go spend the day at another Inn?"BM suggested. "Ah pretty confident in yourself eh? Pfft. We'll see about that."Lina smiled. "Hmph. Interesting creature...I don't know how you managed to summon such a beast...but it will do nothing to stop me!"Mr Dark said,firing advanced lightning bolts! The Monokuma's ignored him and finished the building,which looks like a impressive high school academy.
#139424396Sunday, July 06, 2014 3:27 PM GMT

Other figure held out its hands, shooting out a powerful pink beam, which infxted the lightning and made it turn pink and disappear! The figures torso opens up, with dead Stella in full sight. The armor lights up and shoots a magnificent beam at the Dark Lord!
#139424599Sunday, July 06, 2014 3:30 PM GMT

There was no exit. The entrance was the exit.
#139424928Sunday, July 06, 2014 3:34 PM GMT

Dem casually walked to the entrance again, upset that his plan to find a shortcut didn't work out at all. The Shadow of C'thun didn't laugh or issue a witty retort. "You...are...weak..." Due to the rules of agro, he couldn't attack until Lina or someone attacked him first. "A plan to stop the Dark Fae, BM! We can't just let him continue slicing things up!"
#139427057Sunday, July 06, 2014 4:06 PM GMT

"Aw, look at those bears! Aren't they cute?" Alexis observed the bears cutting down trees, seeming not to mind whatever it was that they were doing. "They look demented." Jack noted, wanting to move on. "Absolutely inappropriate, Jack. Why do you think they're cutting down those trees?" "Who cares?" "I care, obviously. Let's ask." "Let the bears mind their own business. They might maul your face off if you get too close." "They're cutting down trees, I'm sure they're sapient enough." "Sapient doesn't mean non-viciou- oi, come back!" With a new found sense of bear related wanderlust and forgetting her previous goal, Alexis went to ask the bears what they were doing. As Jack chased her, he wondered if the bears could even talk
#139441793Sunday, July 06, 2014 6:58 PM GMT

Mr Dark disappears...and reappears behind the figure."Disruption." Once again the same attack that claimed Stella's leg! Two rock hands smashed against the figure to hold it down while a powerful beam of magic bursts from the ground under it! (They can't just move around him right? If they could I would laugh! LOL) "Oh hey there meat sacks! I'm Monokuma! What we're doing here is...putting the finishing touches for A Super Duper High School!"Monokuma #3 said to Alexis and Jack!
#139442978Sunday, July 06, 2014 7:10 PM GMT

(He will also attack if you get too close. C'thun can't engage at the distance they're at because he can't move his giant old god body.)
#139444574Sunday, July 06, 2014 7:26 PM GMT

The figure's legs stomp down on the ground, plugging it. It ripped its arms away and hopped away, letting the explosion off. The liquid rose up infront of the entrance....