#126062914Tuesday, February 18, 2014 4:07 AM GMT

I enter the huge dining area, and I see a couple of people sitting. Being the natural helper, as well as volunteering for waiter, I come up and say, "Would you like me to serve your food to all of you? 'Tis almost ready." Of course, polite tone. Gotta have that when helping people.
#126063632Tuesday, February 18, 2014 4:16 AM GMT

Ophelia rolls her eyes. "Jormugand, you deal with him." she says. The Beorn leans back in his chair and gives a small nod. "If you want to." he says.
#126065393Tuesday, February 18, 2014 4:38 AM GMT

Syvia turns to Ophelia "I've been wondering, how long did y' spend in Snowfield? I wasn't there for too long... And when I was, I stuck out a lot." she smiles, twirling a lock of her red hair. "From the people, and the land itself."
#126065436Tuesday, February 18, 2014 4:39 AM GMT

I look at the Beorn. "Sir, does that mean that I shall give ye your breakfest? If so, then, please, tell me what ye want." Polite, of course.
#126065959Tuesday, February 18, 2014 4:46 AM GMT

Ophelia crosses her arms and puts one leg over the other. "I've lived in the Snowfield for most of my life." she says. "Compared to most Ylve, I haven't been out here for very long. Why do you ask?" ----- Jormugand keeps his words simple and short. "It doesn't matter what you bring." he says.
#126066588Tuesday, February 18, 2014 4:54 AM GMT

"All right, sir." I am about to go, when suddenly.. "OH! My apologies, sir. And every one of you. I have to bring in the Rawulfs to say the prayer." I mutter, "It'll probally irk most to see me serving, like the one that let me serve, but, I need to be reminded of my place compared to the Master." Not intended for other people to hear. (Hope Rawulfs actually pray before they eat. E.E)
#126067161Tuesday, February 18, 2014 5:03 AM GMT

The Beorn leans backwards. "The Rawulfs are already here." he says.
#126067463Tuesday, February 18, 2014 5:07 AM GMT

"Oh! Sorry sir, I seem to be a bit scattered this morning. But please, ignore my ramblings. He will pray, and then I shall serve your food."
#126068028Tuesday, February 18, 2014 5:16 AM GMT

"I just wanted to know... Guess we've both been away from it for some time then. Ehm... Would you mind me asking what it was like for you?" Syvia asks, trying to not seem too nosey.
#126068375Tuesday, February 18, 2014 5:22 AM GMT

As the old Rawulf monk begins to pray over the food, Ophelia keeps her voice quiet as she replies. "I was a soldier, nothing too important." she says. "I suppose it was like that of any other Ylve, we just lived and defended our land." She pauses. "Anything specific you'd like to know?" she asks. She asks Syvia the question as the old Rawulf finishes the prayer, in which the rest of the Rawulfs repeat "Amen" along with him.
#126068880Tuesday, February 18, 2014 5:29 AM GMT

"Not really... It's just that where I lived, I saw quite a few Ylves who were... well, poor. My parents didn't want me talking with them when I was young." Syvia sits with her hands on her lap.
#126069284Tuesday, February 18, 2014 5:34 AM GMT

Ophelia keeps her eyes fixed on the table, ignoring the sound of chatting Rawulfs as she speaks quietly. "I'm sorry. I should have tried harder to make things better." she says. --- Jormugand eyes the Human. "Have you frozen over?" he asks.
#126069564Tuesday, February 18, 2014 5:39 AM GMT

(Sorry. Was dozing IRL.) "Oh! Sorry sir! Let me get your food." I walk to the kitchens.
#126069900Tuesday, February 18, 2014 5:45 AM GMT

"Uh... I'm not quite following..." Syvia rubs her arm. She looks around at all the Rawulfs in the room...
#126070045Tuesday, February 18, 2014 5:48 AM GMT

Ophelia catches herself quickly, her eyes showing that she wasn't exactly there when she spoke. "Nevermind, it was nothing." she says.
#126070501Tuesday, February 18, 2014 5:57 AM GMT

"Ah, alright." Feeling that she doesn't want to talk anymore, Syvia decides to not bother Ophelia with any more questions, for now. She thinks back, when so many things about her set her apart from most of the other children... Hair colour, and her uncontrolled, but thankfully weak psychic power.
#126139459Wednesday, February 19, 2014 1:27 AM GMT

