#123147442Tuesday, January 14, 2014 11:42 PM GMT

Come on just tell me what did wrong.
#123147488Tuesday, January 14, 2014 11:42 PM GMT

Iain- Walking througt the less wealthy parts of town looking for something to earn myself some coin, this steel dirk wasn't cheap and rent's due in a fortnight, I notice an open window, its not long since midday and I decide to come back later to try and 'earn' my keep
#123148232Tuesday, January 14, 2014 11:50 PM GMT

Marcus walks in with a bag of metal wires. "Got an order for a set of steamboxes. I need you to work on it immediately." "On it." Steamboxes were an invention of mine, favored by my friend Joan and his squad. They are boxes filled with little containers of highly corrosive liquids. They work very well with destroying metal, which is why I am always in such high demand for it. I grab two vials of the acid, which I call Zips, which should be enough to take down an airship if it has to. I begin in full concentration to transport the acid into little glass tubes the size of half a pinky.
#123148871Tuesday, January 14, 2014 11:57 PM GMT

Zeir I wake up. And Decide walk around seeing if there were anything good to buy stores today. I go to the center of the city and look around.
#123148911Tuesday, January 14, 2014 11:57 PM GMT

Jared ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I lead Benjamin, an older horse, around for some more exercise. The big, black steed has started to lose his stamina, but that's no excuse to stop exercising and working on the farm. I gently whisper into his mind, "Just keep trying." He neighs at me, telling me just how tired he is. I nod, then lead him back into the pens. I'm greeted by a mix of horses, all saying my name and Benjamin's name. Sure at times it gets noisy, but I guess I like it that way. I lead Benjamin over to his stall, then put him in. I quietly thank him for his services with another whisper, then pull out a brush. I begin to brush the old horse's stark black mane.
#123150049Wednesday, January 15, 2014 12:09 AM GMT

(Soard, considering I made this and gave you permission to edit and repost, I have to step in here. Why are you making him choose a "magic ability"? Even in this edited and reposted version, it still states that magic is only limited to the user's mind. People aren't born with specific abilities, they're just born with magic.) (I could be born with magic and use fire AND ice, for example. Although it's limited to multiple degrees by the personality, emotional state, and imagination of the user, they aren't restricted to one ability. They can basically do whatever with magic, from making a shield, to manipulating blood, to telekinetically lifting a tower, even to mental things like talking to animals.) (So yeah. Obviously no overpowered stuff, either, like causing a nuke or killing people in one hit with magic.)
#123150237Wednesday, January 15, 2014 12:10 AM GMT

Oh.....oops.....ok ignore what I said about magic and go with swed's description....Imma go smack my head on a wall a few times :/
#123150807Wednesday, January 15, 2014 12:16 AM GMT

After a whole clip, I take a break and let my hands rest. I head out to get myself some breakfast.
#123151285Wednesday, January 15, 2014 12:22 AM GMT

Zeir. With this City so poor. There was little to Shop for. I sighed and went to the Bow range and practiced shooting my Bow it kept my mind off thungs. ( In old English every noun is Uppercase. )
#123151891Wednesday, January 15, 2014 12:28 AM GMT

Evelen I got into my dirty clothes. "God, I need to get these washed after work", I said looking at the black stains of oil. I grabbed my jacket and left the old house. I ran to the factory to avoid confronting the gangs. I'm pretty sure some of them already spotted me but I kept moving forward without looking back.
#123152138Wednesday, January 15, 2014 12:30 AM GMT

(meet? I'm in Blackhearth)
#123152432Wednesday, January 15, 2014 12:33 AM GMT

Iain- Getting home takes but a few minutes, knowing the backalleys has many advantages, upon arrival I find a note pinned to my door with a nail, it simply read "hetay arbay, usual time"this note told me I was meeting draug one of my 'usual' client base in hetay arbay which was pig latin for the bar, sometime around dusk
#123152440Wednesday, January 15, 2014 12:33 AM GMT

Lucien I wandered the streets, concealed under my hood. My mask was hidden within my coat, and I eyed the market stalls for my target. To avoid suspicion against the paranoid opponent, I began examining stall wares, such as apples or jewlery. Some were marketing clear scams, claiming whale eyeball wine could cure all your ailments within a matter of moments. The target walked carefully to an apple stall. He constantly looked behind him, clutching his flintlock at all costs. After he picked out a large red apple, he took a bite and paid the merchant. He walked away, giving me the perfect opportunity to strike. I took my mask on and put it on, swiftly dashing into my target with my blade. The target lay dead on the ground, and guards screamed to stop the brass demon. I fired blasts of magic at a wall and jumped up it, stairs appearing and crumbling behind me as I ran and jumped. I found myself at the top of a factory, safe and with guards cursing my name.
#123154224Wednesday, January 15, 2014 12:52 AM GMT

