#124753651Monday, February 03, 2014 3:44 AM GMT

Syvia goes over to Jormagund, and kneels down by him. She wraps the bandage around the wound on his leg a few times before tying it off with a bow knot. "That~ should be fine" she says, standing up.
#124754245Monday, February 03, 2014 3:52 AM GMT

Standing up, Jormugand grumbles something to Syvia, and then kicks his leg about, in order to ensure the blood doesn't seep through...At least, not too much of it anyway. Ophelia mounts her horse and calls to the others. "We're leaving. Let's go!" she says.
#124754458Monday, February 03, 2014 3:55 AM GMT

Syvia just smiles at his grumbling. She goes to start following Ophelia and Vahn. "Wish the rest of us had horses.." she says, pouting ever so slightly.
#124823610Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2:13 AM GMT

Vahn looks at his coin purse and turns his head. "I'll see if we can buy any once we reach Fandralore." he says.
#124826685Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2:42 AM GMT

"But once we reach Fandralore, we won't need any horses!" Syvia huffs and crosses her arms. "There's no way to solve it!"
#124827326Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2:49 AM GMT

Vahn looks at Syvia. "But we don't know how long we'll still be traveling together." he says. "If we're going to be together for awhile, best to be prepared."
#124828151Tuesday, February 04, 2014 2:58 AM GMT

"And we can only get prepared at Fandralore... That doesn't help us now!" Syvia goes on to grumble and complain about her back and feet hurting from the travels and sleeping outdoors. With a sigh, Syvia starts nibbling on the gift from Ophelia.
#124828335Tuesday, February 04, 2014 3:00 AM GMT

I just followed/stood, listening to the conversations and planning at hand (FCS I need to try to keep up with this but I'm so busy and you guys move fast overnight p.p)
#124831733Tuesday, February 04, 2014 3:38 AM GMT

[Time Skip] The world is bathed in a dark grey hue as the sun slowly sets. The city of Fandralore looms in the distance as the group sits atop a hill.
#124833509Tuesday, February 04, 2014 3:59 AM GMT

After the morning, Syvia ceased her complaining and stayed quiet for most of the day. Sight of the city reminds her of how tired she feels. Through a yawn she asks "There anything I should know about Fandralore? Syvia decides to let her long red hair out of it's pony tail.
#124834616Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:17 AM GMT

Character Name: Accretius Kyori Vyycan Character Age: 671 Character Gender: Male Race: Ylve Class: Sniper Equipment: White leather armor, leggings, greaves, boots, and gloves. His mouth is covered by a white 'bandit mask' and he has an eyepatch over his left eye, result of a recent skirmish with a warrior. He carries a silver steel bow and arrow, along with a white leather quiver given to him by a magic user, who made it so that only Accretius could access the arrows. Appearance: Accretius stands at 6'3, with pale skin and grey, calculating eyes. He has messy silver hair, slightly upturned nose, and the ends of his ears are tipped with bright blue color. Personality: Cold personality, calculating, and believes honor is above all traits. If you get in Accretius' way, he will most likely attempt or will kill you. Bio: A lot of Accretius' life was boring, being hired to hunt for animals and so on. Until now, when he hunts for himself as a nomad. Other 1: He is willing to be hired to kill somebody, but rarely does it. Other 2: Accretius does not care about anything at the moment, but has a sense of urgency to him even though time does not affect him.
#124835324Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:29 AM GMT

(Just going to say what Leodin will say: looks good, but it could use more meat in the bio, and maybe a few more details all around. Though I understand it's difficult to write a Bio for a character that old.)
#124835429Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:31 AM GMT

(I suppose so...)
#124835687Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:35 AM GMT

(@Sneaky: Akkure already pointed out the problem with the bio and other bits of missing detail, but there's one thing I need to say as well.) (All weapons start out as Copper for metal and Ash for wood.)
#124836033Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:41 AM GMT

