#138332182Friday, June 27, 2014 3:03 AM GMT

Boycotting BC, whilst 2 other people replace my donations. Not a smart idea. ...Sticky so hard.
#138555023Saturday, June 28, 2014 11:45 PM GMT

Buump. =~=S&I is down the drain, and being devoured by the drain monsters=~= =~=Siggy Link:
#138634410Sunday, June 29, 2014 5:08 PM GMT

trogssy, you posted the 6666th reply. So many repeated numbers...awesome. LET'S SHOOT FOR 7777! NO, 8888!!
#139656675Tuesday, July 08, 2014 5:22 PM GMT

Let's see your bot not get an error on THIS, workteam. >:3
#139658746Tuesday, July 08, 2014 5:45 PM GMT

Go on Workie Workie, Work your magic... ... Meanwhile, I still need to do that sticky.
#139792776Wednesday, July 09, 2014 8:33 PM GMT

#139814376Thursday, July 10, 2014 12:07 AM GMT

@Espithel I keep learning new things and finding hidden mistakes people make in constructive criticism. Maybe this will help your sticky in some way? Or wipe out what you've already written? For example... The price floor. They've been given more than one idea now, and I imagine it's hard for them to know whose idea to listen to, or if they should even listen to them. There's a 40 minute youtube video I watched of a presentation with a man telling how he started an internet riot on something he was working on. The video is called: "Improving Blender's UI" He eventually found the constructive posts, but then people would bring up good points against the constructive ideas, and it was hard to know whose idea to listen to. No one actually in the forum was knowledgeable in whatever it was that the UI designer needed to do. Just like how we're not knowledgable what Roblox needs to do about the Price Floor. We have replacement ideas, but can they trust it enough to devote their time towards it? We're mostly builders and scripters, not the kind of people who specialize in the stuff chiefjustus does. I think that's his department. Anyway... We definitely need to start proving our points with reliable data if we want to make the admins listen. Preferably proving both the problem and solution of something controversial. That's something I find lacks in even the better posts out there. No one writes what they know like how a wikipedia article is written.
#139838931Thursday, July 10, 2014 4:13 AM GMT

Congrats on having this still replied to. I took a break from ROBLOX for ages and come back to find this. :D
#140458045Tuesday, July 15, 2014 11:17 PM GMT

Is there anything in particular why the sticky is so hard to make?
#140622649Thursday, July 17, 2014 12:49 PM GMT

Minus my current IRL problems (That have for the most part passed) and my laziness, it's generally how I think and write, Gamehero. I ramble. You've seen it. I ramble. A lot. I talk about myself. A lot. The reason for this is because I struggle at saying what I need to say concisely, so I just say what immediately comes to my head and hope that it's concise enough. That's fine for massive rants, that's not fine for planned sticky-esque threads that have to be... well, concise. When I try to shorten things, I want to make sure they have the same meaning, but I don't know what sections of things alter the meaning. The more I ramble, the more chances I have of saying what I need to say. I think in fragments. I don't structure my thoughts, because it's all fragmented. Often, I know how the ending of a post will play out before the start. That's fine. I can order anything in any way I want thanks to the magical internet. I just can't do that with a moderation post. It has to be concise and clear. When I'm thinking about the sticky, I hear sentences, not structures. "Please note that whilst there are many amazing suggestions, they will be mixed in with many more less-decent suggestions. This can make looking at suggestions a struggle." "Petitions and polls tend to be an agree/disagree conversation, which is not what S&I is for, nor how constructive criticism is done." In my opinion, this entire sticky has to be about the size of this post, and I haven't even half done with what I would normally be saying yet.
#140662765Thursday, July 17, 2014 8:57 PM GMT

I understand. I ramble too, but mostly to myself. Although, I'm too self conscious of it when I speak publicly. My thoughts are also fragmented, and I argue with myself, ask weird questions, and get completely off topic. Anyway, if the admins urge people to make topics in the format below, I think that alone would do something. Defining constructive criticism is different from seeing it with your own eyes. ====Constructive Criticism==== - "The character slides too much. Could you add modifiable friction in Humanoid? Here's a place that needs it: (Link to place)" - "Outlines don't work for everything. (Examples Here) Could they be optional in Lighting?" - "Good effort, but it wouldn't make me get BC. However, these do:" - "The site is too white. How about more shades? I like layouts like this: (Examples Here)"
#140664580Thursday, July 17, 2014 9:16 PM GMT

#140664830Thursday, July 17, 2014 9:18 PM GMT

you cant fix S&I S&I is crap and 90% of the threads are garbage or trolls and most of the time mods dont even read our suggestions this shouldn't even be here
#141404117Thursday, July 24, 2014 6:10 PM GMT

Not with that attitude. ...Meh. No more faffing. I'm going to post the sticky today. ... Speaking of today, I live in britain. Why is the weather hotter than the insides of a volcano right now?
#146186453Tuesday, September 16, 2014 4:34 PM GMT

Hi, how ya'll doin over here? trogyssy was here
#146190553Tuesday, September 16, 2014 6:31 PM GMT

I read it all. Support. --ThatChristianGuy
#146191254Tuesday, September 16, 2014 6:53 PM GMT

I read the first page, and all the reply on it. I didn't read all 27 pages. I did however, post this: I demand at least a 1% of all income gained from this venture, if not you will be hearing from my lawyer for coming up with a good idea without me. -Numbers
#146220688Wednesday, September 17, 2014 1:39 AM GMT

Forums don't make income. Your 1% would be equal to $0. Now if you were to make forums BC only... --ThatChristianGuy
#146222028Wednesday, September 17, 2014 1:55 AM GMT

I respect the original post and the creator. Support.
#146257708Wednesday, September 17, 2014 8:16 PM GMT

"Forums don't make income. Your 1% would be equal to $0. Now if you were to make forums BC only..." Before you respond, ask yourself the following questions: "What is fire?" "What am the sky?" "How does eat food?" "What is satire?" Once you have asked yourself these, and come up with the answers, then and only then shall you be deemed "possibly responsive". -Numbers
#146307859Thursday, September 18, 2014 3:30 PM GMT

Fire am eat sky be satire. --ThatChristianGuy
#146385695Friday, September 19, 2014 11:11 PM GMT

Bump --ThatChristianGuy
#149963791Monday, November 17, 2014 10:23 PM GMT

Bump People are complaining more now than ever before. We need this.
#150000763Tuesday, November 18, 2014 2:41 PM GMT

Let's keep it goin'! --ThatChristianGuy
#150000970Tuesday, November 18, 2014 2:53 PM GMT

I feel like this will go on till next year.