The sound of ruckus was heard down the street. Guards began running towards the place. Confused, I curiously followed. There was a crowd of guards near the factory. They were chanting, no. They were cursing. I was stopped to ask why when I look up. On top was a man at the top. Sinister and mysterious, he gazed down on us like we were inferiors. Now I hate involving myself with things like this, but the threat was too near the Steamworks. I pulled out Jingles out of my pocket and gave him a bob. Sure enough steam began working and his little red eyes began to open. He flashed bronze under the sunlight and steamed through his blurry wings. I gave him quick instructions, pointing at the man on the top. He knew almost immediately and flew up like a hummingbird. (Like a Golden Snitch)
#123154728Wednesday, January 15, 2014 12:58 AM GMT

Lucien I turned around, leaping away through several well-placed building jumps. With a roll, I landed back in the street and removed my mask and hood, blending into a nearby crowd.
#123154835Wednesday, January 15, 2014 12:59 AM GMT

Jingles follows the man, remaining in air to keep from detection.
#123155335Wednesday, January 15, 2014 1:05 AM GMT

(How can Jingles remain following the man when the man is in a crowd of people, and no longer wearing a hood or a mask?)
#123155479Wednesday, January 15, 2014 1:07 AM GMT

(Jingles is a micro automaton taking the anatomy of a bird. I guess he tracked you)
#123155657Wednesday, January 15, 2014 1:09 AM GMT

Zeir I shot my arrow missing the target most times. He was not great at shooting with a bow. But getting batter. I stared at the target hoping to my shots to land. It was tiring. I look around the large town and see people everywhere. It made me happy. I pulled my arrows out of the target. And laided down just looking at the sky. It was amazing.
#123156332Wednesday, January 15, 2014 1:17 AM GMT

(Don't you think someone would bump into him, or try to grab him? He's on a busy street and has to stay close enough to observe Lucien, thus someone might find him curious and attempt to grab him.)
#123156940Wednesday, January 15, 2014 1:24 AM GMT

Evelen "Here!", I waved. I grabbed the toolbox near the door. "You! Come here, we need you to fix this machine!", a man yelled. I grabbed a wrench and closed the box. I hated the smell inside this factory. I covered my mouth and nose with the red rag I had. He handed me an old paper of the machinery. He pointed out the broken parts. I stretched a little and wiped the sweat away from my forehead. Then I started to take out the gears of the bronze machine.
#123156995Wednesday, January 15, 2014 1:25 AM GMT

(My character isn't following him. Jingles is.)
#123158206Wednesday, January 15, 2014 1:38 AM GMT

(Why do things always happen while I sleep? QQ) /_Vathias I watched the man leap onto the rooftop from his magic stairs, taking note of the massing number of guards. Though I appeared but a beggar with my disguise of dirty rags, I approached the lead guard. "Sire, can ye' spare a coin?", I asked, making my voice accented so as to disguise it, ignoring the fact that he was cursing fluently and waving his weapon. (Do we control the NPCs or does Soard/Swede do it?) Ψ the Lightning Strikes Ψ
#123158333Wednesday, January 15, 2014 1:39 AM GMT

( the mods)
#123158615Wednesday, January 15, 2014 1:42 AM GMT

CHARACTER SHEET: Na.m.e: Aaron Stratus Physical Appearance: 6"2", 172#, black hair, green eyes. G.en.der: Male 35 Faction: (if applicable. Place 'none', if you wish to remain neutral.) None Starting Location: Aboard the Steam king Skills: Flying of a gyrocopter, Parkour, marksm.anship. Do you want magic?: Yes indeed. Notable Items: A cane which is really a single shot rif.le, multiple Flint locks stashed in my jacket. Properties: (land, vehicles, etc. anything too large to fit in your pocket) The Steam King, a zeppelin, the steam duke, a gyrocopter. Biography: Unknown The Box Test: (If magic is requested) The box is nothing but imagination, you form it to what you decide, those who control the box can control the world, those who do not are hindered by their own mind. Wanted?: (Whether you're a wanted criminal.) No, not yet atleast If wanted, which towns?: Other: my phrase I said for reading all of it was Steampunk worlds rock(s)