#128843595Monday, March 24, 2014 2:46 AM GMT

"Stella please hurry! Barbara doesn't want a war!"She said as her magic chain returned to her hilt. " is suspicious..."Lina said. Fighters dream was swords swords swords sword...
#128843872Monday, March 24, 2014 2:49 AM GMT

Stella sat more. He tried and tried. he grabbed his armor and pulled. "COMEONCOMEONCOMEON!"
#128846636Monday, March 24, 2014 3:25 AM GMT

Barbara tried her best to break up the fighting,buying Stella more time!
#128863107Monday, March 24, 2014 12:08 PM GMT

Stella continued. Until finally, the pink disappears as the armor falls to the ground.
#128882631Monday, March 24, 2014 7:39 PM GMT

Moon punched away some of them and then fired some black lightning at them.
#128887182Monday, March 24, 2014 8:34 PM GMT

Name: Barney P. Age: Looks 35, but doesn't really age anymore. Gender: Male Location: Pirate Bay, near a Small Nightmare Rift Height*: Around 4'5" Weight*: 250? Appearance: Much like my character only big shoes, scrawny, and he wears pants. His suit is also like the Barbershop Quartet style, still purple. Wears a traditional red clown smile type makeup. Bio: Fell out of the Nightmare rift after being told by his boss that I was probably his best chance of getting into Toonavia. He trusts me more than anyone, and I'm pretty good at my job. Inventory*: Magic playing cards, and more magician like objects. Other*: Dusts himself off quite a bit. Quote*: "I have a problem? Heh, I AM the problem!" Alignment*: Chaotic Evil Strength: 9, He's quite strong. Powers: 8, His big spot is his "magic" and knickknacks. Intelligence: 7, Is slightly smarter than the average toon. Resolve: 4, Does things for his own reasons. Skill: 8, He knows how to use his abilities, he's a second-hand man.
#128912777Tuesday, March 25, 2014 12:48 AM GMT

Barbara didn't notice as she was barely managing to break up the fighting! Will she hold out in the end?! Dun Dun Duun! Suddenly a Great Jaggi charged and body slammed Moon into the ground!
#128912983Tuesday, March 25, 2014 12:50 AM GMT

"THE PRINCESS!" A soldier yells, carrying out Stella, who was pale, but his eyes were open!
#128917464Tuesday, March 25, 2014 1:31 AM GMT

"Stella! You did it!"Barbara cheered happily.
#128918272Tuesday, March 25, 2014 1:39 AM GMT

The soldiers then grab Barbara. "Now your under arrest for taking the princess..." The soldiers roughly drag Barbara, as one carried a weak Stella.
#128919080Tuesday, March 25, 2014 1:47 AM GMT

Fighter's swords began to rust away, into nothingness. Pitch blackness sweltered around the 8-bit idiots! In reality, the nightmare was spreading so absolutely that the only a high-level white mage could dispel it from them! Night's Edge spoke to Lina, filling her mind with less-than-justiceish thoughts. 'She tries to deceive you. If I meant you harm, I would have joined forces with the Necromancer back in the crypt. My blade is bound to you.' Dem had the feeling any second now they were gonna be ambushed. They had gone an entire 5 minutes without being attacked.
#128920150Tuesday, March 25, 2014 1:58 AM GMT

"Wait what?! Let Barbara go!"She struggled. They ran away and then fell into Bm's dream!....Well...let's say it wasn't PG my friends.. *What why would Amelia lie to me?! She's a WM and one of my best friends!*Lina thought. (Hold on..Im trying to fit in how a mutated human managed to get access to experimental High-Tech Battle Armor, plasma weapons and...Aw hell I'll wing it!) A strange ruin of a building was seen by the traveling group.
#128920597Tuesday, March 25, 2014 2:03 AM GMT

The Nightmare followed into BM, growing and swelling in power from feeding off of BM's own darkness. It grew into a powering armored form of darkness. "I will destroy you all...." 'You deceive yourself. Just because she's a White Mage does not mean she is good.' Night's Edge hummed softly as it detected the Soul nearby. 'It matters not for now. The Soul of Earth is closer.'
#128921052Tuesday, March 25, 2014 2:09 AM GMT

The soldiers carry Stella and Barbara, along with the armor, and went back to Flowerdale!
#128921364Tuesday, March 25, 2014 2:13 AM GMT

Barbara sighed."This might not end well." "Aw morons ruin.everything..."BM said. As they got closer...It looked like some sort of research facility..but to them it looked like a very odd temple...since they lacked any knowledge of tech this advanced...
#128921970Tuesday, March 25, 2014 2:20 AM GMT

Barbara gets thrown into the throneroom. The queen was straight-faced, but obviously angry....
#128922501Tuesday, March 25, 2014 2:26 AM GMT

The Black Giant raised a huge metallic great sword made of malefic dreams to end them all swiftly! Suddenly, a high pitched voice, kind of like a fan girl, rang out in BM's head! "Cleanse corruption!" BM, Fighter, Thief, and RM woke up in a harsh flash of light. The giant from their collective nightmare stood before them, weakened. The fan-girlish voice continued to yell at them to go do something. "Go forth, brave heroes against the darkness, and banish this nightmare to the nether realms!" Dem would've blinked if he could. What odd relics.
#128924830Tuesday, March 25, 2014 2:52 AM GMT

Barbara got up,dusting herself off."What now? Stella is should be thanking Barbara..." Alright! Backstab! FrontStab! Dice in the eye! Hadoken! "What is this place?"Lina asked in wonder. Even Zelgadiss was stunned."Something like this...this..this doesn't look like any ruins I ever seen or read about before!"
#128925049Tuesday, March 25, 2014 2:55 AM GMT

"Then why did you take him? Why did you steal him? WHY WOULD YOU DO ANYTHING WITH HIM!?!" The queen replied angrily.
#128927816Tuesday, March 25, 2014 3:30 AM GMT

(Hooray! My action still hasn't been replied to!)
#128940436Tuesday, March 25, 2014 11:38 AM GMT

Moon punched the Jaggi's jaw as he was struggling.
#128941258Tuesday, March 25, 2014 12:14 PM GMT

(Sorry. I'm not used to having to keep up with multiple plots.) The Bone golem effortlessly drove through the chain created by Mr. Pix, but his claw bounced off the shield created by Q. It rattled, glaring angrily. Dem nodded in agreement with Zelgaddis. The giant was no match for the 4 in the realm of light and exploded into foul shadows. "You did it!" Behind them, the 4 idiots saw a small girl, wearing a white robe with red trim. She had long, curvish pink hair, and was wielding a clerical staff.
#128963389Tuesday, March 25, 2014 8:17 PM GMT

The Jaggi roared and bites his arm! "Barbara does not steal. You said 'Take him' because you thought Stella was dead. Barbara didn't believe that. He was just in a coma!"Barbara said. Thay approach what looks like a door..suddenly.. "" "Fair maiden..who are you?"RM asked. BM thought it was WM and immediately started thinking of pickup lines.
#128967639Tuesday, March 25, 2014 8:57 PM GMT

The queen growled. "Get out of my kingdom. My patience for you is gone. LEAVE!" The queen yelled. As one guard was carrying Stella upstairs, she sees Stella slowly rise his hands and made a hand motion for Barbara to meet upstairs.
#128968356Tuesday, March 25, 2014 9:03 PM GMT

Moon growled. "You SON OF A BANSHEE!" He yelled, punching off the jaggi's mouth and shoving his hand straight down his throat. "I never thought I would have to do this, but so long!" He yelled, then a huge explosion occurred where his hand was, and... well... you can see where that went.