Character Name: James Steelshod Character Age: 24 Character Gender: M Race: Human Class: Knight Equipment: In battle, James wears Steel Plate Armor, which features a somewhat plain Breastplate with a crease down the middle. The shoulder pads begin directly over the shoulder rather than further along the collar bone, and are simple, rounded with the top of the shoulder which folds sharply into an outward facing plate on the upper arm, as well as a ridge on the end closest to the neck, forming a sort of wall to stop strike from reaching the neck. The breastplate ends at the beggining of a skirt of Padded leather over a slightly longer one of mail. The leggings end at the knees, and are split on the sides from 3 inches below the waist bone and down to allow better movement. The knee and lower leg armor are one peice and generally unremarkable, covering the ankle, but no plates are over the dense leather boots. The arms are mostly chainmail save for plates on the lower arm, ending in leather gloves. His helmet is round, with a facegaurd that slants outward until the nose, then back inward until the chin, where it ends slightly below. The mask is formed to the dimensions of the face (Rather than protruding like a beak), and a slight visor sits above the eye slits. At the point where the mask connects to the helmet, there are a pair of small carved wings pointed towards the back of the helmet. James wields a Steel Hand-and-a-Half Sword, with an intricately carved handle, and a Steel Shield bearing his family crest, which depicts are Lion and Wolf facing opposite directions, standing before them is a shield emblazoned with a picture of a sword. The crest represents a Knights responsibility to his kingdom. Out of battle, James wears a thin leather Jerkin of common clothes, and typically dons a cloak as well. Appearance: (http:-//i.imgur-.com/-pcPdMAd-.jpg, Note that James's eyes are blue, rather than the hazel in the picture.) James is 6'2" of an athletic build. (The picture captures most of it, so if I need more just let me know.) Personality: Your character's personality. James has a well-developed sense of honor, and a strong belief in Mercy. He's quite sociable, and is fiercely loyal to his friends, willing to defend those close to him at any cost. Bio: James was born to a family with a proud lineage of Knighthood. This lead to his high regard for honor, and his skill at arms. His Father was lost to him in the conflict over the Sapphire Rose, and his estate burned in the fighting. He spent the rest of his young life in relative poverty, though not as bad as most. What little training had he received earned him a place in several Mercenary companies, but the nature of the companies often conflicted with his morals, and as soon as he could stand on his own earnings, he left the business permanently. The experience forced him to choke down his pride on more than one occasion, and he often had to suppress his moral inclinations, scarring him permanently. Other 1: Feels bound to help whenever he can. Other 2: Sympathizes with the Rawulf Monk.
#126240481Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:23 AM GMT

(Hm, that knight looks very simmilar to a Space Marine I know... :P It'll probably get accepted. More than likely, you won't be allowed to have better-than-normal starting gear, like you described in the charactersheet, unless you sacrifice all your starting and bonus gold(from having a good CS) for it. ) Syvia sits around, impatiently waiting for breakfast to be served. She fidgits with her hair, and shifting in her seat frequently. It seems like she's unable to sit still right now. "Hmph... For all my training to be patient, I can't stand waiting for what I know is coming!" She crosses her arms over her chest with another 'hmph.' "It's unbearable~"
#126243368Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:53 AM GMT

(My starting gear is better than normal? I went out of the way to make it plain, but still knightly.)
#126244054Thursday, February 20, 2014 4:01 AM GMT

(Sorry. School and all. Oh, and DAAAANG it! I want to make ANOTHER character! I just want it to be my right combination... I'm sorry for the constant destroyals of chars. And such. I'm still gonna get my guy to serve you breakfast.) I come with the food, and serve everyone.
#126244536Thursday, February 20, 2014 4:06 AM GMT

(Yeah pirate. Unless you start with no pocket money, characters are supposed to have simple weapons.. Copper, not-so-great armor, ect. It's all in the original post.)
#126253597Thursday, February 20, 2014 6:55 AM GMT

(@Pirate: Two things wrong.) (#1: I don't accept pictures as a description. I'm sorry but I've never accepted them because I want players to actually describe the character to the best of their ability, without needing to use a picture. I'm sorry but it can easily come off as a Roleplayer being lazy, which obviously isn't the case with you, seeing as how much detail you've already added in the char sheet. This is also for the fact that people could assume that you just "ripped off" a design if you use a picture as a way to describe character appearance.) (#2: Every player starts with starter equipment materials, as stated in the Q&A section of the thread. Starter equipment materials are the first material in the list of materials in the guide.) (Please correct these minor details.)
#126253799Thursday, February 20, 2014 7:03 AM GMT

(Also, there's one other thing I forgot to mention. As he's only 24(much like everyone else in the RP, o_O), he wouldn't have been around during the war for the Sapphire Rose, as it occurred over 200 years ago. Sorry 'bout that.)
#126263341Thursday, February 20, 2014 1:13 PM GMT

(Yeah I used to have a description I could copy paste, but then I found that image and was shocked at how close it was to what I was describing. Well seeing as all the important parts of my CS are out of order I can't see myself re-writing that entire thing. Sorry.)
#126432091Saturday, February 22, 2014 9:36 AM GMT

(You don't have to re-write the entire thing, just what counts, namely the error in the bio, the error in the material of his equipment, and add a description for appearance, as pictures won't be accepted.) (That's if you're still wanting to join, your post made it unclear on if you decided you didn't want to join or if you still wanted to.)