(Improved version): Character Name: Accretius Kyori Vyycan Character Age: 642 Character Gender: Male Race: Ylve Class: Sniper Equipment: White leather armor, leggings, greaves, boots, and gloves. His mouth is covered by a white 'bandit mask' and he has an eyepatch over his left eye, result of a recent skirmish with a warrior. He carries a silver steel bow and arrow, along with a white leather quiver given to him by a magic user, who made it so that only Accretius could access the arrows. Appearance: Accretius stands at 6'3, with pale skin and grey, calculating eyes. He has messy and slightly curly silver hair, and the ends of his ears are tipped with bright blue color. He usually is scowling, though you cannot see his mouth. Personality: Cold personality, calculating, and believes honor is above all traits. Bio: When Accretius was born, he had a small case of paranoia, which gives him the sense of urgency that reinforce his actions. However, this paranoia was a lot more major when he was young, thus his parents disowned him and left Accretius on his own. Sometimes, Accretius was hired to kill animals and bring back food for money. By the time he was 512, he had enough money to buy what he needed, nothing more, nothing less. He eventually left his home village and left for Easthaven. Other 1: He is willing to be hired to kill animals for money, but doesn't usually do it. Other 2: Accretius thinks that time is of the essence, although it does not affect him in any way.
#124836096Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:42 AM GMT

(Whoops. Then a copper bow and white leather quiver.)
#124836991Tuesday, February 04, 2014 4:55 AM GMT

(@Sneaky: Accepted.) Jormugand looks to the sky. "We should be at the gates of Fandralore before nightfall." he says. "So I suggest we hurry. This cut on my leg feels like it's infected." Vahn starts down the steep slope, his knees bend as he desperately tries to keep his footing. He looks hither and thither, yet sees no safe way down the slope. "We'll have to go by the main road now." he says. "If Jormugand's leg is getting worse, and Ophelia intends to keep her horse; we can't get down from here."
#124837457Tuesday, February 04, 2014 5:05 AM GMT

"Then lets go!" Syvia says, eager to get off the road. She starts leading the group to the road. As much as she enjoys adventure and excitement, Syvia really doesn't like doing a lot of walking about. She finds it slow, boring and it just drags on forever and ever...
#124838224Tuesday, February 04, 2014 5:19 AM GMT

Vahn and the others follow Syvia, not seeming to notice the small little orb of light that moves from tree to tree before vanishing. ----- By the time they reach the city gates, it's already dark. Two large cressets are mounted on the walls near the gate of the city, and six more stand around in a circular style. The flames of the cressets are bright and they illuminate the group as they draw near.
#124838232Tuesday, February 04, 2014 5:19 AM GMT

The angry cries of the Easthaven villagers echo and swim in my ears, rattling my mind. I don't suppose they would welcome me again, so I start to walk in the direction of Fandralore, where an old friend lived whom I knew I could trust. Easthaven was good to me until I turned down a job and they tried to kill me. In fact, several gashes were now adorning my left arm, and an arrow had nearly impaled my spine. The sun was slowly setting, but I knew it was dangerous to travel in the night. I crept in the direction of Fandralore.
#124838319Tuesday, February 04, 2014 5:21 AM GMT

As I saw the gates of Fandralore from about two and a half miles away, I let out a sigh of relief and continue walking.
#124838443Tuesday, February 04, 2014 5:24 AM GMT

(Agh, ignore the one about seeing the gates. I did not notice Leodin's post about it getting dark. I suppose you cannot see things from two and a half miles away in the dark...)
#124838788Tuesday, February 04, 2014 5:31 AM GMT

Syvia walks to the gates, stopping about a dozen feet away from it. "Should we uhm, knock?" Syvia bends over a bit, rubbing her hands against her exposed lower legs. "It's cold out here" she complains. "I should have packed warmer clothes."
#124838954Tuesday, February 04, 2014 5:34 AM GMT

I decide to not be seen by hostiles and climb a tree, jumping from branch to branch with suprising agility. After a few minutes, I can see the flames from torches at a large distance. "Well, at least I can see torchlight," I muttered.
#124839153Tuesday, February 04, 2014 5:38 AM GMT

Vahn looks at the gate, and steps up. He touches the huge oaken door and decides to pound on it, calling in a loud voice. "Hello guard. It's Vahn Baridian from Hayfield!" he calls out. At this, the gate opens and a chainmail clad man steps out. He looks at each of the group members in turn before turning to Vahn. "Greetings Vahn, it's been a while. Please come in, you and the others. I'd question you here, but Will-o-the-Wisps have been skulking about at night. They seem harmless enough, but we're not taking any chances."